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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. Well I realize this and posted earlier that I expected most of the game to be played in PMs between teammates. That's fine, but that is no excuse for inactivity within a 24 hour period which has been running rampant lately. I'll continue the game with sparse posts if people want. I still haven't gotten anything from Brandonb or Sparanda and just about everyone but dawh and Sinistral (and anyone affiliated with them) was late and only recently got me their actions. dawh and Sinistral were the most active by far so I feel bad just ending it when some people have put in so much effort. I'll put up a small night post and see what happens tomorrow. Bb -100 Sparanda -100
  2. I didn't mean that about you in particular. It comes across like that so sorry. As for the game, it's really up to the players how it played out. It didn't have to be so boring and conservative. The regenerating points didn't have to make the game never-ending. It should have spurned people to be more aggressive and make deals and alliances to take out powerful players. For instance, some characters have Day Attack Counter-Attacks. So if they use their day attack on the person getting voted for, that could add up to 300 and be an automatic kill... there's plenty of combination attacks that were never taken advantage of and like I said, the participation has been awfully low.
  3. Honestly, this game is starting to not matter to me, and that seems to pertain to plenty others too. I've been thinking about just calling it a game. Play has been very conservative and almost non-existent (just check how many player posts there are between my posts). I have no idea why alliances weren't made, nor do I have any idea why people didn't use the unknown win conditions and unknown counter-attacks in any sort of dialogue between groups. With the exception of a slight few, people don't seem interested in this anymore. I've had enough of hounding people to play, post and PM. It would have been much more fun and fast for everyone with alliances and talking. Thanks for playing everyone, sorry to disappoint.
  4. Tsunade: There should only be about an hour left to get Night PMs in. I've only gotten a few so far... so -100s almost all around if nothing comes my way sometime soon. This game should end quickly this way. Too bad though.
  5. Thanks! Edit: oh and to rule out previous answers, the burns were not chemical burns, they were the same burns found after a fire, good guess though, it fits the original parameters except someone would have heard him screaming and the OP says nobody heard any commotion from the room.
  6. Am I on the right track? Thanks! And no, not the right track
  7. A Freshmen at Murder U. was found burned to death in his dorm room. His neighbor was brought in for questioning. She said she saw 5 other students visit the guy before he died. She wasn't around during the time of death, so she wasn't a suspect. She saw an Engineering Major who had been making her own rockets, a Physics Major who was also a pyromaniac, a Psychology Major who had been practicing hypnosis by candle-light, a Chemistry Major who's room was littered with stolen Bunsen burners, and an Undecided who just happened to be a chain-smoker. She couldn't remember the order in which they came though. All five were ex-girlfriends and had motive to kill the guy. The guy's body was badly burned (obviously, since the burns were deadly), but the room was relatively free from any burns or singes. There was no smoke reported. And there were no strange smells lingering in the room once the body was found. He was found sitting on his desk chair by his computer. In the room was remnants of a broken rocket, a lighter, a Bunsen burner kicked under the bed, a watch, an ashtray full of cigarette butts, a Physics book, and a pair of glasses. All of which did not belong to the victim. The dorm sprinklers and smoke detectors never went off. And nobody around at the time heard a commotion from his room that night. This being their first case, the campus staff was stumped. Can you figure out who did it and how?
  8. I was thinking that all characters should have lower probabilities for correct evidence. If one piece of evidence 50%, if 2 then 25% for each. Also, no characters should get to know all 9 of them possibly. So for the UAs, it should be that the first guy gets to know items 1-3 and the second guy gets to know items 4-6 and the FBI guy gets 7-9 or something. So basically, lower probabilities and less possible evidence would extend the time-frame and make people more cautious about posting certain items.
  9. Kat, CL and/or Mekal... Having to constantly deal with inactives is a drag. This game was fun, but the lack of participation is out of control. I think that's 6 people so far who've had to be replaced/stopped playing = way too many. so, Game over. Thanks for playing to those that did.
  10. Chapter 14: Broken Glasses Team 7 was ordered to intercept an Akatsuki Spy. The spy was reported to be meeting with Orochimaru at noon on the Heaven And Earth Bridge between the Fire and River Countries. Yamato, Naruto and Sakura arrived and hid themselves, waiting for the encounter. In the distance a cloaked man approached the bridge from the far side and began to walk toward the center. He seemed very cautious, looking all around him under his cowl as he walked. He stopped at the dead center of the bridge. Yamato disguised himself as Orochimaru, knowing full well the real one wouldn't show up due to his recent inactivity. He approached the Spy, who held open his cowl just enough to make out his face. It was Kabuto! Kabuto: You're late Orochimaru-sama. Yamato: Sorry, Orochimaru won't be joining you today. You're on your own, just where we want you! Naruto and Sakura jumped up onto the bridge after crawling along the bottom to get close enough to Kabuto. They surrounded him. Seeing Kabuto, infuriated Naruto who started turning red. The Fox was stirring inside him. Kabuto knew he was done for. Kabuto couldn't even stand the intensity of the chakra leaking from Naruto, let alone the power he could unleash at any moment. Naruto looked over his shoulder at his enemy. Naruto: You've gotten away too many times! We're going to kill you, then your master and finally get Sasuke back! Kabuto: Naruto... Naruto... you just don't get it. Sasuke joined us on his own volition. He's no prisoner. He doesn't want to come back to you fools... He wants power, the kind of power only Orochimaru-sama could teach him. You should... Naruto: SshHhUUuTtt UuuUpPPpp! Naruto released a blast of highly concentrated chakra at Kabuto. He tried to block it, but at this close distance, it completely vaporized him. The bridge almost collapsed from the blast, but seeing Kabuto die calmed Naruto down a bit. He returned to his old self and collapsed from exhaustion. Yamato caught him before he fell and the team returned to Konoha. --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF -DEAD (Kabuto) 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura) 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame) 15) Sparanda Prologue Game Rules Flashback 1 Character Abilities Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Day 3 Night 4 Flashback 2 Day 4 Night 5 Day 5 Night 6 Night 7 starts now and ends when I get all your PMs. No points earned today. -no longer +25 for surviving Days. woon -100 Frost -100
  11. OK, day's over. woon and Frost -100 for no votes. And FIF is going to be embarking on a perilous mission soon
  12. Sorry, the old roster keeps popping up. Kat and CL are still playing. Hopefully, if not insulted by the constant removal of their names. Sorry about that
  13. Disclaimer : Sorry for not posting this before the Night 3 Post, I forgot. Since the CC's place was raided so soon, which was definitely due to great playing on your parts, I've decided to remove a rule and add a rule. 1) Including last night, the correct evidence probabilities will never change after a killer's house gets raided. So everyone still has the same percentage chance. 2) When accumulating evidence for the Butcher, ties will be counted instead of not mentioned as they are for the Copy Cat. Hopefully, it's still plenty early in the day for me to make these changes. I'm just trying to make it a little fairer for our favorite killers.
  14. Welcome aboard cp! I'll make it official. Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth - Voting for FIF 2) crazypainter 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura) 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame) 15) Sparanda
  15. Night 3: Losing one of our own Crime Scene: 11.29.08 17:00 hours. Looks to be the Boston Butcher. Boston Homicide entered the zoo after a call from one of the workers. They found a giant present inside the Tiger cages. The tigers had been batting around until they were pulled back. Chief Somerset: Hmm, using such a public place is unlike him... where is that Lieutenant anyway? Det. Smith: She's late sir. Her cell goes straight to voicemail too. Somerset: *sigh* OK, well, what do we have here? Everyone let's go! On the double! The team opened the box. The left ear was missing. Typical. In it's place though was a Tiger's ear. Somerset: Hmm. OK, first let's find out if this tiger ear is real or not. Check the animals here too. Then I want to see a report on the second to last victim. The one with the rats. It was probably small, maybe got ripped off. I want to know if there was a rat ear or something to that effect sewn onto the victim at that instance. And get me the Lieutenant! *ring ring* *** Crime Scene: 11.29.08 20:00 The team all bowed their heads. In a storage facility was the body of Lieutenant Stark. She was hanging from a hook in what looked to be an old meat locker. In the pool of blood below her was written the word "Sloth". Somerset let out a defeated sigh and fell back against the wall. Let's get this blanking blanker. I can't believe it... Stark... Host: I 1) dawh2 2) Peace 3) dawh -DEAD (Lt. Stark) 4) DMS 5) A. Person 6) Twin Pop 7) Lemonymelon 8) FIF 9) reaymanator 10)mekal Game Rules Night 1 Day 1 Investigation Results Night 2 Day 2 Investigation Results Since it seems JS is no longer able to play, I just moved dawh into his position. I hope that's OK dawh. I'll PM you your new role. The Evidence Collecting begins now. I'll PM you all your findings.
  16. Chapter 13: The War of Attrition Takes its Tole Tsuande's assistant, Shizune, saw her master looking a little down. She opened the outer door to her office and joined her outside, overlooking the village. Shizune: Is something wrong Tsunade-sama? Tsuande: This battle is really wearing on those brave warriors. Night after night they clash, but I fear that their bodies are getting a bit worn down. *sigh* I doubt they will be able to recover their strength as they once did. From now on they won't be able to gain back any points during the Day. Shizune: None? Tsunade: None at all Shizune. My medical staff is tired and spread thin. Only during the Night will they recover any health, but that's also the most dangerous time for them. --- Bb walked by a young pretty girl in passing. He had a bit of deja vu though. "Have I seen you before?" he asked her. Ino: I don't think so. I bet you say that to all the girls... Bb (blushing) : Uh, no. no. haha. nevermind. I just had a funny feeling. As Bb turned to walk away, Ino prepared her mind transfer technique. Bb spun around extremely fast though and grabbed hold of her throat. Bb: I'm onto you! What is your technique!? What are you trying to pull here? Ino (choking) : Just let me ...talk and I'll tell ...you. Bb released her neck a tiny bit, but it was enough for her to turn her head and make eye contact. Bb dropped her and decided he would do as she suggested. It was his own thought ..right? --- Orochimaru completed a very complicated Resurrection technique. When he was done, his most talented accomplice to have ever lived stood before him. It was Kimimoro, in the flesh ...and bone. He was already coughing up blood though. Kimimoro: Do not worry. I will be of use to you despite my health. My bones are still stronger than anything your opponents have to offer. Orochimaru: I know you will succeed Kimimoro. You never fail me. Now. Go teach Sinistral a lesson. --- Naruto prepared his Rasengan and went after FIF, but FIF had set up a trap for him, which Naruto obviously ran right into. He was never very good at sniffing out a trap or ambush. It was just a bunch of old Halloween decorations that popped up and made frightening sounds, but for Naruto, it was enough. He always let his imagination get the best of him. Naruto: G-g-ghosts!? Ahhhh! Naruto ran away screaming and shouting about the dead having been awoken. FIF knelt behind one of the toy skeletons and laughed so hard he had to hold to sides. --- Bb kept thinking about what he had to do for Ino. It was all that occupied his mind. So much so that he didn't even notice Sakura waiting for him. Sakura: Gentjutsu: painful sleep. Bb saw petals falling all around him. He was getting sleepy now. He began to tip forward and just before he fell he caught himself. There were spiked rocks all in front of him! But he could barely keep him eyes open. Sakura performed the reality-altering technique again and Bb instantly passed out and fell backwards onto the spikes. --- dawh sat in a meditative position as Chouji walked up to him. dawh opened his eyes a tiny bit to see the attacker. dawh just sighed. "Whatever it is you plan on doing, it won't be enough. Just get it over with already. I heard all about how your pathetic teacher Asuma died. If your teacher was a loser, then what does that make you? Hmph." Chouji: I'll kill you! dawh: Like I said. You don't have what it takes. Chouji's arms grew to be huge and came crashing down on the still-seated dawh. Chouji was so hurt by dawh's comments though, that he ran away crying. Unable to fight. dawh: Good, leave. Now I can get back to this. --- Sinistral was prepping for the Night when he noticed someone approaching. Someone he had never seen before. Sinistral: Who goes there? The strange person stopped and bowed. Then his body began to shake and his bones started popping out from under his skin. Kimimoro: My name is of no importance. I exist only to aid Orochimaru's Ambition. And you are in his way. Sinistral tried to run, but Kimimoro was way too fast. The next time Sinistral tried to move, Kimimoro spun around and sliced up Sinistral like a shredder. Sinistral fell over, bloodied. Kimimoro just stood over him, eyes burning like the sun. Kimimoro: I detest killing, but will do so if I must. Just stay away from Orochimaru ...for your own sake. --- JS was smacked across the entire length of the bridge to Konoha and stumbled down the rocky surface on the other side. JS: Who? What was that? His attacker walked up to him silently. Then he got down on his knees and laid forward. He opened his mouth wide and snakes began to pour out. Orochimaru: heheheheh. Deal with these! JS saw no way out. The snakes even had swords that shot out of their mouths. What a technique! JS backed up into the wall behind him. He searched for a way out with his eyes, never taking his eyes off the snakes, but they kept coming and eventually overwhelmed him. --- Shikamaru: Got you! PT was stuck. Stopped dead in his tracks. He looked over at Shikamaru and began to turn red with frustration. Shikamaru: You're not going anywhere tonight. --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura) 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame) 15) Sparanda Prologue Game Rules Flashback 1 Character Abilities Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Day 3 Night 4 Flashback 2 Day 4 Night 5 Day 5 Day 6 starts now and ends in 24 hours. Like Tsunade said: there's no more point earning during the Day.
  17. I've been waiting on 2 PMs. I'm just going to end the night with or without them in a few hours.
  18. Thanks anyway. If no one joins by the end of the next day, I'm just going to kill the character off. I'm going to end this Night in a few hours. Also, since no one has died, I'm going to incrementally make everyone weaker. The way this game is right now, it is almost never-ending it seems, and Monday I'm going to start getting really busy, so things are going to get tougher.
  19. Here's a montage of some:
  20. It seems to me that JS needs to be replaced. Please PM me if this is wrong. If not, are there any takers out there? At this point in the game, those who died at the very beginning: ST, LIS and Mekal could return if they wanted.
  21. itachi-san

    I'd like to see this guy have a back and forth with a physicist of Stephen Hawking's caliber and see who grasps reality better... but I guess not many of those scientists go to his bar or his ranch. It's one thing to be able to understand and process things at a high level, but it's a totally different thing to actually come up with important, ground-breaking theories, experiment and prove them. This guy may have a quick mind, but he lacks the key essence of a "smart" person: creativity. If he had that, he wouldn't be such a hypocrite. He speaks of how intelligent people should rule and make the toughest decisions for the good of mankind (which is a reasonable notion IMO) but then he lives a life that puts him in absolutely no position currently or in the future to have a large-scale effect on mankind. I think he's right in saying that people of high mental processing skills have a responsibility to better our race and the world, but if he's the "smartest" one of us, he's setting a poor example if this is all he has to offer. In a word: weak. <_<
  22. Day 2: Investigation Results: Based on all of your cumulative evidence, the Copy-Cat Killer most likely: has Blood-Type O, hangs out in his Garage often, has Grey Hair, has Hazel Eyes, wears a Hat, and drives a Red Truck. Chief Somerset: We have enough to get a warrant for this man's arrest people! Let's get to it! --- The Homicide unit followed their leads to an abandoned house. The place was pretty clean as far as evidence. This clearly wasn't the Killer's primary residence. All they were able to find was a letter. It was placed neatly on the center of a rusted refrigerator's freezer door. It read: Dear Boston Homicide, Looks like you're hot on my trail. I'm flattered. Unfortunately, my work is not yet finished. And since you've proven to be so competent. I'm going to be coming after you guys from now on. Let the game begin Sincerely, Jonathan Doe --- Host: I 1) Joe's Student 2) Peace 3) dawh 4) DMS 5) A. Person 6) Twin Pop 7) Lemonymelon 8) FIF 9) reaymanator 10)mekal Game Rules Night 1 Day 1 Investigation Results Night 2 *note: If the Copy-Cat Killer selects a Protected Officer or the Butcher himself to kill, he will revert to attacking another out-of-game character.
  23. Chapter 12: Expect the Unexpected Prof. Templeton strode through the forest as the leaves began to fall around him. He finally got to do something he wanted to do. He wore a purposeful face, eyes determined and walked confidently up to a small temple at the outskirts of Konoha. The Professor was pleased and thought: "I can finally use my real name at least. I can't wait to meet this new recruit. The more the merrier after all." He reached the tiny temple and pushed open the heavy wooden door which creaked all the way until it hit the wall behind it. The place looked empty. It was certainly run down. He could see the scenery through the ramshackle walls. Hidan's brow furrowed. Hidan: Hey! Where are you? I got your message and came all this way! I even prepared a nice speech about Jashinism. I just know you're going to love the Jashin faith once you get all the details. A cloaked figure stirred in the shadows all the way on the other side of the temple. He walked back up to the far wall and just stood there. Hidan looked puzzled as he walked up to the strange man. Hidan: Take off that hood. Who are you? I have important business to attend to if you're just some loser... and don't get all heroic on me. The last thing you want to do is underestimate me... ???: I'll show you my face. But it's me who's been underestimated. Kakashi: I, Hatake Kakashi, will kill you once and for all! Hidan! Hidan jumped back and grabbed his scythe. The arm Kakashi was using to prop himself up against the wall turned into white lightning. The wall exploded, and then so did the temple. Both Kakashi and Hidan jumped up through the collapsing roof. The two clashed in mid-air. Then Kakashi latched onto a tree, but Hidan was prepared to land on the ground, when he noticed Shikamaru waiting below him! Shikamaru kicked open a scroll, stepped on it's seal and created a large pool of water under Hidan. Shikamaru: This should fry you up nice. Hidan splashed down in the water as Shikamaru bounded back away from the madman. Just as Hidan was about to swing at Shikamaru, Kakashi flew down to the water and plunged his lightning technique in. "Raikiri!" Hidan was electrocuted for a long time, until Kakashi began to feel tired and lacking of chakra. Kakashi leaped back to see what happened. Hidan just stood there, simmering, seething in anger. Hidan: See what!? That I'm immortal?! I've been saying that to you fools all day! And what's with you being alive anyway? I thought you were dead! Now I have to deal with the copy-ninja Kakashi too?! Argh! All you Konoha cockroaches are gonna eventually get squashed under my foot! ...And this time, Stay Dead! Kakashi: I'd say the same to you Hidan. Hidan: Honestly, I'd really love to kill both of you right now. But I have a new recruit to find. You both should consider converting to Jashinism while I'm gone. That's the only way I'll let you live. Shikamaru (whispering): Is he serious? Doesn't he get that that letter was the setup? Kakashi (whispering back): Let's just say that Hidan isn't the brains behind Akatsuki. --- SomeGuy kept walking deeper, deeper into this snake-like tunnel. He started to shiver with fear. There was a flickering of light ahead. He raced toward it as if it was some sort of salvation from this fear. But when he reached the room from where the light emanated, the fear hit him worse than ever and he collapsed almost passing out. SomeGuy: I ...can't ...breath. It's ...suffocating. Such.. evil.. chakra. Someone walked over toward his curled up body. Sasuke: I'm onto you. For now, I'll just give you a taste of what's to come. SomeGuy's scream echoed throughout the dome-shaped cavern and Sasuke smiled. --- Hokage: Tsunade 1) Prince Marth 2) Joe's Student 3) Kat 4) Prof. Templeton 5) FIF 6) Brandonb 7) ST -DEAD (killed by Hidan) 8) dawh 9) Frost 10) SomeGuy 11) woon 12) LIS -DEAD (killed by Yamato and Sakura) 13) Sinistral 14) Mekal -DEAD (Kisame) 15) Sparanda Prologue Game Rules Flashback 1 Character Abilities Night 1 Day 1 Night 2 Day 2 Night 3 Day 3 Night 4 Flashback 2 Day 4 Night 5 Night 6 begins now and ends when I get all the PMs in. Everyone but PT gets +25 for the day. Shikamaru +25
  24. JS must be having internet problems. I'll check this thread later tonight and then accumulate the evidence we have and start Night 3. JS - if you can't get on, obviously you can't say... Thanksgiving's coming up for a lot of people, so I'll post Night 3 and then we can get things straightened out at a later time if you need a replacement.
  25. Tsunade-hime: Wow, every vote has been so one-sided Well, I could call the Day over if PT pleads no contest. Otherwise about 5 hours left.
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