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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. I like most other books too ;D lol. I'm planning on reading Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five (mostly for LOST reference hehe) and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and a few others, but haven't got around to it yet

    Did you read 'Turn of the Screw'? I've been meaning to read that since they mentioned it on Lost a while back. :D

  2. There's still step four to contend with.

    that bookcase 1 contained "A", bookcase 2 "B", ect. But since the number of cases mattered I was thinking it had to start at Z in bookcase 1 (with maybe periodicals on the last 3).
    B)) 16/33 and 14/29 are pretty close though. 16/33 = x/26, x=12.6 or 14/29 = x/26, x=12.6

    So the title would start with L (JC you might want to double check me on this :D )

    Right on! The "number of total bookcases hint" was meant to direct you to this letter with which the book's title begins. Now, sorry to say, is the hardest part... it really requires using the various hints and working backwards in a way. You know the first letter though and that it requires step 1 to solve, and the strange addition/subtraction hint. That should do it. I should have made step 4 easier without hints, but this puzzle was difficult to gauge. And I underlined the alterations in the OP so remember to add '2' now ;)

  3. As far as a choice for a "book club" type book, I think "Fragile Things" by Neil Gaiman would be perfect. It is a collection of poems and short stories that are rather exceptional. The short story "October in the Chair" is especially enchanting.

    I read that, and it's awesome. In "Fragile Things" my favorite short was the wanderer in the bar who gets hired to be a bodyguard. ~I forget the names of them all. They are almost all awesome. The cyclic demon one and the first detective one were great too. "Good Omens" is probably one of the best books I've ever read. Crowley is amazing B))

    And yeah, Dan Brown is basically the equivalent of a blockbuster movie script writer, for someone like Michael Bay or Jerry Bruckheimer. ~just adding fuel to the book-fire :P

  4. the book was published between 1917 and 1965.

    when we enter the Library the bookcases start at Z? So our letter is actually "O"? But I wonder if this relates to title or author? I would think bookcases are sorted by author, but maybe the Senator was quirky.

    I'm not sure why they have to start at Z. Let's say for the sake of argument they start at A. ;) Also, the Senator is quirky. What Senator isn't? :lol: I just wanted to add a layer of uncertainty, but since it's been so long: the books are arranged alphabetically by title, starting with A on the top of Shelf 1. B))

  5. Since no one has taken up the mantle, let's review

    Step 1) (18.2, 21.2, 14.1, 34.3, 31.1, 44.2, 18.1, 33.2, 34.3) ~I'm sure you'll know where to find it.

    related to U.S. Presidents, so this spells out SAFEHOUSE.

    Step 2) (23-21, 21-20, 17-16, 36-35) ~entering this code will change the fingerprint recognition on my master library door to match yours.

    Itachi hinted at elections, so I'll guess these are the years certain elections took place, but I don't think some of the numbers matter if that's the case. They would just be 8 + 0 + 4 + 2 (the zero and two are the important ones) and we get 14.

    Step 3) Just add those 4 numbers up when you enter my library. There are 33 bookcases. Go to the corresponding bookcase. There you will find one of my favorite books (Just be sure to use the first step when deciphering this next one. It differs somewhat):

    but we just did that - 14

    Step 4) (5.2, 32.2, 22.1, 45.2, 14.3, 7.3, 37.1, 41.1, 36.3) ~we both loved this one, just not the middle of the title (we'd always just gloss over it)

    So we have our 14, which if correct corresponds to the letter "M", but this code differs from the first as there is no 45th president to use (unless Itachi is a time traveling ninja). What do we do with this code and is the "M" important to this step or used later?

    Step 5) Once you pull the book down, note when it was published. Add to that date, the sum of the code you used in the second step. Then just decipher:

    Find the book title then it's published date I suppose and add 14 to that date, which will probably give us another date for a president and first lady.

    Step 6) JGI XCLFDCT EQFDV GDR JGI RDFI LVLJLDHR DR JGI NLHHIC ~and you'll surely know who to arrest!

    The primary lady shares the killer's initials, or something like that.

    So we need step 4 to be completed before we can continue.

    Oh sorry, you're answer to step 2 is correct, but my 33 bookcases is not. It's not too big a part of the puzzle, actually just a hint, but it should help not hinder :rolleyes: . Consider it to be 29 bookcases. Sorry about that.

    Edit: It may help to know that I was using 16 instead of 14 for whatever reason, so the final missing piece needed to have 2 added onto it. Obviously, to make things difficult, it couldn't have just worked anyway regardless of 14 or 16... <_<

  6. I'm always up for this topic. My only dislike so far would be Dan Brown. I really didn't like Da Vinci Code and would not want to read anything else by him. I started reading Philip K. Dick novels. I read the Cosmic Puppets and now I'm reading The Unteleported Man. They're short, quick reads and both awesome. I'm under the impression his entire collection is awesome so I'd like anything by him. Or Neil Gaiman for that matter. But I'll go with the majority (unless it's Dan Brown, then I'm out :P )

    actually... looking back on my previous post from long long ago, I never did get around to reading The Man in the High Castle so that's my vote

  7. Day 1: An Illness Spreads across the Achaean ships

    After an un-fulfilling Night, the Achaeans meandered restlessly among their ships, glancing up the steep and vast Trojan shore, past it's fertile land, to only what appeared as a gleaming particle of light. That light was the Castle of Troy, Priam's home and the symbol of all the Achaeans wished to destroy.

    One fighter glanced up and then bent over spewing all over the ground. Then another, ten paces off, fell on his back and writhed in agony. They all felt chills and broke out in fevers. Some of their skin cracked open with lesions that began to fester within the hour. It was not natural. It was surely the wrath of a God who had taken ill will against these men.

    Y-San arose from his offering. Watching the gutted cow burn in an Offering to the Lord Apollo. "My Lord Apollo. This offering is in hope that you join our side. Please join the Achaeans and please end this madness! Our men are nearly dead from the plague that has been cursed upon us."

    The area around Y-San lit up brighter than the rest of the land and he received word from Apollo that this offering was not in vain and that only one more would suffice for his allegiance. The illness however was not his doing. He provided a tip, that it was none other than the spiteful Goddess Hera. She had taken offense to the Achaeans and their pursuit of Troy's damnation. Only a sacrifice to her would ease the sickness. Maybe not forever, but at least for the day.

    Y-San prayed for Athena to save him. "How loyal I have been to you my Goddess of Wisdom. Ever-loving to our cause. Please take pity on me and my ilk and stop Hera before it is too late." But then darkness settled over Y-San. His words echoed into the emptiness, never heard. He turned to face his destiny as Hera appeared before him. Before he knew it he was slashed in half and then again and fell to pieces on the beach. Hera stood over the mound, "I will take this sacrifice as penitence for the Achaeans' transgressions here. I will lift the plague temporarily, but only that. May your torment suit you in Tartarus."

    The Achaeans began to heal instantly and within ten minutes they were leaping with joy and praising the benevolent Gods. They found their comrade Y-San with tokens over his dead eyes, haulting their jubilation. All realized he made the ultimate sacrifice for the good of the whole. The waiting Trojans watched from high above, the funeral pyre of the Achaean Y-San. It brought them no comfort, but the serenity of the moment would only last until dusk, when Hector would roust his men into a frenzy.

    Host: itachi

    1) Limeliam

    2) Prof. Templeton

    3) Frost

    4) dawh

    5) Cherry Lane

    6) Star Tiger

    7) LIS

    8) SomeGuy

    9) Joe's Student

    10) GC

    11) PG

    12) reaymond

    13) impervious

    14) O'mally

    15) unreality

    16) Brandonb

    17) Y-San -DEAD [Achaean]

    Night 2 begins now and ends in roughly 24 hours. Farewell Y-San and thanks for playing!

  8. Final Voting Tally for Day 1:

    Host: Itachi

    1) Limeliam - voting for dawh

    2) Prof. Templeton - voting for Cherry Lane

    3) Frost - voting for Unreality

    4) dawh - voting for O'Mally

    5) Cherry Lane - voting for Frost

    6) Star Tiger - voting for Y-San

    7) LIS - voting for reaymond

    8) SomeGuy - voting for BrandonB

    9) Joe's Student - voting for Limeliam

    10) GC - voting for Joe's Student

    11) PG - voting for LIS

    12) reaymond - voting for BrandonB

    13) impervious - voting for Y-San

    14) O'mally - voting for Einkil

    15) unreality - voting for Star Tiger

    16) Brandonb

    17) Y-San - voting for Y-San

  9. Night 1: Struggle on the Trojan Shores

    The Sun began to set over Mount Olympus. The brilliant hues of its descent shone through the impressive glass and stone sculptures surrounding the throne room of the mighty Zeus. Zeus sat with a rigid back and stiff arms, his wife Hera at his side. She placed her hand on his opposite shoulder and ran her fingers across his back. Zeus didn't even blink.

    Zeus: The Achaeans will reach the Trojan shore tonight my Dear.

    Hera: I'm aware my Lord. Have you chosen a side?

    Zeus: No.. and neither will you. ...oh my dearest Hera how you run my mind ragged. I know your ways too well, but I command you to not take part in this War! Leave the mortals be. I'm most interested in the outcome of this battle since I love both Achaea and Troy. Agamemnon and Priam both hold equal place in my heart. It would be an outrage for either to draw the wrath of the Gods.

    Hera: My husband, please. If you know me so well, then know that I would never defy your will. Now... I must see to some pressing matters. ...if you'll please excuse me my Lord.

    Zeus grabbed her hand as she began to drift away, halting her in mid-stride. "Of course" he muttered as he glanced over to her confident eyes. "Of course you would never defy me my dearest Wife. And of course you may be excused." His tone reached an almost sinister level as he let her hand go. Hera withdrew from his grasp, quickly rubbed her hand and then swept her flowing robe over the pain she wished she had hidden from him. "What is that woman up to now?" Zeus pondered as he leaned his head over his elbow on his throne's arm, agitated and deep in thought.

    He stroked his heavy white beard as Hermes flashed into existence before his him and knelt to the throne of his father.

    Zeus: Ah, my trusted son Hermes. Always keen to my needs. And always punctual. Never have you strayed your course from me. Which is more than I can say for some others... but forget that now. What news have you?

    Hermes: The Sun has now set and Apollo is nowhere to be found in the Heavens.

    Zeus: Hmph. As I planned. He vest too much interest in the outcome of this battle. I command you to counter his efforts. Go now, stealthy Hermes. Travel lightly and quick and reach the Trojan shore before him.

    Hermes: As you wish my Lord Father.

    With that, Hermes vanished and sped down to the Earth, his winged feet traveling faster than the eye could see. Zeus conversed with himself: "That accounts for my headstrong son Apollo... Ares and Athena will surely be present in this matter as well. But Hera... she adds an element I am not prepared to counter." Zeus rose from his seat and slowly walked to the edge of the room's precipice. He peered deep down to the seas. An enormous burst came forth from the deep sea and took the shape of a mighty face. The face winked up at Zeus and slowly descended from sight, leveling the water as if it was never there. "Thank you brother. Your love of the Achaeans runs deep as the sea. A fair trade for Hera's hatred of them. Now my mind can still knowing the Gods are at equal strength in this affair."


    The Achaean ships hit the Trojan shore and the soldiers poured from the vessels. Achilles led the group, followed by his powerful warriors, the Myrmidons. Hector rallied his soldiers and prepared several battle formations to counter the Achaean onslaught. Groups from each party began to form flanks and crept out under the veil of darkness.

    Reaymond noticed a bright light emanating near him. He was bewildered by its radiance. After a time of searching for its source he realized he was all alone, but he did not care. He had to find it! He came upon a seductive cornerstone and knew she stood around the way. He edged closer and closer to the stone's end. When he reached the end, he slowly ducked his head around and met eyes with a beauty too unfathomable for description. His eyes were fixated and his mind lost control of his body. The stunning beauty Helen watched as he collapsed to the ground.


    All the Achaeans had cleared from the ship except Nestor. He sat on a trunk gazing at his own reflection. "The battles I've seen. The warriors I've known. The warrior I was. Such strength and power no longer exists in this world. It's a shame, but also a lesson. Gazing at myself, a wrinkled old man, though I possess more knowledge than most of these youngsters combined. It's that experience that keeps one alive in such times, not skill with the spear and sword. ...though I'm not too rusty with those either. hehehe. Perhaps this old man still has more fight in him than these young Trojans would anticipate?"


    A group of Trojan soldiers sped down the Eastern crags toward the Achaean ships. They came across a strange man in a dark robe. Calchus pulled his cowl tight around his face as the men approached. Seeming to be no threat, the Trojans pushed their way past him, spewing angry slurs and curses at the nuisance. Calchus stumbled and nearly fell as they pushed him, but took hold of a stone wall.

    Standing amidst the moonlit spikes and twisted shadows of the tide-broken stones, Calchus muttered back at the group:

    beware the gift horse

    served on a platter

    your swords and spears

    they will not matter

    A few Trojans turned, picking rocks and threw them at Calchus. Calchus raised an arm to fend them off as he used his other hand to keep his identity concealed. He withdrew from them, yelling:

    attack or retreat

    it matters not

    the God of War

    shall mold this plot!

    "Shut up you old geezer! Just stay out of our way and stay silent!" The Trojans whispered angrily at Calchus who ducked into an overhanging overlooking the bright crescent moon. He wrapped his cloak around his body and rocked back and forth in anticipation of the event he had already witnessed.


    Achilles, dawned in his ominous black helmet and armor, unsheathed his sword and rushed at the Achaeans ready to kill them all by himself. Just after he took the first step, the crescent moon slanted in the sky as if it were a smile. All the warriors from each side halted at the odd omen. Just what was happening? Suddenly a second moon appeared to the right of this one. Then they both began to open as if they were eyes, and everyone watching realized that the true Moon was actually behind them. The enormous eyes looked back and forth over the battle that had yet to begin. The constellations began to take the shape of a giant man. It was surely one of the Gods. All of the warriors remained still. Most shivered. Achilles did not flinch. The God shrank his size, and slowly descended onto the beach. He still towered over everyone like a giant though. Color began to form his features. A beard and hair of fire, red menacing eyes and gauntleted fore-arms with fists the size of boulders.

    Ares: You all dare fight without my permission?! So you forget your place? Forget the God of War!? How foolish to take life on the first Night of battle! Likewise, how awful to die on the first Night of battle. No! I shall not allow it!

    Achilles paid Ares no mind and rushed at his target. Ares grabbed Achilles' sword at the hilt. The two locked eyes and Ares flung the swift deadly assassin Achilles high into the sky and back toward his ship. Achilles regained his composure midair and landed on his feet, sliding back thirty paces he reached an arm out to stop his movement against his ship, fierce eyes locked determinedly onto Ares.

    Achilles: This isn't over! The Gods will not sway my rage! I will have vengeance, Hector's head and Troy burned to the ground! This in NOT over!

    Ares: You're damned right it's not.

    Host: itachi

    1) Limeliam

    2) Prof. Templeton

    3) Frost

    4) dawh

    5) Cherry Lane

    6) Star Tiger

    7) LIS

    8) Einkil

    9) Somhairle

    10) GC

    11) superpsyche

    12) reaymond

    13) impervious

    14) O'mally

    15) unreality

    16) Brandonb

    17) Rail Tracer

    Day 1 begins now. It's 24 hours, unless Apollo says otherwise.

  10. OK, this will be the first of three games. There's no obligation to play all 3, but there is incentive: all surviving characters continue on to the next game. In addition, they, plus the top 5 rated players will get special/secret abilities in the following game (based on a rating scale similar to Sinistral's in Pirate Mafia~great idea 8-) ). For now there are no secrets. There will be a story (beginning with the Night 1 post): It begins with the Iliad. Where it ends... is totally up to you ;)

    The Trojans:

    Hector (Troy's most skilled Warrior and Prince): begins with BTSC with Priam. May kill each Night. If he targets a God, he has only a 50% chance of killing them.

    Priam (Troy's King and Tactical Leader): begins with BTSC with Hector. Guesses 3 different character actions each Night. If he is correct about any/all of them, he will gain the ID of the player. He may not guess the inactivity of a God who acted the Night/Day beforehand. If the player is a Trojan, they will join Troy's BTSC group.

    Paris (Hector's younger brother and known Coward): Paris cannot die unless all other Trojans are dead. If he is targeted, he will be given a list from Aphrodite (who favors him for his beauty) containing all the names of the living Trojans. He will gladly choose who to sacrifice in his stead. He may send Aphrodite to save someone each night. There is no need to save himself, but if he is targeted, Aphrodite will too busy to save anyone else and that action will be nullified. Paris gains the ability of Priam and/or Hector if they should die. If all Trojan BTSC players die, Paris gains control of that as well.

    Helen (The Face that launched 1,000 ships~and started this whole mess): May seduce someone each night with her beauty, nullifying their actions. This only fails on the husband she left behind, Menelaus. He is too angry to see her beauty anymore.

    Aeneas (a gallant general fighting for Troy): May target one person each night. There is a 50/50 chance he will either kill them in a proper duel or take exception at his opponent's skill and decide to befriend them. If he befriends them, he will keep them safe that night but no longer after that, unless he targets them again and does not kill them (then he befriends them for life and may no longer target them). If chance let's Aeneas attempt a kill on a God, he has a 25% chance of a successful kill.

    Agenor (a brave Trojan soldier): May protect anyone each night (never himself). If he protects the same person twice, there is a 50% he may die for them. 3 times = 75% and 4 = 100%. If he protects someone from Achilles though, he will die for certain. Each Night he may guess Achilles' ID. If he is correct, he will be able to stop Achilles without injury from then on, unless Achilles targets him directly that is.

    The Achaeans: (the Greeks)

    Achilles (Achaea's greatest Warrior): begins with BTSC with Agamemnon. May kill each Night. If he targets a God, he has only a 50% chance of killing them.

    Agamemnon (Achaea's Commanding General): begins with BTSC with Achilles. Guesses 3 different character actions each Night. If he is correct about any/all of them, he will gain the ID of the player. He may not guess the inactivity of a God who acted the Night/Day beforehand. If the player is an Achaean , they will join Achaea's BTSC group.

    Odysseus (Achaea's brilliant strategist): cannot die unless all other Achaeans are dead. If he is targeted, he will be given a list from Athena (who favors him for his mind) containing all the names of the living Achaeans. He must choose who to sacrifice in his stead. It will be tough, but he knows he must live on at all costs via a vision gifted to him by the Soothsayer Calchus a long time ago. Each night he may guess the actions of 3 different characters and if any/all are correct he will setup traps to nullify those actions. Odysseus gains the ability of Agamemnon and or Achilles if they should die. If all Achaean BTSC players die, Odysseus gains control of that as well.

    Diomedes (a brave soldier of Achaea): May target one person each night. There is a 50/50 chance he will either kill them in a proper duel or take exception at his opponent's skill and decide to befriend them. If he befriends them, he will keep them safe that night but no longer after that, unless he targets them again and does not kill them (then he befriends them for life and may no longer target them). If chance let's Diomedes attempt a kill on a God, he has a 25% chance of a successful kill.

    Nestor (a wise old Achaean soldier): Each night he may visit a fellow Achaean. If they are a fighter, he will inspire them, boosting all of their kill percentages to 100%. If they are not attacking that night, his inspiration will boost their defensive prowess and give them a 50% chance of surviving any of their attacker's kill strokes. He may not speak with the same Achaean 2 nights in a row.

    Menelaus: (Helen's husband who will stop at nothing for vengeance) Each night he may guess Paris' ID. If correct he will threaten him and halt Paris from saving anyone but himself. He detests Paris for stealing Helen and wants him to fully realize his own cowardice as his allies fall. Menelaus cannot be seduced by Helen. Each night, he may protect anyone but himself or choose to attack Paris if he has already RID him, forcing him to sacrifice another Trojan. Menelaus does not get to have full vengeance though. If Paris is the last Trojan standing, he may not attack him.

    The Gods: are crazy powerful ~ get used to it :D All Gods' actions are limited to never be used 2 Nights or 2 Days in a row. This is a decree from Zeus himself, since he wants to see how this battle plays out and not allow the Gods to completely dominate the battlefield.

    Ares (The God of War - fights for and wins with the Trojans): May completely stop all malicious actions taken any night, but not twice in a row. If only Paris and Ares remain for the Trojans, Ares will begin killing each night with 100% accuracy. His Kill will not be nullified if he also wishes to stop all other malicious acts.

    Athena (The Goddess of Wisdom in War - fights for and wins with the Achaeans): May stop the Sacrifice any Day, but not twice in a row. If only Odysseus and Athena remain for the Achaeans, Athena will begin killing each day (in addition to the sacrifice) with 100% accuracy. Her dying does not impact Odysseus' role information of living Achaeans.

    Free Agents:

    Apollo (The God of the Sun - Must be recruited, wins with team or if he survives without being recruited): May end the Day early whenever he wants. As God of the Sun he may choose to advance the Day however fast he chooses. He must send me a PM and the time he specifies (may specify 'right now' or 'in 4 hours' for example) is final whether I'm on or not. The Sacrifice will be whoever has the most votes at that time of the PM. If Apollo is recruited and the last member standing aside from Odysseus or Paris, he will begin killing people each night in frustration. Apollo also knows exactly how to recruit Calchus. Apollo may be recruited with 2 Offerings from one side.

    Hermes (The Messenger God - Must be recruited, wins with team or if he survives without being recruited): May send one message each night and each day to a specific character (through pms to me and only once per 2 cycles - meaning a day and a night out of every 2 days and 2 nights). Hermes also knows exactly how to recruit Calchus. Hermes may be recruited with 3 Offerings from one side.

    Calchus (The Soothsayer - Must be recruited, wins with team or if he survives without being recruited): Has a secret way of being recruited that varies each Night and Day. Only Apollo and Hermes are privy to this information and will only gain it once they have joined the BTSC of a team. Each Day and each Night, Calchus will learn "see" a random character's action, if they have one at that time. He will be notified if the random character is action-less at Night or at Day.

    One team may not recruit both Gods, but they may recruit 1 God and Calchus. All three Free Agents automatically join the team's BTSC group if they get recruited.

    Each day someone is voted to be Sacrificed. That person gets to give an offering to either Apollo or Hermes in the dying hope that they will join their living comrades. Gods cannot give Offerings to Apollo or Hermes.

    Daily Sacrifice: Hera has defied Zeus, who told her not to take sides, and has taken the side of Troy. Likewise, Poseidon has taken the side of the Achaeans. Each day the Sacrifice will be made to one these two Gods. Neither God will kill another God. Hera will not kill a Trojan and Poseidon will not kill an Achaean. Offerings may still be made. The chance of getting Hera or Poseidon is 50%, unless one has appeared two days in a row. The following Day, the other God will appear. Each player sacrificed will not reveal their role, but their allegiance may be determined depending on the outcome.

    Win Condition: The team that wins is the team with the player(s) left alive. If the 3 Free Agents aren't recruited and live, they also "win" and will be in the second game as well. But obviously there should be a high incentive to want to recruit any of them given their abilities. A primary objective is to get as many people from your group and independents into your BTSC group a.s.a.p. but it isn't necessary for a win, it just makes things easier. And like I said, the team left standing wins, be it Trojans or Achaeans.

    Host: itachi

    1) A. Person

    2) Prof. Templeton

    3) Frost

    4) dawh

    5) Cherry Lane

    6) Twin Pop

    7) LIS

    8) SomeGuy

    9) Joe's Student

    10) GC

    11) PG

    12) reaymond

    13) impervious

    14) O'mally

    15) unreality

    16) Brandonb

    17) Y-San

    We will be operating on 24 hour intervals barring Divine Intervention

    Night 1

    Day 1

    Night 2

    Day 2


    Night 3

    Day 3

    Night 4

    Day 4

    Night 5

    Day 5

    Night 6

    Day 6

    Last Night

  11. I use Firefox... have an old version of Safari too, which I don't use. I think we have IE too, but IE sucks ;) So yeah, I use Firefox. Chrome looks cool, but really there's not enough incentive for me to switch. Also, I read an article on how Chrome sends everything you do to the evil central Google database, and they like start a file about you and what you do to feed to their search engines... it claimed Chrome was made by Google to complete their "internet monopoly" as an info-feeder to their search engines. Or something. Not sure if that's true, but I don't really care either way :) Just throwing that out there

    Pretty much the same here -Safari. I use Firefox and it pwnz and has a lot of cool plug-ins (most of which I don't use...). Also, I have heard a lot about the 'Google Monster', but I'm not sure what they're doing aside from collecting data on people, which I am always against, so that's all I need to know. ;)

  12. This one's a toughie, but I kind of like it. Solution below, followed by "of course!" or "that was awful!"

    Warning: actual answer lies in spoiler. Only read if you have abandoned all hope! ;)

    United we stand. Divided we fall.

  13. Well my first thought is that they make a shape on the globe since they're all relatively close to each other in Asia, Europe and N. Africa so they can all be seen at once. There are countries and cities so that's not an issue. Could you clarify Kingston? There are many Kingstons.

  14. wikkied it.

    P(n,r)= n!/(n-r)! since 0!=1, the answer is 8! = 40320

    There's way more ;)

    I'd go with 4, for any number of horses

    Spoiler for which might be:

    [frontward, backward] x [with and without] rider. ;)

    There could be others perhaps.

    Just being cute.

    well cuteness aside, let's assume it's an actual realistic horse race B))

    Some could be doing the cha cha I suppose :P

  15. Bill and Ted each have a standard pack of cards (no jokers). They deal their cards one at a time, from the top of the deck, checking for an exact match. Bill wins if no matches are found. Ted wins if at least one match occurs. What is the probability that Bill wins?

  16. here's a couple blond jokes that I think are new:

    How many blondes does it take to make chocolate chip cookies?

    100. 99 to peel the M&M's and one to mix the batter

    A blonde was out on a date.

    Her date said you have something on your cheek. So she wiped it off.

    Then her date said, "No, the other side."

    So she reached into her mouth and wiped the other side.

    A blonde goes to an office party and wins a thermos.

    The blonde asks a co-worker, "What does it do?" He says it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.

    The next day the blond goes to work after filling her thermos with ice cream and tea.

    One day, a blonde left work early to go home and surprise her husband. When she got home she saw her husband's car in the drive way and thought "Aw, shoot there goes my surprise."

    When she got inside, she heard something coming from her bedroom. She looked in and saw her husband with her sister in bed. She ran out of her house and went to a sporting goods store. After buying a gun she went back home and stood in her backyard. She pulled out her gun, put it to her head and let out a shrill scream.

    Her husband ran outside and saw his wife with the gun and said, "Honey, please don't do it!"

    The blond screamed: "Shut up! You're next!"

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