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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Yeah, previous page... I made a post with all of the actions.
  2. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Oh, I thought you knew all of the unsided players by cycle 2.
  3. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Yeah, you knew both Claire and HRG by what... cycle 2?
  4. Brandonb

    Princess Bride Mafia

    b/c I have been inactive . I see it as a completely valid reason to vote for me. Who knows, I could be a baddie trying to lay low... OR I could be an innocent that somehow got signed up for 3 different games at once ! sorry
  5. Brandonb

    Princess Bride Mafia

    I think I believe CL on this one. Host: S. Morgenstern Akaslickster- voting for prof. Templeton Itachi-san - voting for Akaslickster Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts) Brandonb - voting for prof. Templeton Frozen_in_Fire CrazyPainter Woon - voting for Akaslickster Mekal - voting for Akaslickster Cherry Lane - voting for Prof Templeton Prof. Templeton - voting for Akaslickster Yoruichi-san – revealed as Fezzik (safe for today, but cannot vote because she is still unconscious) DMS172 - voting for Akaslickster star_tiger - voting for Akaslickster
  6. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Well, as you could see at the end of the game, it really paid off to know who the roles were on the other team so that you could organize your strategy around them (who is saving who, who was saved last night, etc). Claire is a great draft b/c she is the most likely to be alive at the end of the game. Isaac is a great draft b/c he knew over half of the roles the day before he died, plus he gets to find out who the saving roles choose, which would allow a team a near 100% kill chance. And Matt is the easiest to draft since his target is informed that they were spied. He also provides choice intel that could lead to a variety of good stuff, however, he dies easy. Then it's also a great idea to draft the MIAs so you can coordinate with them. This would have been a very different game if Ysan had been able to coordinate with her team, or if Mekal could have structured his attacks to go with the Heroes. Personally, I wouldn't be quite as worried about drafting the Spy/Matt as I would be about drafting Isaac. He may not have choice info, but he has the most info. And knowing the dead roles can be just as helpful knowing who is alive. I know you, and others, are putting alot of emphasis on claire, but she really wouldn't be the end-all choice of this game if people knew who they were killing. Seriously, the idea for the double-source kill to override the Linderman revival was placed there just so HRG would not be able to come back and make claire re-invincible. She's just as important to draft as any-other role, but the key to this game is info. And the Heroes had slightly more than the Company, so they won in the end.
  7. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Oh wow, I completely forgot to post the actions! (Individual actions are listed. Collective successful actions are in orange)
  8. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    The Nightmare Becomes Reality It was too late for the Company, the Heroes were surely going to win the war. However, there was a price for their victory, there was going to be a bloodbath coming… and only one person was going to survive. These terrible events, these two sides pitted against eachother… there was nothing to be gained, only bloodshed. Riding in the back of her car, as her chauffeur was driving through a tunnel late at night, the droning sound of her engine hollowly echoing off the tunnel walls and through the sunroof… She snapped out of her subconscious haze as her car exited the end of the tunnel. Everything she had just seen… it seemed so real. Though of course, this was her ability. Seeing the future is what she does, so it didn’t even cross her mind as being odd. There was only one thing on Mrs. Petrelli’s mind… she had to stop the events she had just seen in her precognitive state. She had seen all of the events happening right that moment at the train yard, and on to 6 days into the future. It was too late to stop the events taking place at the trainyard, but if she could only get to her house. There was something there that she needed, it was her only chance to prevent this baffling loss of life that she had seen. Mrs. Petrelli ordered her driver to take her to her residence in NY. It was late, too late for parking enforcement to be around. She told her driver to just parallel park on the side of the street and leave the car running, she wouldn’t take long inside. As soon as the car came to a stop, she opened up the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk and into the snow flurries. As Mrs. Petrelli stood up, she turned and looked to see a little girl walking down the sidewalk. She was holding her mothers hand on one side, and a balloon in her other hand. The little girl dressed in a little pink jacket looked up to see the snow flurries filling the night skies over her head… Intro The Nightmare Begins A Dark Cold-Blooded Night We Still Have Plans For You... Attacking Blindly Blind Intuition Breaking Point Great job everyone! Thanks for playing and I hope you all enjoyed it! Many revisions for Part 2 have already been made but the game may not start for some time. If you have any additional suggestions, or any ideas for what the Unsideds can do that would parallel the RIE, please let me know. Thanks again to Ysan for writing the "Breaking Point" post, and to Frost for Helping me write the first two posts (he was isaac so he knew what was coming ), and to UR for helping me with the RIE, and to everyone who played!
  9. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    OK, I have run through the options and I also received the actions from the Heroes. Well played Company! And Congrats on the win Heroes! Post coming soon!
  10. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Breaking Point The moon hanging in the clear sky was expansive and blood red. Below, on the frosted streets, braving the frigid wind, two groups of huddled, dark forms were marching purposely towards the plaza from opposite directions. The square was outlined by rows of stolid trees. In the middle of the plaza sat a statue, a tall wavy form which had at the top two sculpted and painted green eyes. These shifty eyes were eager to watch the night’s events unfold. Sitting below the statue on opposing sides were two blonde women. Both were excited at the prospect of finally meeting up with their true loves tonight. Both were somewhat annoyed at having to endure the solitary wait for so long. Niki flexed her fingers and stretched her neck. Elle twirled her fingers, allowing the electricity to shoot between them. And both were ready to fight. The first to reach the plaza from the Company was CP. The red moonlight reflected off her eyes and highlighted the fire for battle that was in them. She was seriously hankering to kick some Heroes behinds. But at seeing no one there, her face molded into a pout of disappointment. As she turned around to walk back to meet her group, three shadowy figures sprung out at her. One grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her. The other two approached her from behind. As CP struggled, smile emerged on her lips. This was what she had been waiting for. CP flung her head back, knocking into the head of the attacker behind her, who let go of her arms. Then she leapt forward at one of her other attackers, and succeeded in getting a hold around his neck. Just as she was about to squeeze the life out of him, the third attacker grappled her to the ground. When CP’s head hit the cement it made a sickening cracking sound. Then she ceased to move. The Heroes pulled themselves up. The fight had taken a lot out of them, and the night was just beginning. They spread themselves out again to search for the other Company members. DL headed towards the statue in the center of the plaza, remembering that he had a date to keep with his true love, Niki. Seeing DL, Niki jumped up and ran towards him. Meanwhile, Elle had gotten bored of waiting. She had been waiting for too long. Noticing the motion of the shadows caused by the brawl, she got up and stomped towards it. On her way, she saw the figure of Niki running away from her. “Her!” Elle cried. “She’s supposed to be dead! Like twice over!” She held her hands up and electric currents sparked around them. Furious, Elle lunged at Niki, intending to fry her opponent. Just as Elle was about to wrapped her high-voltage arms around Niki, Niki and DL reached each other and embraced each other in their arms. Elle’s arms went through Niki’s body. She cursed. Foiled again! Intensely jealous at the public display of affection and angry at having been left alone for so long, Elle turned and huffed away. Seeing her leave, DL let off his power. Reluctantly, he pulled back from Niki’s embrace. He smiled at her. There was time for this later. There was more work to be done now. He reached out to take her hand, when…BANG! DL slumped into Niki’s arms. Back at the dark corner of the plaza where CP’s body lay, a white-haired gentlemen stepped out of the darkness. He looked down at CP’s body with disappointment. Looks like his services were needed. He knelt down by the body and cradled her head in his hands, letting his power of healing flow into her. In the center of the plaza, a few feet away from Niki and DL, a man lurked in the shadows, holding a smoking gun. He stepped out of the shadows, revealing a pair of horn rimmed glasses. Yes, it was HRG, and he was here to kill SomeGuy. The smile of satisfaction melted off his lips as he realized what had occurred. His aim had been true, as always, but in front of SomeGuy stood a blonde teenager in a cheerleading uniform. “Cclaire?” he choked in surprise. “What are you doing here?” “Sorry, dad,” Claire paused to cough up the bullet, which fell to the ground with a metallic clank. “I can’t let you do it.” Having just finished up with CP, Limeliam walked towards the commotion. A father-daughter quarrel, how sad. Perhaps he could use his years of experience to mediate. Perhaps he could offer them some of his famous home-made pot pie. Not realizing SomeGuy had just fainted, Niki was livid with anger. She howled in pain and lurched at the nearest target…the white haired old gentlemen who just happened to be walking past her. She grabbed him by the neck and pounded her fist into his head. Taken by surprise, Limeliam could do nothing except watch the world turn into slow motion as Niki’s super-powered blow crushed his skull. At the last moments, he remembered that he forgot to take the pot pie out of the oven. What a waste… Seeing Linderman fall, HRG forded a hasty retreat, but not before giving his baby girl one last look. Sadness and betrayal filled his usually calm eyes. Claire turned away, unable to return his gaze. Across the plaza, Elle shot electricity randomly in every direction, tears streaming down her eyes. All she had ever wanted was to be loved. The electricity hit one of the trees, lighting it on fire. Then a figure appeared amidst the flames, and walked slowly through the fire and towards Elle. CP and HRG met up somewhere around the middle of the plaza. There had been many casualties, but the night wouldn’t be a total loss if they finally managed to find the recruit they’d been looking for for the last several days. They caught sight of the yellow-orange glow from the fire. That had to her. Temper, temper… Peter held out his arms as he approached her. “It’s okay,” he whispered in her ear. “It will all be over soon.” Elle allowed him to envelop her in his arms. The electricity in her body was running wild. As he held her, her heart beat faster and the electric currents through her body glowed brighter. The electricity flowing through her heart increased and increased and increased, until…*snap*…short circuit. Kneeling down, Peter tenderly laid the lifeless body of Elle on the ground. He just gazed at her angel-like face with his sad eyes for several moments. Then he blinked and stood up…to be grabbed from behind by CP and HRG. They were furious that he had just killed off the recruit they had spent so much time and effort trying to find. “Son,” CP said, shaking her head. “I’m afraid you’re grounded.” Marth pulled out his gun and shot him straight in the head. The Company 1) Marth [hrG] 2) Crazy Painter 3) Impervious 4) limeliam 5) FIF The Unsided 1) Y-san 2) Frost 3) Kathleen 4) dms_172 5) Mekal The Heroes 1) Itachi 2) Sinistral 3) reaymond 4) star_tiger 5) SomeGuy The new Cycle begins now! Ends in about 20.5hrs. Intro The Nightmare Begins A Dark Cold-Blooded Night We Still Have Plans For You... Attacking Blindly Blind Intuition This Post is compliments of Ysan! She wrote the whole thing... you know I couldn't write that well
  11. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    10mins to send in your final actions Heroes.
  12. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Just over an hour remaining... Just waiting on the Heroes now.
  13. Brandonb

    Princess Bride Mafia

    So I guess this means that we don't get to put any type of squeeze on Mekal. Blah, I guess we can call it a day then if everyone is not going to change their votes. And if someone does, then just count my vote towards Ysan since it's too late to hear from Mekal now anyway <_<
  14. Brandonb

    Princess Bride Mafia

    Host: S. Morgenstern Akaslickster Itachi-san - voting for Mekal Prince_Marth85 – dead (killed by Roberts) Brandonb - voting for Mekal Frozen_in_Fire CrazyPainter voting for Mekal Woon Mekal Cherry Lane - voting for Yoruichi-san Prof. Templeton - voting for Yoruichi-san Yoruichi-san - voting for Yoruichi-san Dms172 - voting for Yoruichi-san Star_Tiger - voting for Mekal just b/c I want to learn something today and not allow it to be a total waste.
  15. Sweet. I call Hidan!!! Oh wait... nvm, I call anyone but Hidan!!!
  16. Brandonb

    Aww, sure it was slow paced... but if we hadn't seen the past then we would be asking why Mr. Petrelli was a bad guy. So I think that was kinda necessary. However, the un-demonizing of Sylar and Linderman was completely inappropriate. It reminds me of Spiderman 3 where the badguys (*coughsandman, *coughgoblin) weren't really bad, they were just misunderstood <_< It kills the whole story. Now as for the [rant] post, I love that That tag should make the text look red and fiery
  17. Brandonb

    First, the “pollution theory” suggests that the increase in the earth’s temperature is created by the pollutants of man; that global warming is created by the carbon dioxide emissions we are dumping into the atmosphere. The other theory, which I will call the “sun theory”, suggests that global warming is being caused by the sun, because it is inconsistent in the intensity of the radiation it sends to earth. Now which one of these is the true cause of global warming? There is a lot of evidence to support both. Some research supports the theory that man is creating global warming. For instance, I recently watched Al Gore’s documentary “Global Warming: An Inconvenient Truth.” In that film, he presents a lot of valid information showing that, through time, an increase carbon dioxide has a direct correlation with the increase in global temperatures. The bulk of his information was gathered through the testing of glacier ice in the arctic. To gather that research, scientists bore deep into the ice and remove sections that date back thousands of years. They are then able to take samplings of the trapped CO2 in the ice, and at the same time make a very accurate determination of when the ice was formed. Gore’s data shows that dating back thousands of years, during warming periods, an increase in carbon dioxide is evident. It also shows a decrease in carbon dioxide during all of the Earth’s known ice ages. When compared graphically, the two parallel each other, and there is plenty of data to back it up. Gore also goes into how man has been dumping a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which does prove to be about 3% of the atmosphere’s total carbon dioxide content. Now, overall, this is only three percent, but the pollution theory says that it is having a drastic impact on our climate change, and dire consequences with fall upon us if we do not learn to lower our emissions. Research on the sun has revealed inconsistencies in sun activity. There are cycles of warming and cooling which is influencing the Earth’s temperature. When longitudinal data of sun activity is compared to glacier ice records, it is also graphically identical to warming and cooling periods, just like the carbon dioxide. This theory does not deny that increases in carbon dioxide are evident when the earth gets warmer, nor that that there is a decrease in CO2 when the ice ages occurred. * However, it points out that there is no known cause of pollutants that could create a rise in carbon dioxide content back when these ancient warming periods occurred (though volcanic activity can be speculated on). The sun theory suggests that it is not the CO2 that increases the temperature, but rather the increase in sun activity causes an increase in temperature, and an increase in the CO2 content of our atmosphere is actually a result, not the cause. Our current increase in sun activity has been studied in a recent NASA survey of Mars and chronicled in National Geographic Magazine. Though surface photos of Mars show no water, it is presumed that there are underground springs, and in fact there are ice caps on the mountains. These ice caps are speculated to be either frozen water or frozen CO2. Either way, this NASA investigation has shown that the icecaps have been melting, at the same rate that earth’s temperature has been increasing. Now, there is no way our carbon dioxide could make it to mars, so the only explanation that they have come up with is that the sun’s intensity is causing the icecaps to melt. With that taken into play, Earth’s increase in temperature in relation to the sun’s activity, seems a much more plausible cause of global warming than man pouring carbon dioxide into the atmosphere – especially when one considers that since the Industrial Revolution, or more specifically the past one hundred years, when all the temperatures are averaged together, the earth’s temperature has only increased one degree. So I'm gonna have to fall on the side of... man-made global warming is a load of BS that is an incredibly effective wealth confiscation and redistribution technique... but I won't go into that right now
  18. Brandonb

    Princess Bride Mafia

    Yeah, no knowledge can be gained from this day now... <_<
  19. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Ho hum... No action taken by the Heroes tonight... and no attacks by the Company so... no post... <_< ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Cycle 5 begins now..... see you all tomorrow.
  20. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    I think there's something I may not have mentioned earlier. From the beginning, in order to encourage the use of the RIE I decided not to place any info into the posts (aside from Ted being outed if he is attacked) This means that all roles, saving or otherwise, are written in the 3rd person as it relates to someone else. Whether or not someone saved someone else, or saved themselves, a separate character would save that person... no one would ever be written as saving him/her self. I am not disclosing whether this has happened or not, but I went back through the rules and saw that it had never been mentioned. So keep in mind that what you may think had been ruled out... may not have been.
  21. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Blind Intuition Another cold night… HRG heads to his target’s house and peers in the window. “Ah, there he is, watching TV.” HRG thought to himself as he circled back around to the back door. Quietly he crept into the house, but unknown to him, Sinistal had positioned a glass bottle on top of the back door handle. A second after HRG had opened the door there was a loud CRASH as the bottle shattered onto the tile floors. Having lost the element of surprise, HRG sprinted through the house to try and get his kill on Sinistral before he could make it out the front door. But it was no use, someone else was in the house… maybe in the bathroom when HRG was looking in through the window. Bye the time HRG had made it to the room where Sinistral had been, he was gone. Someone had grabbed Sinistral and phased with him right through the wall and off to hide somewhere they would never be found. So HRG put up his gun, and went back to the headquarters. HRG met back up with the other Company Agents. They discussed a risky plan to take out Itachi head-on and just suffer the consequences or their decision tomorrow. They were going to take him out at all costs. They headed to Itachi’s apartment, and busted down his door. Raided the house without a thought, and began to hit him with everything they had. Itachi became enraged and let out a vibrant radioactive blast… but it was cut short. A bullet to the head, plus various other attacks, overwhelmed him and he fell to the floor lifeless. The company had done it… but they were all contaminated with radiation poisoning, and some were very badly burned… So bad that they knew there was no way they could kill again tomorrow… but they felt that it was worth it. Hearing of this, the remaining Heroes planned a raid on crazypainter, late into the night. They found her alone in her home… In and out, two minutes and she lay in her bed, alone, and mortally wounded. However, the heroes had not done a through sweep of the vicinity. There was one person that had heard them approaching and decided to hide until the action ad taken place. Once the heroes were gone, Linderman came out of hiding and brought co back from the brink of death. Earlier, Elle was taking a stroll through the mall, and she was having a great time. She had just bought a new pair of shoes and life was good. She then headed to the food court and bought a large cherry coke to quench her thirst from all the walking. No sooner had she bought the coke, then she bumped into Frost, who spilled the contents all over elle and the brand new shoes in her bag. So, she fried him until he was a hollow shell of a man. Then he hurried out the mall entrance and was gone by the time the boys in blue arrived. Niki, having learned her own identity and the identity of HRG, went out on a quest to kill Prince Marth. However, she never found him. Because Claire had found him first, and taken him to a place where he would be safe for the night. The Company 1) Marth [hrG] 2) Crazy Painter 3) Impervious 4) limeliam 5) FIF The Unsided 1) Y-san 2) Frost 3) Kathleen 4) dms_172 5) Mekal The Heroes 1) Itachi 2) Sinistral 3) reaymond 4) star_tiger 5) SomeGuy The new Cycle begins now! Ends in about 23hrs. Intro The Nightmare Begins A Dark Cold-Blooded Night We Still Have Plans For You... Attacking Blindly
  22. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    OK, night post coming...
  23. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Just under an hour remaining!!! Get those PMs in!
  24. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Day ends in 2hrs. If I can get the PMs in early then I'll go ahead and write the post.
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