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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Honestly. You should really wish you hadn't. Thanks, but no thanks man. I have a good idea of who you are working with. And I know what you are doing... You better kill me tonight before I expose you tomorrow.
  2. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Thank you! Honestly, it is something I had considered before that game began (again, in particular the targeting of HRG). But I really did figure that it would be useless at this point b/c people expect that kind of play from me. And now... well... people expect that kind of play from me, just as I had expected Edit: It's a beautiful frame-up, I gotta give it to Itachi or CL. S/He did well. And I will be happy to take the shot since there are much more effective Heroes in this group. My biggest worry was getting taken by Sylar. Edit2: Ya know... it's funny. All the baddies are always terrified that Ysan is a goodie, and at the same time it seems that all the goodies are terrified that I could be a baddie. Where's Surge when you need him?
  3. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Wow, Frost, if this gets too crazy can I just call a no-contest so that we don't have to wait too long? BTW, I will need a saving role to take care of me after you people hang me out to dry Edit: NVM, I was just thinking... that means GC would also have to plead no contest, which I doubt will happen since he is guaranteed to die in the next night post if he doesn't convince Hiro otherwise. Edit2: BTW, (I truly mean this in the most complimentary way) I am so... happy, that everyone is so analytical and able to critique so deeply into this game. This crowd is truly unlike anything in the early days of mafia. I can't stand it!
  4. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    OK, my painfully obvious hint has been posted. I hope it doesn't scare anyone Edit: It should take effect soon Edit2: On 2nd thought... I don't wanna do it. I have never made that change before, and I don't plan on ever doing it. So... how else to defend myself......................... Well, it's day one, and due to the outcome of last night's events, I really have no way to prove my identity. Therefore I cannot make a case to save myself, however, I can make other accusations... I just doubt they will be as effective as the evidence against myself. Edit3: Well, if I do get lynched, at least I won't die. I just hate that I wouldn't be able to use the ability for the 2nd night in a row (not that it would have helped the first night anyway)
  5. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    I thought that might happen. I had to CTRL+X and abandon what I was writing so that I could respond to Sinistral and get the current lynch roster. Sorry that it looked suspicious for that 5secs of in-between time Thanks! Hopefully spilling my guts about what my strategy would have been will help clear me
  6. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Darn, you all went for exactly what I was thinking when I read the post. *When I read the night post I thought "Wow, why me? I SURELY would have gone after Candice or HRG on night one (most likely HRG since the Haitian would have ABSOLUTELY no effect on him). But no, the Haitian targeted me instead. I can come out with my role if I need to, especially now that Sylar is dead, I have very little to fear. Lets just say... the Haitian's action had no negative effects on me. AND I am NOT a company member Can you get it based on that? You should........... Here, I'll prepare another hint for you all It will be up soon That said, I need to cast my vote... Host: Mohinder Suresh 1) Brandonb - voting for Itachi 2) Kathleen 3) Sweetness Kat - voting for Bb 4) Puzzlegirl 5) Prince Marth 6) Sinistral - voting for Bb 7) Slick2 8) Crazypainter 9) Itachi - voting for Bb 10) Prof. Templeton 11) Impervious 12) Akaslickster – DEAD[sylar] 13) Yoruichi-san 14) Grey Cells 15) Joe's Student Please take note: This is not a revenge vote... it's just that I truly cannot believe that Itachi, Ysan, AND myself are all on the same side. But this also doesn't account for CL, who would be my 2nd choice. Edit: Also in a response to an earlier post. Yeah, the company can kill Ted IF the Haitian AND HRG attack him together. Ted is not totally immortal. The company must double up to kill him, and the same with Sylar, he must double up. And since Ysan is now confirmed, I cannot imagine us lynching her and killing her (unless the company gained a majority).
  7. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    NOOOOO HAITIAN!!!!! Wow, Sylar was the human wrecking ball! So much potential... Thank you Peter! Now all we have to worry about is the company
  8. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    well, if/whoever dies tonight can fill in the missing spots... so long as it's not anyone with btsc Edit: like whoever Sylar kills then it's not so bad if you get your brains exposed on night 1
  9. Wow, I had to go back and check that! It really was pretty close SK. I'm pretty sure SK was outed on the first post of night 3 and died in the night 4 post. 3N,3D,4N then died before seeing 4D so she lived through 3 cycles before dying. In M4F14, I was outed on day 1 and died on night 3. 1D,2N,2D,3N then died before seeing 3D, so I lived through 4 cycles. Whew, I still maintain the belt by 1 day cycle Though sharing the title wouldn't be so bad
  10. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Excellent. There is a good chance that ou will be replacing FIF. Of course, this is all up to Frost, so we'll just have to wait and see.
  11. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    My guess... unfortunately is somewhere around 5:00 EST since Frost is at school for most of the day and he will need time to write some stuff. Then we can get this game REALLY started! BTW, who is the backup? Edit:Eastern Edit2: To PG, that sounds about right. I figure that he won't be getting up so early. However, if we can get our PMs in earlier, then maybe he could put of the night post late Friday night instead of early saturday.
  12. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Hey man, that's not cool. you will be replaced if you can't be decently active
  13. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    You really are too sweet
  14. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    No worries PG, you're gonna be lynched on day 1 as usual so it's no big deal
  15. Brandonb

    oh well it was worth a try. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
  16. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    No problem, and thank you to everyone that has commented so far! I hope this lives up to your expectations! And yeah, we started on the rules first thing, bouncing ideas back and forth for days trying to poke holes in them. Which we did, we found alot of problems, massive gaping Mafia I type problems (sorry UR ) and once we got all that straight... trying to write the story to fit the rules we came up with was nasty. Sorry if it's not totally epic and abiding to the original Heroes story line. Lets just say, Mohinder Suresh was actually a character until about 1:00 today Even though he's the narrator in the show, we never planned on using him as the host until Frost and I started working on the story
  17. Brandonb

    Hey, I was wondering if it is possible to enable unlimited post editing in only the games forum? I understand that it's a necessity for puzzles so that the OP doesn't constantly change, but it would help immensely for rule tweaks in the games, plus I don't think it would hurt the games if the other posters could edit. What do you think? Edit: and if it could only apply to the thread creator (though not necessarily) then I cannot imagine any problems at all.
  18. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    you got it!!! Behind The Scenes Contact (they can PM eachother) Edit: Wow, beat me to it... TWICE OVER!
  19. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Yes, he is the man in the horn-rimmed glasses. Remember, this is season 1, and for most of season 1 HRG was viewed as a bad guy because he was working with the company to "bag and tag" people with abilities.
  20. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    You got it! They have something comparable to a ninja/defender+masked-lover type of relationship (of course I am relating it to the roles of older mafia games and am not referring to anything incestuous ) Yeah, the only way to kill Claire is to have HRG killed first. If Claire is lynched, then she does not have the invulnerability to save someone else, however, HRG will still protect her. Edit: Spelling
  21. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    yeah... but there's an exception to that rule also... but we'll just leave that as a surprise if it happens, or if someone can figure it out for themselves We've really been working on this alot to make the roles interact correctly. The possibilities are astounding... mainly in the way that interactions happen with Peter... it can be quite complicated, but I think we have mapped out the results of just about every possible scenario. Also, don't forget about Hiro. His abilities are gonna put a sick twist in this game. If my predictions are correct, the lynchings are going to involve heavy discussion about who is going to be injected with the serum, AND whether or not Hiro should retract his kill .
  22. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    The virus/serum. The thing that is used in the lynch. This is important b/c the serum does not kill the person that is lynched, unless they get injected a 2nd time.
  23. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Hey DL... Mind saving me tonight? Also, a reminder about Peter... Peter reflects all abilities back at people. So if he is attacked, he will die (unless he's also being saved), but he will also kill his attacker (unless the attacker is being saved of course). EXCEPT if attacked by HRG. HRG has no ability to reflect, so he gets a clean kill on Peter (again, unless someone else tries to save Peter). Also, HRG does not add to Peter's '3 count'
  24. Brandonb

    Heroes: Season 1

    Thanks. It was very difficult to make them all fit together with the abilities, and make a story that would bring them all together, and give frost an appropriate role title instead of "They met because A Super Powered Host God Penguin decreed it"
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