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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. Host: itachi

    1) Izzy - voting for Brandonb

    2) Prof. Templeton - voting for unreality

    3) Frost -DEAD

    4) dawh - voting for unreality

    5) Cherry Lane -DEAD

    6) Star Tiger - voting for Brandonb

    7) LIS -DEAD

    8) SomeGuy - voting for Brandonb

    9) Joe's Student - voting for Brandonb

    10) GC - voting for unreality

    11) PG - voting for Brandonb

    12) reaymond

    13) impervious -DEAD

    14) O'mally

    15) unreality - voting for Brandonb

    16) Brandonb [Achaean] - voting for unreality

    17) Y-San -DEAD [Achaean]

    O'mally? Where are you buddy? Well, assuming the votes don't change and you vote for unreality, Bb still wins the prize of maybe dying :P 1 more hour to get in your vote or the strictest punishment you can imagine awaits :ph34r::D

  2. Night 3: The Moonlit Assassin

    Within Nestor's ship, the brave Diomedes sat and listened to his mentor's inspiration. The old man was finishing a story of his youth that sparked and fueled a dangerous rage within Diomedes. He stood in a flash and burst out of the ship's confines, landing solidly on the beach, eyes fixated on Troy as if nothing else existed. Odysseus was standing next to him explaining to Agamemnon his proposal of taking an experienced scouting team up to the Palace of Troy in hopes of learning the enemy's battleplan. Just as Agamemnon nodded in approval and Odysseus' group began to set forth, Diomedes laid a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I beg you to include me on this mission General Odysseus." Odysseus saw the fire hiding behind the cool face of Diomedes. "I wouldn't have it any other way dear friend. I'll fill you in on my plan as we proceed up the western passage."


    The stealthy reconnaissance group led by Odysseus stopped short of the passage when the ground before them began to quake and break open. From the chasm's darkness a pair of evil eyes shone bright. The men stilled in awe at the giant figure that emerged and set foot on the ground that closed beneath him, seemingly at his beck and call. Ares' burning hair and menacing disposition put all the Achaean warriors at unease. Only Diomedes was not swayed, Nestor's words still tossing around in his memory. Diomedes approached the fear mongering Ares and knelt before the God. "Please my Lord Ares, allow us to fight this night. I have the will of fire within my soul and it yearns to be expelled onto my enemy." Ares' raised a slightly shocked eyebrow and huffed to himself. "Very well young Achaean, but know this! I had made the decision to allow bloodshed tonight before our present encounter. I take no pleasure in fulfilling your wish. I only hope that tonight you all die at the hands of my favored Trojans. If not for my father's insistence, I'd kill you all where you stand this instant. But alas, I must wait for an opportune time. Until then, I only hope that my allies succeed in that regard. Now leave my sight before I change my mind!"


    Across the beach the battle waged on as it had the previous nights. both Aeneas and dawh found themselves closing in on each other. As Aeneas vanquished his foes, one after the other, he reached dawh and attempted to slice him across the belly, but dawh blocked the attack in a ringing clash of blades. Aeneas was taken aback. "May I ask your name?" "I am called dawh by some, another name by others. You may call me dawh if you wish." "Well, ..dawh.., tonight you've earned my respect. I suspect I may enjoy fighting by your side for a while. It's not often someone manages to block an attack of mine after all." dawh continued to block attacks in the maelstrom of warriors and never bothered to answer the already occupied Trojan fighter.


    Odysseus' group reached far beyond their expectations. They crouched among the shrubs and bushes just beneath the royal chambers of King Priam himself. Odysseus raised a finger to his lips signifying total silence. He then used a series of hand signals to guide all his men to strategic locations around the palace. He sent Diomedes far out of earshot for fear that the overzealous warrior would begin to shout in anticipation. Odysseus raised his head as close as he would dare to the window and listened in on the Trojan Lords' conversation. He heard Priam himself: "...those are two of the events I predict for tonight's transpiration, as for the third. It involves my son Paris. I presume he would..." Before Priam could finish his thought Odysseus launched a burning log through the window, shattering it, and startling all royalty. The room emptied and guards would soon descend upon Odysseus' men.


    From his hiding spot, Odysseus clearly saw a group of men coming his way. There was one man in the center and the others seemed to be a guard of sorts. It looked to be led by the brave warrior Agenor of the Trojan ranks. Agenor looked back at the man he appeared to be protecting. "Have no fear Frost. You are well guarded tonight." Odysseus threw a series of stones down near the trunk of a nearby tree. Agenor's senses heightened. He signaled his men to advance. Frost tried to grab one of them in a panic and then came the creaking of the thin wood below their feet. Agenor shouted to flee, but before they could, the ground they stood upon collapsed and they all fell into a deep hole, breaking bones and being knocked unconscious. Frost was left alone. He directed his frustrated view toward Odysseus and saw only a wide smile. Then his eyes almost burst open as the blade of a sword pierced out through his chest. Frost ventured a final look behind him to see Diomedes' blood-spattered face, also smiling widely. The moonlight shone bright off his killer's face. The skin and teeth appearing white as snow, the blood spatters, as black as pitch. It was the last image Frost would see before his eyelids fell for the last time.


    Diomedes wrenched the sword out of Frost, twirled it in the air, grabbed it with two hands and sliced the man's head clean off. Frost's body fell to its knees and then collapsed in a heap. Diomedes looked over at his friend's smile and then worry covered his face. Without thinking, Odysseus whirled around and impaled the person who had walked up behind him without his notice. Odysseus was surprised, but relieved. Still though, he held some doubt. "What is your name? I am Odysseus, General of the Achaean ranks." "I am ...kno ..known as ...Ccceee .....eeellllllll." CL fell back from Odysseus' blade. Diomedes rushed up to his friend. "Let us return before more danger should rear its head." "Yes. It's been a fulfilling night indeed. I wouldn't want to trust luck any farther."


    The Night was in its weening moments. The sun almost ready to appear on the horizon. Impervious sighed in relief as he thought of living for another day. Then came the crashes of shields from his left. A legion of men sent to their death in a single swipe of a spear. Impervious backed away, despite his pride. Then came another loud crash as helmets were crushed and shields were pierced and men flew about as if a tornado had appeared in the midst of the battlefield. Impervious swallowed hard. Then he saw him. The pommel on the top of his helmet blowing in the wind gusts he created. Blood covered his golden armor. He tossed the heads off his spear and launched it at Impervious. Impervious tried to dodge the madman's spear, but it pierced his shoulder and sent him flying into a large tree, pinning him where he stood. Each man that approached the menace was split in half and broken and sent flying in a rage of skill and bloodlust. Impervious knew this was his end. But to think that the Mankiller Hector could be this sadistic and this skilled to actually live up to his fabled name? To think.... no... there was no more time to think. Time slowed as Hector raised his mighty sword above his head. His eyes shone red in the approaching sunrise. His sword sliced straight down splitting Impervious dead in half through helmet and armor. Hector ripped his spear out of the tree and the tree split in half then as well. He turned from his foe without another care and then he launched his spear at his next victim. Impervious' dead eyes faced both the back of his departing killer and at the same time, the Achaean ships harbored at the beach. He closed one eye before his body finally died.


    Host: itachi

    1) Izzy

    2) Prof. Templeton

    3) Frost -DEAD

    4) dawh

    5) Cherry Lane -DEAD

    6) Star Tiger

    7) LIS -DEAD

    8) SomeGuy

    9) Joe's Student

    10) GC

    11) PG

    12) reaymond

    13) impervious -DEAD

    14) O'mally

    15) unreality

    16) Brandonb [Achaean]

    17) Y-San -DEAD [Achaean]

    Day 3 begins now and ends in 24 hours. Thanks for playing Frost, CL and Impervious :)


    Calchus looked up from under his cowl at the fleet-footed Hermes landing like a feather on the thin spires in which Calchus had been hiding throughout the entirety of this vicious battle for Troy. "I knew you would come." "I knew you would know." Hermes smiled with the sarcastic remark. "This isn't much of a place for the peaceful. Well, this demonic-looking stone structure actually is quite peaceful. The waves and the silence between. Tell me, Calchus. Do you wish to be brought under the wing of either the Trojans or the Achaeans?"

    I care not, just sing my songs

    Not yet seeing where I belong

    Though I have seen quite a bit

    Of this battle of strength and wit

    Tonight a mortal beckoned

    Upon a God who reckoned

    To keep a like being in her care

    Though he needn't such affair.

  3. nothing is final until a book gets 5 votes :)

    Well I said I'd move my vote from GEB to Ender's Game since GEB is so far behind (it only had 1 vote at the time). Which would make 5 for Ender's Game, but I also said if people had reservations about vote switching then we could just wait for 5 votes on the poll. I'm probably not going to read a Dan Brown book though and just read one of the other ones. :P If A&D gets selected I'll discuss GEB with Jrod ;)

  4. So far it's a tie between the 3 books I'd actually be willing to read. :D
    yeah, this is cool! Out of the list, I've only read Fragile Things which won't win, so it will be something new and interesting no matter what for me :D

    For Pendragon? B))

    We agreed that the first book to get 5 votes would be our first book for discussion. Like unreality though, I'm also going to read GEB no matter what ;)

    Edit: actually probably all of these no matter what :lol:

  5. The Recruitment of Apollo

    Brandonb walked up the steps to Apollo's temple with the body of a Trojan warrior. He tossed the warrior down before the great statue of the Sun God and pierced the body's heart with his blade. Blood began to flow through the carefully carved design in the ground forming a seal. The symbol was of an archer piercing the Sun itself with an arrow of blood. When the blood filled the floor's engraving, the statue's eyes opened. Slowly the grey color began to take on a pinkish hew and it's head and neck began to twist as if thawing. The plaster shattered and Apollo emerged from the statue's remnants. Brandonb lowered his head, but Apollo lifted his gaze up to him by the chin. "Fear no more my child of Achaea. You have just gained a mighty ally."

    Apollo emerged from the temple and conjured a large satchel. He removed a bow so large and powerful that only a God could loose an arrow from its divine rope. The bow and arrow sparkled in the sun's rays and Apollo launched a Sacred Arrow at Troy. The arrow pierced and set right at the top of Troy's palace, directly in the center of Priam's family crest. Priam fell to the ground holding his heart. His attendants all crowded him. "Back off you fools!" Priam shouted at them. "This is no wound a mortal can heal. I have just been marked by a God..."

    Apollo spoke, not a shout, but it's voice carried across the entire land. "From this day forth, know that Apollo has joined the Will and Fire of Achaea, that he will summon and dispel the Sun you all count so dearly upon, and that he will annihilate Troy's existence from the land." The Achaeans all knelt to their new ally. The Trojans retreated to deliberate on this new matter. And Calchus whispered: "Strange that. I didn't see that coming..."

    Host: itachi

    1) Izzy

    2) Prof. Templeton

    3) Frost

    4) dawh

    5) Cherry Lane

    6) Star Tiger

    7) LIS -DEAD

    8) SomeGuy

    9) Joe's Student

    10) GC

    11) PG

    12) reaymond

    13) impervious

    14) O'mally

    15) unreality

    16) Brandonb [Achaean]

    17) Y-San -DEAD [Achaean]

  6. I'm so so sorry I have been inactive I had to do a lot of homework and I didn't have any time for BD :(:blink::wacko: can I please go back in this game

    I'm sorry about this again I won't be inactive for about 1 more week

    no worries lime. you were just replaced since it was so long since you answered any PMs, but nothing personal and thanks for playing ;)

  7. Host: itachi

    1) Izzy

    2) Prof. Templeton

    3) Frost

    4) dawh

    5) Cherry Lane

    6) Star Tiger

    7) LIS -DEAD

    8) SomeGuy

    9) Joe's Student

    10) GC

    11) PG

    12) reaymond

    13) impervious

    14) O'mally

    15) unreality

    16) Brandonb

    17) Y-San -DEAD [Achaean]

    Izzy is replacing limeliam. Thanks for playing lime :) , wherever you are :huh:

  8. Day 2: Athena's Decision

    The fighting was beginning to get to Brandonb. He was shaking and shivering huddled on a large rock on the outskirts of the beach. "How can I go on? It's a complete meleƩ out there! There's no order! I just... I just... There's only one way to win... to sacrifice myself! That's it! It's madness, but I must do it." He rose and walked steadfastly to the nearest temple, where he would properly sacrifice himself, but his steps were halted. As if his mind was emptied of all his worry, he began to think with a clear head. He looked across his surroundings and saw the battlefield as a chessboard that was still begging to be used.

    Bb felt the warm clasp of a hand on his shoulder as he surveyed the beach. It was the Goddess he has prayed to earlier in the day. Athena in the flesh had appeared to him as he had asked and all was well. He regained his composure. "I see now that a sacrifice today would be a waste. Thank you my Goddess Athena! Your Wisdom has set my path straight and to the quick. I now know what I must do. I must prepare an Offering to ______. Excuse me as I make haste!"

    Athena allowed a slight grin and then vanished, no one else having seen her presence. Bb hurried to make a decision of who he would grant an Offering. "Shall I ask the Celestial Apollo or the Swift Hermes?" All waited with impatience for his decision. He stood between the temples of Apollo and Hermes. Which would he enter?

    Host: itachi

    1) Limeliam

    2) Prof. Templeton

    3) Frost

    4) dawh

    5) Cherry Lane

    6) Star Tiger

    7) LIS -DEAD

    8) SomeGuy

    9) Joe's Student

    10) GC

    11) PG

    12) reaymond

    13) impervious

    14) O'mally

    15) unreality

    16) Brandonb

    17) Y-San -DEAD [Achaean]

    We await Brandonb's Offering.

    In the meantime Night 3 is upon us.

    Editor's Note: Poseidon would have been the Sacrificial God had it come to that.

  9. OK, the day is over. This is the final Tally:

    Host: itachi

    1) Limeliam

    2) Prof. Templeton - voting for O'mally

    3) Frost - voting for Brandonb

    4) dawh - voting for O'mally

    5) Cherry Lane - voting for Brandonb

    6) Star Tiger - voting for Brandonb

    7) LIS - DEAD

    8) SomeGuy - voting for Prof Templeton

    9) Joe's Student - voting for Brandonb

    10) GC - voting for Prof Templeton

    11) PG - voting for Brandonb

    12) reaymond - voting for PG

    13) impervious - voting for Prof Templeton

    14) O'mally - voting for O'mally

    15) unreality voting for Brandonb

    16) Brandonb - voting for Prof Templeton

    17) Y-San - DEAD [Achaean]

    Day Post coming up and limeliam needs to be replaced.

  10. No offense, but I hate Michael Crichton books. They're incomprehensibly boring. I started both Jurassic Park and Prey. I dropped Prey after the first 5-10 chapters but drudged through Jurassic Park, slowly. They're just so boring

    I second that. I liked Jurassic Park, but the others I couldn't read, like Congo, etc...

    Also, there's a new topic for us to decide a book so that we can actually get a Book Club underway. I'm assuming you saw that considering the vote for Slaughterhouse 5 :P , but I just wanted to make mention to all who want to be in the bookclub to get your vote on. If a couple of books are close to 5 and you wouldn't mind reading them, please vote for them in an effort to get one picked a.s.a.p. Your top pick can always be our next book. ;)

  11. We can't use the number of the presidents so I tried the term. No president has a name with an "L" in the 5th term, or working backwards the 51st. So I tried vice presidents and terms George Clinton was VP in the 5th term, "L" is the second letter of the last name, good start. Just focusing on the "-" in Itachi's hint because I figure if it works for one "-" it should work for them all and I get L??ULRGB? Nothing. So I try backwards with the VP and terms. Dan Quayle has a "L" second letter from the end, good start again. I get L??UXUNS? Hhmmmm. Next I try the actual number of the vice presidents again starting with George Clinton and I get L??ULMBA? O.K. Then I try backwards starting with Walter Mondale and get L??RAORN? So on these four attempts I come up with





    Anyone make anything out of those?

    You've got the right idea and the right data to use, you're just finding the difference in the wrong places ;) By working backward, I implied that you may attempt to think of the book it may be given the hint about 'the middle'

  12. just to keep things balanced :P

    Just to be clear about this possible Sacrifice: don't assume that a tie will mean there won't be a sacrifice ;) It could happen that all members of the voting tie die. It could also happen that some or none of them die. They will all face either Hera or Poseidon, in other words. :o

    Edit: Offerings may be made by all members of the tie. They must be made publicly and will be counted in order of 'first made, first served' B))

  13. Let's get the book club started! ~for once ;) First book that gets 5 votes will be our first book to read and discuss. If you really want another book that isn't listed in the Poll, then post it and if 4 other people post that book as well, then that will be the one we read. I'm not sure how long it takes everyone to read, also these books vary greatly in length, so I guess just start discussing when you're done. When we've beaten the book to death, we can move on to the next one B)) and have a new poll and new topic for it. Here's to BD's Book Club! *cheers*

  14. Shadow Children is a great series :D

    Why the sign-up roster lol? No need for that, peace. It's not a game, nor a set list - people can come and go. However we could have a list of book nominees and vote numbers next to them, ie,

    Slaughterhouse Five - 12

    Pendragon - 17

    or whatever :P

    I think someone should make a poll topic and then we read the first book that gets 5 votes. First let's agree on the books to be in the poll:

    So far we have:

    Slaughterhouse 5


    Fragile Things

    The Man in the High Castle

    Ender's Game

    Angels and Demons

    His Dark Materials

    ...3 more and someone start a poll topic and we're all set! ;)

  15. ...I meant as Rail Tracer...I was being Incognito ;P...what does that have to do with the OP?

    Edit: Going ghostly grey

    Oh, well what does that have to do with anything? What's wrong with playing as Y-San? Why the MPD? ;)

    Edit: well, haibara_ai in this case B))

  16. I've been expecting someone to do what Brandonb did. It was only a matter of time since most are stumbling around in the dark. Actually it more likely to come from the Achaeans since they lost a player already. About that, Y-san was asking Athena to stop the sacrifice by saying she was an Achaean. Did she not believe her or does she have to decide to end sacrifices before the day starts I wonder.
    Athena can tell me that she will stop the sacrifice anytime during the day. The day is 24 hours max., so when the day ends so does Athena's chance. I figured this was obvious since we could very well wait for hours upon hours if the day ended at a time that Athena was not online. How else would her power be interpreted? I'm giving her role the maximum amount of leniency that I can see.

    Yeah...if I had known Itachi was going to out me anyways :rolleyes: , I would have :P

    Guess great minds think alike ;P

    All you had to do would have been to consult the OP:

    Each player sacrificed will not reveal their role, but their allegiance may be determined depending on the outcome.
    Gods cannot be sacrificed and Hera will not kill Trojans, so who else is there but Calchus who is mentioned in each Night Post? On that note, since it will be obvious when Calchus dies, I'll just make it public if it happens.

    There was a vote about how much info I should reveal. You did not partake (I think only unreality did actually :rolleyes: ) but it went for me revealing as much info as possible, so that's what I'm doing. If you wanted minimal info given out, you should have said so. :huh:

  17. Night 2: Confusion throughout the Camps

    Agamemnon sat by the shore peering away from the Trojan camp. The black waves continued to pound and crash against the ships. He looked to the sky almost in tears at the sacrifice one of his own men had to make to that fiendish Hera. "Just what am I to do? My mind is a flood of rage and sorrow and... despair. Great Lord Zeus please guide my mind, my body, my sword. Help me find my lost men among these accursed beaches. Having them scattered so is tearing at my heart."

    As Agamemnon pleaded to Zeus, who favored him and considered him a General among generals, the trustworthy old warrior Nestor walked slowly up beside his commander. "How worried you look Agamemnon. This is not the Agamemnon I know. The boy I watched become the most brilliant tactician of his age. Leader of the Achaean fleet and supreme General, favored by Lord Zeus himself."

    Agamemnon: Thank you my old friend. But it seems even Zeus has turned his back on me. No matter how much I ask and plead and sacrifice he refuses to show me a sign, a path, any means to victory. I've lost one of my finest men and now I sit in despair and weakness and Zeus laughs.

    Nestor: Oh I don't think he's laughing my Lord. No, just the opposite I'm sure. Zeus finds himself divided between his love for you and his love of the Trojan King Priam. Expect no favor from him, but do not fear his wrath or his neglect. He's watching and waiting. Waiting for you to become the pillar this group needs. A sturdy foundation of unrivaled mind and physical dominance. Take up your sword of Kings and rally your men. You will feel Zeus within your heart as yours warms while you do what you were born to do. You were born to lead these men. You were born to take Troy.

    Agamemnon looked over at Nestor's serious face and felt renewed vigilance. He breathed in sharply and exhaled all his sorrow and regret. Then the fire returned to his eyes and he began rallying the Achaeans into exhilaration.


    Diomedes took in every word from his Captain-Commander's mouth. Agamemnon set a fire in his heart that could only be quenched with the kill of a worthy adversary. He stalked out into the night. He slew soldier after soldier in a riveting display of skill, until he saw a twinkle in the eye of someone among the shore. He disregarded all other warriors and pushed them aside, stepping closer and closer to his prey. He had a feeling this one was of key importance to the battle and would not leave his sight alive. Diomedes reached the man and spun him around by his shoulder. "What is your name?" "I am Lost in Space." "Lost are you? Then allow me to guide you to your final resting place in Tartarus."

    LIS' eyes widened as the spear sank deep into his midsection. The seemingly possessed Diomedes let his foe slide off the spear to die on the ground and then continued to fight on slaying fighter after fighter, Agamemnon's encouragement ringing in his ears.


    Calchus remained hidden among the twisted, intertwining rocks and spires of erosion along the coast. He sat just out of reach of the crashing waves and huddled under his cloak. He continued to rock back and forth, shivering and muttering to himself:

    Troy's confusion fills the putrid air

    Achaea's confusion leads to great despair

    Each side far too blinded to see

    Each side not yet meant for me

    Brave Agenor wasting his time

    Another man destined to die

    Confusion smothering us all

    But one side destined to fall


    Host: itachi

    1) Limeliam

    2) Prof. Templeton

    3) Frost

    4) dawh

    5) Cherry Lane

    6) Star Tiger

    7) LIS -DEAD

    8) SomeGuy

    9) Joe's Student

    10) GC

    11) PG

    12) reaymond

    13) impervious

    14) O'mally

    15) unreality

    16) Brandonb

    17) Y-San -DEAD [Achaean]

    Day 2 begins now and ends in 24 hours. Thanks for playing LIS! These coins are 2-headed monsters...

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