Please. No. It's natural to be scared of many things, especially something shocking that word may spread around. Idiots are ones who create themselves into monsters, by bottling stuff up inside and ruining themselves mentally and then maybe physically with drugs and/or alcohol.
I think your as normal as should be as a teen. Promise no more negative feelings.
Parents can be religious about your issue and still agree that even though they expected a hetro, they have what was given to them biologically. They can't be much older than me and blood is thicker in a family. You will know when or if it is the right time. Perhaps never. That is your personal and private thing.
I never told my folks about the crack and the needles and the list goes on. Luckily them days were very long ago. If you are very open with them about stuff, then you should know if they will accept it or not. I don't think this telling right-away to everyone is always your best interest. Good luck, however you proceed. Okay next.......