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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) haha!!! Revenge of the Akatsuki!!!
  2. Ok, I have a question that I have been wondering about for a while... Why is rookie1ja member #2? and not #1?
  3. Brandonb

    Arthur is 90 years old. He's played golf every day since his retirement 25 years ago. One day he arrives home looking downcast. 'That's it,' he tells his wife. 'I'm giving up golf. My eyesight has gotten so bad that once I've hit the ball, I can't see where it went.' His wife sympathizes and makes him a cup of tea. As they sit down, she says, 'Why don't you take my brother with you and give it one more try.' 'That's no good,' sighs Arthur. 'Your brother's one hundred three. He can't help.' 'He may be one hundred three,' says the wife, 'but his eyesight is perfect.' So the next day, Arthur heads off to the golf course with his brother-in-law. He tees up, takes an almighty swing, and squints down the fairway. He turns to the brother-in-law. 'Did you see the ball?' 'Of course I did!' replies the brother-in-law. 'I have perfect eyesight.' 'Where did it go?' asks Arthur. [spoiler= ]'I don't remember.'
  4. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    OK, I was wrong about the two teams only having two possible RIEs remaining. Obviously, the dead players are not able to RIE or be used in the RIE, but the dead roles are still fair game.
  5. Brandonb

    Of I hadn't spent so much time working on developing the Heroes roles with Frost for the original Season 1 game... Hybrid would have surely been X-men related. You should do that one for sure!!
  6. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Sadly, at this point the two teams have pretty much lost their abilities to use the RIEs. Each side can only do two of them now because their buddies are dead and each have a player outed. I'm sorry Kat, it took this first game to work out the kinks, I promise it will be revised for the next game. Not to mention, I think people have now realized that this game is not mafia... so it's not all cloak-and-dagger and the team that is willing to make the sacrifice will be the team that wins.
  7. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Yeah pretty much FYI, you have been publicly confirmed which means that not you, nor your role, may be used for the RIE.
  8. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Attacking Blindly It was early in the day, and Mr Petrelli decided that he would go get a cup of coffee from the local Spark Bucks. After placing his order for something that I can’t spell, he went to the cashier and laid his cash on the counter. The girl took it and handed him his change. While doing so, as she placed her fingertips into his palm and began to release the coins into his hand, a strange yet familiar feeling swept over her. Everything went into slow motion and she began to feel herself draining. How strange… she normally had so much power, a snap of her fingers could power the building for an hour. She finished handing the man the change and felt faint. She excused herself and went on a break as Mr. Linderman smiled and walked out the door, realizing he had just gotten way more than he paid for. Later that afternoon, Mr. Petrelli announced to the company agents that he had visited Elle, and tonight we would be able to directly assist in the company’s onslaught. The heroes had a similar agenda in mind. They figured that as long as they attacked as a block, as a group, they would be infallible. That night, Itachi and Reaymond headed out as a pair… scouting Primitech, searching for a way to discretely identify the members of the company. No sooner had they entered the building before an alarm sounded and they were sealed inside. Suddenly from around a corner, FIF came running to meet the intruders. Sadly, he had not waited for his backup… By the time the other members of the company made it to the scene, it was too late. The Heroes had put a swift end to FIF. In turn, Mr. Petrelli stepped forward from the group… he grew angry while he looked down at his fallen comrade, and his hands grew blinding white with a dazzling electrical sizzle. In one quick motion he let out a burst of electricity that blew a hole right through Reaymonds torso, almost ripping him completely in half. Then the company turned to Itachi. “You will not finish what you came for” said one of the agents. “But we will finish you.” Itachi, became overwhelmed looking down at reaymond’s corpse. A tear dripped down from his eye, but immediately vaporized. “You will not take me without a fight!” Itachi screamed as he turned into a blinding ball of fiery light. There was no way the company could get anywhere close to him to finish their kill. They would be lucky if they themselves could retreat to safety before… they were gone. The company quickly retreated into the Primatech compound. Over the course of the following minute Itachi grew white hot and exploded so violently that he took the front of the building off. After his explosion he calmed down, and went home… sadly he had vaporized reaymond. But at least he could not be used for the Hybrid. The Company 1) Marth [hrG] 2) Crazy Painter 3) Impervious 4) limeliam 5) FIF The Unsided 1) Y-san 2) Frost 3) Kathleen 4) dms_172 5) Mekal The Heroes 1) Itachi 2) Sinistral 3) reaymond 4) star_tiger 5) SomeGuy The new Cycle begins now! Ends in about 23hrs. Intro The Nightmare Begins A Dark Cold-Blooded Night We Still Have Plans For You...
  9. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    All PMs are in, but there's 7mins remaining if anyone wants to change their minds.... Edit: oh, and 2000th post... again?
  10. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    One hour remaining... Can we PLEASE not have this come down to the final 2mins again? Please?
  11. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Well that depends. Do you want to make a statement about who you are or who you are not? Feel free. But I will not confirm any guesses you make about other people. No worries though. Things will be different next time...
  12. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Like I said... "a series of indescribable events"
  13. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    LimeLiam... <_< I've been getting alot of complaints about your total lack of activity in this game. Please tell me whether or not you need replacing. If this persists, then I am afraid that I will just go ahead and replace you with or without your consent. I'm sorry, but I'm sure Impervious would love to jump back into the game. You have 3hrs to respond. Cycle ends in just over 3hrs.
  14. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    We Still Have Plans For You... (a mini post) "What's that? Marth never made it back to the rendezvous?" Linderman asked his colleagues after a night of intense action. "Where were was his objective? He couldn't have gotten too far." he said as while he went out into the snow, on a search with a few of the other surviving company members. About half hour later... "Hey I think I found something!" yelled one of the company agents. They all gathered around on the snow covered sidewalk as the finder began to sift through a black slushy spot on the ground. One after another he began to discover traces of their lost member Marth. First a pistol... then a belt buckle... then... a metal pair of horned rimmed glasses. "Wow, someone must've incinerated him" said the agent as he picked up the glasses. "Ok step aside, I can handle it from here" said Linderman as he knelt to the snow and began to wade his hands through the black ash-stained snow-slush. Then, a series of indescribable events took place as the body miraculously regained its shape and Marth burst forward with life. Once finished, Linderman fell on the ground motionless... completely exhausted from the unusually effortful restoration of his comrade. One of the agents handed a blanket to HRG (no, Linderman cannot resurrect clothing). "Ahem.." Marth cleared his throat as he stared at the contents that the agent was holding in his other hand "I'll be taking those." The agent handed Marth his glasses, and then turned to help the other agents carry the depleted Linderman back to the headquarters. Clutching the blanket close to himself as he walked barefoot through the snow, HRG followed closely behind.
  15. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Lol... never went through my head during the post... it's gonna be hard explaining how Linderman regenerated a pile of ash that was swept away with the snow
  16. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Yep, they are in-thread only. It seems strange to me that everyone seems to be content with shooting blindly in the dark. I guess once one of the teams gets down to 1 or two people remaining... and they MUST use the RIE so that they can recruit more players... then they will use it. Sadly... I'm going to go out on a limb and say that by the time one team gets to that point, they other team will be unwilling to make a return RIE and the former team will be easily eliminated for lack of preparation. <_< Well, just my prediction anyway... lets see if it comes true.
  17. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    OMG, he died and I completely forgot.... The Company 1) Marth [hrG] 2) Crazy Painter 3) Impervious 4) limeliam 5) FIF The Unsided 1) Y-san 2) Frost 3) Kathleen 4) dms_172 5) Mekal The Heroes 1) Itachi 2) Sinistral 3) reaymond 4) star_tiger 5) SomeGuy That he is outed when he dies But he's back now Sorry, I'm kinda new to hosting Edit: Also... just to restate this from the rules. [Note= the same inequality statement cannot be made twice... and it must pertain to a living player whose identity has not been publicly confirmed.]
  18. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    OK, just a quick mention... I'll write a mini-post for this later but... Prince Marth has Miraculously rejoined the game in the exact same position he once was... *more details to come In a few hours. The Company 1) Marth 2) Crazy Painter 3) Impervious 4) limeliam 5) FIF The Unsided 1) Y-san 2) Frost 3) Kathleen 4) dms_172 5) Mekal The Heroes 1) Itachi 2) Sinistral 3) reaymond 4) star_tiger 5) SomeGuy Edit: Strange... it seems that I lost 10 posts... Oh, and it also seems like there is a little confusion floating around... Hmm... what could eliminate that...?
  19. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    A Dark and Cold-Blooded Night It was a cold crisp night in NY, and a little girl was walking down the sidewalk. She was holding her mothers hand on one side, and a balloon in her other hand. The little girl dressed in a little pink jacket looked up to see the snow flurries filling the night skies over her head. Suddenly she heard her mom shriek as a loud CRASH sounded from just a few feet away in the road. The little girl was startled and let go of her balloon as she turned and looked at the body of Impervious laying crushed into the top of a car parallel-parked on the side of the street. The mother panicked and swooped her child up into her arms… keeping her daughter’s face on her shoulder shielded from the horrible sight, and looking up in the air at the balloon as it floated away. But then, the little girl saw something, just a blur, of something in the sky. But she couldn’t get a good look at it before it was gone. The Heroes had killed Impervious… the night’s battle had begun. Somewhere else… Niki was testing her new-found strength. It was a wonderful yet destructive gift, but she could use it to the benefit of mankind. Her neighbor, nicknamed ‘DMS’ lived next door to her in room 172. He figured that it was about time that he went out and grabbed some groceries… it was long past time for him to put something in that fridge, the Chinese takeout was getting a little redundant. DMS took the elevator down to the street and hadn’t gotten far when he heard something in the alley next to his building… it sounded like the muffled cries of a woman pleading for help. Being the brave soul that he was, he ventured into the darkness… After some thought, Niki decided that she would go and test her ability. A nice trip to the gym to discover exactly what her limits were, would do nicely. On her way out of the apartments, she heard a terrible noise coming from that alley next to her building. Suddenly a man came running out of the darkness towards her at breakneck speed straight toward her. Niki panicked, and in one swift scared reaction, she swung her arms out to protect herself from the attack. What felt to her like a washcloth hitting the palms of her hands, sent the man flying backwards into the brick wall. His ribs crushed, his lungs punctured, his heart stopping… It was DMS, wearing no jacket, no shoes, no watch… he had been mugged and was running for help, and died… Niki gasped, as she realized exactly how destructive her gift could be. Not far away, Mekal was minding his own business while he stood next to some cute blonde girl at the bus stop. He had stuff he wanted to do, but something just wasn’t right. His thoughts were elsewhere, and he didn’t even notice the little blonde chick making a b-line towards him with a menacing strut. It was Elle. She was intent on using her abilities, and saw a poor sap standing next to some other chick, waiting at the bus stop. “What a perfect target to see what I can really do” she thought to herself. Her hands glowed brightly as she warmed up for one big burst of energy. Mekal never even had a chance to react… A wave of electricity hurtled at him. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzt, Mekal was thrown out of the way and the wave crashed into the cute blonde girl that had been standing next to him. “OMG” he thought to himself, as he looked up at the girl who was now smoking with her hair standing on end. “That should have killed me… how are you still…” Claire looked down at him and smiled. Then looked up to see nothing… the electric girl had retreated… all she was doing, was testing… she wasn’t looking for a fight… yet. Star Tiger peered out the window of the corner coffee shop. Her breath fogged up the glass as she watched the snowflakes dazzle the air outside. “Really cold out there today,” the person at the counter said to her. “Yeah I know, I just wish I didn’t have to go back out there,” Star Tiger replied, taking her coffee. The door jingled behind her as Star Tiger headed out into the flurry of snow outside. She put up her hood and hurried down the lonely street of New York. The storm was getting heavier and heavier. As Star Tiger kept walking, it became harder for her to see where she was going. After a few minutes, she realized that she was lost. Not far behind her, someone was tracking the footprints left behind in the snow. Star Tiger turned a corner, when suddenly a gun was put to the back of her head. HRG fired the gun, Star Tiger’s body dropping to the ground amidst the falling snow. The footprints disappeared behind HRG as he walked away, leaving the snow to hide Star Tiger’s body for him. After a late party at his office, Prince Marth had gone out for a long walk in the snow. He liked the peacefulness and solitude of being surrounded by snow. It was freezing outside, and he was bundled up in his big winter coat. As he walked along, the snow suddenly turned to rain. Prince Marth looked around inquisitively. He could see that it was still snowing a ways ahead of him, but it was raining right where he was standing. Just as suddenly as it had turned from snow to rain, the rain stopped. Prince Marth turned around, noticing that someone was standing there behind him. “It’s easy for me to stay warm in the winter,” laughed Ted, his hands glowing fiercely. Ted left a circular dry patch around where he stood due to the immense heat he generated. Prince Marth turned to run, but the circle closed in and Ted grabbed him. The power surged into Prince Marth, incinerating him instantly. The pile of ash was swept away with the snow, which had resumed falling after Ted cooled down. “Alright, this time we’ve got them.” The group of company members had decided to work together to attack the heroes, this time directing their efforts at their hideout. “Quietly now, we don’t want them to notice we’re here until it’s too late…for them.” One of the members snuck up to the front door. He looked around stealthily, and then knocked on the door. “You freaking idiot, what the hell did you do that for?” “Shhh…” they replied, “I’m trying to sneak in.” Someone was coming to the door. It was Reaymond. As he opened it, a cold gust of air blew in, along with a pile of snow. He couldn’t see anything outside. The person that had knocked on the door quickly reached out to hit Reaymond, only to be tackled by Nathan. Nathan hurriedly grabbed Reaymond and flew off into the night sky with him, slamming the hide out door as he left. The company members scattered, planning to regroup later that night. The Company 1) Marth 2) Crazy Painter 3) Impervious 4) limeliam 5) FIF The Unsided 1) Y-san 2) Frost 3) Kathleen 4) dms_172 5) Mekal The Heroes 1) Itachi 2) Sinistral 3) reaymond 4) star_tiger 5) SomeGuy Nightmare Begins Cycle Two Has Begun!!!! Ends in just over 22hrs
  20. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    WOO HOO!!!!! 2000th POST!!! oh, and there are 4mins remaining to get your PMs in!!!!
  21. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Day ends in 1 hour! Hurry up and get those PMs in!!! Don't forget the group kill! (4th on the list of rules "-Every day, each team may make one collective kill attempt, in addition to whatever actions are taken by the kill roles.")
  22. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    CP... the MIA does not have BTSC with you... the MIA is not on your team. (not to mention... there are two of them)
  23. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    I'll make the night post early if all the unsieds give me their actions and the teams give me their block of actions and their draft choice. But, so far it's not looking like it will be early. Day ends in under 3hrs
  24. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    If need be you can just powerplay the ones that are not active. Remember, anyone that has not sent me a PM confirming the use or non-use of their ability will waste a use of their ability by default (and therefore not be able to use it tomorrow as well). So if you must, just send me the activity block stating that no one is taking action. Or force them to take action and dictate their choices for them. They have taken spots and become inactive in a game that has a backup list... I have no problem if you take the action for them and save your team from obliteration.
  25. Brandonb

    Heroes Hybrid

    Any more RIE attempts? Have both sides decided what their night actions will be? Then PM your group decisions to me for every action or inaction you all will take. I also need to hear from all of the Unsided players about whether they want to be active or inactive during this cycle. Edit: Again, Impervious has replaced JS. Please make a note of that in your roster. about 6hrs till the cycle ends
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