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Everything posted by Brandonb
Assuming you are the Warrior.... the Jumpers cannot win unless you kill CP.
Of course not. It seems that you tried to kill me on night one so I doubt you ever trusted me But just plan your moves. The FA wins tonight if she gets the correct roster.
Now that is a lie. Yeah, the Mercenary appears to be a random jumper as the Y/Y's said, but he can also swap that ability at night in order to save a paladin. But the FA is an INDEPENDENT role with its own win condition, which is to fill the roster. The only hope for the Jumpers now is to take out the FA so that she does not win in the morning.
Well... I guess it can't hurt now to inform the Warrior that the FA wins if they get the entire roster of roles+IDs. If the few other remaining people out themselves then the FA will win tonight. Actually, the FA is close to guaranteed the win in the day post if she doesn't die tonight (b/c her spy ability will reveal info when the day comes).
<_< Well, yeah. I don't know who star_tiger is... but it may be best if Frost blew up both him/her and reaymond. I think it may be in our best interest if he did.
Can I add something too? Now we're just missing beetlejuice
Whoa whoa whoa! I am not the mercenary. OK, I cannot say what I can do or who I am. But I can kinda fly under the radar of my description pitfall, and say that my role can see what everyone else does not know. I may not disclose any of the stuff that none of you know or out anyone using what I know, or else I will die, and I may or may not be able to do what dawh had suggested that I did. All I can do is match up what I see with what I know, and try to steer people in the right direction. I hope that's discrete enough for me to not die, and I hope it's clear enough for you to understand who I am. As for what Dawh and FIF have said about themselves... that is not how it works. They are not truthful about their descriptions, and the proof is that they are not willing to vote for the confirmed (by other people, not myself) paladin, and instead are trying to take me down for steering the vote in their direction. I hope this helps, and I hope its enough to not die for disclosing too much If I need to disclose more then I will, but I will die in the following day/night post if I do (which may be necessary to prevent one of the independent roles from winning tomorrow).
My thoughts exactly, which is why I wrote the following message yesterday. Now I wish I had posted it then, b/c I think you are confirming it. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sure. You are suspicious b/c you have been deliberately minimizing everything that you do. You are not participating at all in this game thread, which means that you more than likely are doing something outside the thread, like constantly PMing with the other Paladins. Even the very few posts that you have made contain nothing more than statements like There is nothing to your posts. You may as well be typing random letters into your posts since all you are trying to do is lay under the radar like a good little paladin and not get booted for inactivity. Your deliberate inactivity is what makes you suspicious. And looking at the posts that you actually did make... you can't even claim that you were physically inactive b/c of school, you were deliberately avoiding any contribution to figuring out who the Paladins are. Just like as if you had made a statement that was highly suspect in which you cannot take back, you have failed to make any statements at all to contribute to our fight against the paladins and you cannot take your lack of substance back. You cannot now suddenly pretend to rejoin the ranks of the real jumpers, when you have already botched 8 days of activity. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- About the paramedic thing. I am obviously not the Paramedic. The fact that you are accusing me of this, and having known this little bit of info from Day 1 without sharing it just helps to prove that you are just trying to save your paladin buddy. Oh, and BTW. Has no one else figured out CP's objective yet? I'm just glad that Dawh is lying, otherwise she would have possibly won the game today.
You forgot FIF's vote. Host: unreality 1) Reaymond 2) Kathleen - voting for Frozen 3) star_tiger - voting for Frozen 4) Frost - voting for Frozen 5) Brandonb - voting for Frozen 6) Dawh 7) Joe's Student 8) foolonthehill - voting for Reaymond 9) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [Messenger] Killed by Crusader 10) itachi-san - DEAD [Reflex] Sacrificed self to save Crazypainter 11) Frozen_in_fire - voting for Reaymond 12) crazypainter - voting for Reaymond 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 - voting for Reaymond 15) Prince_Marth85 - DEAD [shepherd] Lynched 16) woon - voting for Frozen 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched
Something is not right, and we are not going to learn anything unless we press. The Warrior can take out Reaymond tonight. Host: unreality 1) Reaymond 2) Kathleen - voting for Reaymond 3) star_tiger - voting for Frozen 4) Frost - voting for Frozen 5) Brandonb - voting for Frozen 6) Dawh 7) Joe's Student 8) foolonthehill - voting for Reaymond 9) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [Messenger] Killed by Crusader 10) itachi-san - DEAD [Reflex] Sacrificed self to save Crazypainter 11) Frozen_in_fire 12) crazypainter - voting for Reaymond 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 - voting for Reaymond 15) Prince_Marth85 - DEAD [shepherd] Lynched 16) woon - voting for Frozen 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched
No kidding! It looks like you drew and quashed a total of 5 potential kills! As for the vote, I gotta go for Reaymond. But I do want to know what is up with Mr. 3 posts. (FIF has made 3 posts during the entirety of this game [aside from his 3 votes]). And saying that it was b/c of school? I gotta call BS on that one. B/c those three posts that he made had zero content... nothing, at all.
Yeah... I dms can't be a paladin since he outed another paladin However, there are a few things that do not add up. - If dms was telling the truth (that he was watching Mekal last night, and saw Marth visit him... even though Marth had no ability) then that means that he also must have seen the Cardinal visit Mekal. This means that dms is either protecting the cardinal, or he was lying about knowing who mekal was, and just happened to get lucky. It seems very likely that dms could be the Rogue, and wins by having certain people lynched. As you can see, dms was very adamant earlier in saying that he checked mekal, and that he got to see all the actions that were taken against mekal. Now he says that he was actually checking Marth... well, either he is lying and he got very very lucky in pointing him out as a Paladin, or he... nvm I have no way to justify anything contrary to him getting lucky... Plus it seems odd to me that dms is acting like such a noob about some of the topics and not understanding his role and stuff. Yet, he was contemplating the idea of Marth having had an action manipulating ability used against him to take action against Mekal. THat doesn't sound like the ideas of a noob... It's really not adding up dms. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have Marth dead... and I think we have bigger fish to fry than dms (who seems to just need to vote out certain people). But it may not be a terrible idea for the Warrior to take out dms tonight if s/he has no better targets in mind. Edit: and I agree with Itachi. Kat and Reaymond are high on my radar as being Paladins.
Marth is long past dead at this point, can we get on with the day post and learn what is going on? The only thing that makes sense with DMS's claim that only one person visited Mekal, is that Marth must be the cardinal because the cardinal visited Mekal in the night post and killed him. Whatever, lets get this road on the show! (wow, haven't thrown that out there since Mafia IV'ish ) Edit:clarity
So again I ask "DMS, can you see all the night actions for everyone? Or just the actions of the person that you choose?" This is really important. B/c if Marth is who he is claiming to be, then... I really have no idea what will happen if we lynch him but I don't want to lose another jumper.
Sweet! So if Marth attacked on night 2, then who attacked on night 1?
Well, there's one thing that I don't get. dms said that Marth was the only one that took action against Mekal last night. But I thought the Paladins attacked as a group like the Mafia? DMS, can you see all the night actions for everyone? Or just the actions of the person that you choose? Your observation isn't quite adding up to me. As for Marth, I think I get what you are trying to say... I may change my vote for you depending on dms's answer
I dunno about dms yet. He really did just kinda throw out a "just trust me" statement. Usually, if I have a discovery role, I tend to hold on to my info until I can get enough to make a difference and to prove myself. dms seems like he could be running the QA strategy (as Dawh suggested earlier). I'm not totally sure what to make of it, but then again, aside from woon, Marth seems to be as likely a candidate as any <_< . 1) Reaymond - voting for Itachi 2) Kathleen - voting for Itachi 3) star_tiger 4) Frost - voting for Prince_Marth85 5) Brandonb - voting for Prince_Marth85 6) Dawh - voting for Itachi 7) Joe's Student - voting for Prince_Marth85 8) Foolonthehill - voting for crazypainter 9) Puzzlegirl - voting for Itachi 10) Itachi-san - voting for Prince_Marth85 11) Frozen_in_fire 12) crazypainter - voting for Prince_Marth85 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 - voting for Prince_Marth85 15) Prince_Marth85 16) woon 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched
Seriously, why do you think? I wasn't satisfied with either of them. Hence the 'Eeny Meeny...' Edit: clarification
Normally, Itachi and I are at eachothers' throats at this point, but since no one has come out to refute the role that Itachi is claiming (plus there is really nothing to throw at him aside from Frost's claims)... I will not vote against him yet. Well, JS is obviously not a role with a spy ability, that we can be sure of. <_< I'm thinking he could very well be a paladin since he keeps pushing the vote against me, knowing that I have a history of easy bandwagoning against me. So I would be the easiest to take out in a vote without wasting a kill at night. Of course I can't be sure of that either, since he may just be paranoid. So... I wasn't very satisfied with woon's defense yesterday. It seemed like he more-or-less just crossed his fingers and hoped that the vote changed. Host: unreality 1) Reaymond - voting for Itachi 2) Kathleen 3) star_tiger 4) Frost - voting for Itachi 5) Brandonb - voting for woon 6) Dawh 7) Joe's Student - voting for Brandonb 8) Foolonthehill 9) Puzzlegirl - voting for Itachi 10) Itachi-san 11) Frozen_in_fire 12) crazypainter - voting for woon 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 - voting for Prince_Marth85 15) Prince_Marth85 16) woon 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched
c'mon... no night post yet? this is killing me. Hopefully there will be something to go on in the night post... and hopefully I don't die I'd hate to be out before trying to make up for lynching someone that tried to save me <_<
Nice! Sounds good to me!
Noooooo! I've killed the person that was trying to save me! I'm so sorry Tal!
Good point. It could even be an objective (if they are one of the independents)... Though i doubt it.
Wow, all I can say is that you are terrified of me . What did I do? I haven't done anything, and just b/c my name was mentioned in the night post you are hounding me. I can't figure if it's because you are a Paladin and therefore naturally against me, or if you are a fellow jumper and just paranoid. And what's wrong with "eeny meeny miney mo"? There's nothing to go on right now... in fact, looking at the night post it seems that I am the most suspicious character here. However, I'm not going to vote for myself . The fact is that I am a jumper, and I have no idea who to vote for? As for being the "strong advocate for discussion in Mafia games" that's because I am normally the one under the knife for day 1 . No worries, I'll probably be up for the lynch tomorrow. Edit: And I really don't care between woon or taliesin... I don't have a clue about too much right now.