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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. 1) SomeGuy [Monster] -DEAD

    2) Impervious [Olympian] -DEAD

    3) LIS - DEAD

    4) GC [Monster]

    5) Prof. T

    6) dawh -DEAD

    7) Kat [Human] -DEAD

    8) Bb - voting for GC

    9) RMZ -DEAD

    10) ST - voting for GC

    11) Artificial I

    12) Riranor - voting for GC

    13) JS

    14) Randro

    15) twin bro

    16) IDNE

    17) crazypainter - voting for GC


    Athena now calls the day to an end.

    woah woah, people are active now.

  2. 1) SomeGuy [Monster] -DEAD

    2) Impervious [Olympian] -DEAD

    3) LIS - DEAD

    4) GC [Monster]

    5) Prof. T

    6) dawh -DEAD

    7) Kat [Human] -DEAD

    8) Bb

    9) RMZ -DEAD

    10) ST

    11) Artificial I

    12) Riranor

    13) JS

    14) SG2

    15) twin bro

    16) IDNE

    17) Kat2

    New Roster! Kat has replaces cp and SG has replaced Randro. And welcome back PT, IDNE and JS! Hopefully we can all stay active now ;) ~including me :P

  3. I will become SG2, but I would like to be attacking Bb, since the chance is cumulative.

    Em, sorry guys :blush: it's been a pretty hectic past few days, and it doesn't seem like I'll be getting a break anytime soon. I just PM'd Itachi there, hope I didn't mess up a vote with my absense. I know my Role Ability wasn't that powerful but it's always best to have more around to discuss things.

    Edit: I see SG you're only replacing me now. Sorry you have been without my vote for so long, I thought I would have been replaced before this.

    The night was over long ago, so the changes you guys made after I posted the end of the night in the Game Thread didn't go into effect.

    JS stays as JS

    Randro becomes SG2

  4. Night 7: Swaying Momentum

    Again under the curse of the Siren's song, cp wandered Tararus in a daze of ecstasy. "It's just ..too beautiful ...full of grace ...divine even. I just can't help myself..." encroaching on the Monster, cp reached for her weapon of choice, but fell face forward. Before she hit ground though, Athena soared down between the two, and propped cp up with a careful shoulder. She was holding both hers ears shut tight, but the Siren never let up. Her voice actually visible, exponentially growing sound waves burst from deep in her throat. Athena riskily let one hand slide down to her sword belt, unsheathed her sword and hold it right at the Siren's throat. With only one hand, Athena grabbed cp and flew off, her other hand still holding one ear.

    Siren: You cannot best my song Olympian...

    Athena: No, but I can outrun it ...for now. (to cp) Hang in there! Don't you die on me!

    cp: Her song.. last night ... was just so beautiful.


    Holding a shaky hand up to Odysseus, PT wanted to scream, but couldn't. Odysseus looked satisfied, but his mind was already on other matters. PT continued to drift from awareness as this odd curse drained the last amounts of his power.

    PT: Am I dead? Did you kill me with that secret ability, human?

    Odysseus: No, but I'd be careful what I say from now on if I were you. ...excuse me, I have to deal with something. Don't worry. I'll be back to finish you off.

    Watching Odysseus run away infuriated PT, but to his utter dismay, he felt as if he couldn't do anything. "What is this? How did it happen? Careful what I say? ...grrrr... these Humans have gotten too powerful. ...I'll show them... Finish me off?!?!... oh yes... I'll show them exactly with who they're dealing..."


    Odysseus halted his run just short of the battleground that two other individuals had been using for the past few minutes. Both Medusa and AI fought gallantly, but Odysseus had interest in only AI's survival. By the looks of the battle at the time he arrived, Medusa would surely win. He looked all over the area for some tool or weapon made from his surroundings. "There...!" Odysseus ran up the hill that Sisyphus stood upon.

    Sisyphus: Watch out! Careful down there!

    Dodging the giant boulder as it cascaded back down the hill, Odysseus noticed a large crack in the carved valley. "Is this place falling apart now that Impervious has been slain?" He leaped up to the crack and pounded it with a mighty punch. The crack grew. Odysseus punched with his other hand. The crack grew even larger. Sisyphus' eye lit up and he dropped down next to Odysseus.

    Within those few seconds, AI fell onto his back from Medusa's power. She happened to have her back to him though, since she had swept him off his feet with her massive tail whip. AI closed his eyes, and when she turned to face her fallen opponent her gaze met only his eyelids. "Is that the best you could come up with? Face reality Olympian. You will die here tonight! Muahahaha!" Medusa cackled as she bent over to forcibly open AI's eyes.

    Odysseus raised his sword and plunged it into the hillside. That did it. The entire side of the valley collapsed just as the gigantic boulder had reached the apex of the other side and began rolling down back toward them. It rolled up and through the rubble, right for Medusa. Snapping her extended fingers back into a fist, Medusa sneered at the boulder careening toward her. She had no choice but to dodge and dodge she did. But after the dust settled from the boulder's final impact into a nearby wall, she found herself alone. Even Sisyphus was gone. Medusa screamed in outrage.


    Odysseus kept his smile as he descended further into Tartarus, now used to the horrid feeling that there was no escape. Up ahead, lay a path, as if it were put there just for him. "Sometimes, the best way to deal with a trap... is to spring it." Odysseus thought as he carefully walked down the torchlit passage. There was no one in sight, but the path led into a tunnel. Kat watched from the distance as Odysseus cautiously entered the cave to find that it was in fact not a cave at all. It was more of an amphitheater. A giant circle at the center surrounded by circular steps that easily be used for seats. "Just what is this?" he wondered aloud.

    ???: Your destiny.

    Odysseus turned sharply at the voice's origin to see Theseus standing on the opposite side of the circle, sword drawn and over his shoulder, shield swung around his back and spear in hand.Thinking they were alone, Odysseus conceded and drew his weapons as well. The two rushed each other ending in a front bind between swords. The swords shook together, grinding metal on metal. Theseus used the opportunity to attempt a shiv into Odysseus' side, but Odysseus held his Falcon guard as he parried the spear away with his dagger. Strangely, Odysseus thought he could hear cheers from the seats, but only a dark fog covered the surroundings. The quickness caused both spear and dagger to fall and with equal speed the two whipped their shields off their backs and collided them together in a masterful display of style. Odysseus' mind was again flustered. He could have sworn he heard a crowd gasp at the collision. The two leaped from each other and returned to guarding positions. Odysseus took some time to survey the area and still... nothing... wait, were those eyes? And those? And those? No. Were the dead watching them fight? No matter. Odysseus forgot the oddity and focused entirely on his opponent. "Watched by the dead or not, I need to focus. This guy has improved."

    Theseus: You may be the most cunning warrior Odysseus, but you've nobody but me to think about now. And when it comes to a duel, I have the upper hand. You felt it. Not that it matters though. I'm here to kill you and nothing less, so a forfeit will not be necessary. Just die in honor.

    Odysseus: Overconfident are you? Let's see if I can crack that pedestal.

    With a wry smirk Odysseus ran at Theseus again. But Theseus knew the dance of the blade too well. Each move Odysseus used, was quickly countered by Theseus. Diving Eagle blocked with Tiger's Paw, Dragon Thrust blocked with Swooping Crane and countered with Falling Serpent. There were now fully audible praiseful and contemptuous shouts from the seats. Yellow and orange eyes lit the center circle in a bizarre and frightening ambiance. Odysseus was tiring; his endurance run dry, and Theseus attempted to plunge Charging Ram right through Odysseus' midsection, finishing his once and for all. The blade struck fatality, but both Theseus and Odysseus stared wide-eyed between them. Kat had run into the blade, saving Odysseus, and she held on to Theseus' sword tight so he could not remove it from her body. The crowd was gone it seemed. The eyes winked out, almost synchronized, but neither warrior noticed their absence. Seeing the disadvantage, Theseus jumped back, keeping watch for any other intruders. He then fled without his sword, thinking of where he could pick up another. "That one LIS dropped should be an excellent blade. Now if I could just find where he fell," Theseus thought as he ran from the coliseum. Odysseus held Kat in his arms as she died. Closing her eyes for her, Odysseus promised: "Your death will not be in vain."


    Feeling the strain of six nights of battle, Diomedes rubbed his shoulder and grunted. Nestor sat near him offering choice words of advice. Behind them, lurking in the shadows, SG could hear the wise old warrior's words as well. Only they had a somewhat different effect on him. While Diomedes began getting more and more psyched from the encouragement, SG found himself glued to the spot, still with power, but completely intoxicated in Nestor's speech. It was breathtaking. He couldn't stifle a small cheer for the protagonist when Nestor neared the end of the tale and both he and Diomedes looked quizzically at the wall next to them. Diomedes, with a renewed vigor, punched right through the wall, grabbed SG by the throat and yanked him through the rest of the wall, crumbling apart a large hole. SG was stunned by the man's power.

    SG: You? You aren't a God. Why are you so powerful?

    Diomedes: You heard Nestor's speech. But it was for my ears only. I'd ask you to ready yourself, but no matter what you do you'll be no match, so I'll just make this quick.

    Eviscerating SG, Diomedes dropped the lifeless corpse to Nestor's approval. Blood spattered across Diomedes' face, but he left it there, as if it were warpaint. He yelled and smashed his sword across his chest. His eyes widened and sharpened. Taking a life was always exhilarating for him. Even with one arm, Diomedes was a force with which to be reckoned.

    Nestor: That's one less monster to worry about, eh? Right on. Let us walk further into this God-forsaken place. Did I ever tell you about the...?


    AI stood on the banks of the River Styx, arms folded, no longer laughing. Twin Bro was beside him, unconscious. The ferryman stood atop his ferry in the center of the river gazing right back at the frustrated Olympian. "Did you think you could outwit me forever, Messenger? Oh how I want to laugh at you. If only I was still able. Silence is enough though. Actually, it may infuriate you more. Oh, I hope it does. I hope it really does." Charon swayed on the tiny waves of the Styx, under cowl, trying his best to smile.


    Thinking the night was over and that he had time to rest up, PT opened his eyes to see Odysseus' blade only an inch from the bridge of his nose. He didn't move.

    Odysseus: I've never enjoyed having to kill someone in their sleep, well, razing Troy in the still of night as they slept was pretty great, but aside from that...

    PT: Oh, what I'm going to do to you...

    Odysseus: Heheh. You're going to die for me.

    Plunging his sword down, Odysseus only hit the dirt below. PT evaded such a quick attack?! PT was to his left and so Odysseus swung, but cut only air. Odysseus lowered his sword, acknowledging his opponent's skill. PT laughed only through his breathing, "Consider yourself lucky to be alive, Achaean. Enjoy it while it lasts."


    1) SomeGuy [Monster] -DEAD

    2) Impervious [Olympian] -DEAD

    3) LIS - DEAD

    4) GC [Monster]

    5) Prof. T

    6) dawh -DEAD

    7) Kat [Human] -DEAD

    8) Bb

    9) RMZ -DEAD

    10) ST

    11) Artificial I

    12) Riranor

    13) JS

    14) SG2

    15) twin bro

    16) IDNE

    17) Kat2

    Thanks for playing Kat and SG! Day 7 begins now.

    Edit: oh wait... you're both still playing :lol: yay! ;)

  5. Sorry I have not been interacting as much. I am in my last week of class and swamped with HW. This is my last day though, so from tomorrow on I should be more active. I apologize for not saying something sooner.

    It's OK. Maybe down the road you may get a killing role. Also, tonight you actually did something very important ;)

    on another note, SG will be dying soon.. :( SG: would you like to become SG2 and take over for JS? Down the road Argus may get to be a killer too ;)

  6. GC - Lake -> Pitts Sorry, GC was Sacrificed today so he is now on the Surface for the night. Don't worry, this doesn't impact the night at all. ;)

    JS - Dungeons -> Snake's Cavern

    Randro - Dungeons -> Snake's cavern

    TB - Mountain -> Castle

    IDNE - Swamp -> Ixion's path

    PT - Castle (doesn't move)

    SG - Swamp -> Ixion's path

  7. Charon: IDNE

    Move: Forward 1

    Target: AI

    Persephone: PT

    Move: Can't move

    Target: GC

    Secret Ability: Bb

    Medusa: Randro

    Move: Down 1

    Target: AI (Hermes)

    Siren: SG

    Move: 1 forward

    Target: CP (Diomedes)

    Theseus: TB

    Move: 3 down

    Target: Bb (Odysseus)

    Cerberus: GC

    Move: Down 1

    Target: ST (Athena)

    Argus: JS

    Move: Down 1

    GC - Lake -> Pitts

    JS - Dungeons -> Snake's Cavern

    Randro - Dungeons -> Snake's cavern

    TB - Mountain -> Castle

    IDNE - Swamp -> Ixion's path

    PT - Castle (doesn't move)

    SG - Swamp -> Ixion's path

    Hopefully we have some luck with this....

    Got it thanks! 1 thing tho: GC is powerless due to the Sacrifice today.

  8. I appologize for not being around. I'm sorry Itachi. The wife and I took the kids to see my in-laws. If I had known this wasn't going to be put to bed I would have made an attempt to get on-line. The plan looks like a good one considering what we have. I had the same question about doubling up with the Siren ability that SG posed. Is the 50% cumulative? Let's get this done, I want to see what happens.

    Yes, it would be totally cumulative (assuming both work). Great to have you back PT!

  9. This shouldn't be a problem: Impervious will be back in the baddie BTSC forum playing for that team. His character is dead, but his playing essentially saves the game. There is no info he had that disrupts anything (obviously), so all should be fine with him calling shots for the mostly inactive baddies. Thanks for stepping up Impervious! ;)

    Edit: and to the baddies I called out. You're all very welcome to start playing again and I hope you can soon.

  10. Goodies in, Baddies nothing... this is basically why I wanted to stop playing. To the baddies: can someone please just powerplay a long post with everyone's actions followed by their travels?

    ~seriously, there is essentially no baddie side left. Since everyone knows what factions are what here is the list of inactives for the baddies: JS, randro, TB, IDNE, and PT... (as you can see, this is a bit silly)

    Edit: again asking, if we are still playing. if so, don't expect a night post soon.

  11. For convenience, here are your locations:

    GC - Lake

    JS - Dungeons

    Randro - Dungeons

    TB - Mountain

    IDNE - Swamp

    PT - Castle (doesn't move) - use this to your advantage *hint hint*

    SG - Swamp

    When you send over your finalized list, just copy this list onto the end and say exactly what locations you guys are moving to. Thanks!

  12. Itachi, can the Siren halve the likelihood that Nestor (sorry, I have gotten that wrong in all the previous questions :P) will be able to boost, or that Athena's likelihood of saving will be halved? (making it essentially a 50/50 block)

    Yes. Her RD states: halves final actions accuracy, not just attacks or kills, so it pertains to pretty much everyone.

  13. from Hermes:

    "Odysseus, we are going to start using a different code to communicate in the thread. This one will dynamically change so it'll be harder to decipher. The offset for the letter substitution will depend on the last digit of your post number. So if your writing in post number 491, then since 1 is the last digit, your code will be A=B, B=C, etc. For post 492, the code will be A=C, B=D, etc. For a post number that ends in 0, the letter offset will be 10. Also, don't leave long messages anymore. Those ones are much easier to decipher. If you have to leave a long message though, you can split it up into different posts, each with their own substitution code.

    Finally, I think you're plan last night could have been better. You should have attacked GC on the surface so that when he was sacrificed next day he would go to Tartarus and be powerless, and only have one life left. Anyways, I don't really have a good plan for tonight, so I'm willing to hear you out again.

    Waiting for your response, Hermes."

  14. If ST were to move three spaces up. After she hits the wall, what happens to the final movement ?

    Is it a situation where the third move continues to follow the second movement's downward trend? ex: 1-moves up, 2-moves down, 3-continues the downward movement... Ending on Hell Swamp?

    Or does the last movement make an upward move again? ex: 1-moves up, 2-moves down, 3-moves back up again... Ending on the Surface?

    Edit: Kat, whenever ur ready :)

    Yes, she would end up at the Hell Swamp (1 up, 2 down)

    Using now :3


    just one second.

    Edit: OK, you foresaw that Medusa will be attacking A.I.

  15. I hope the game goes on Itachi. It's been great fun playing so far and as I am going to be on the winning side I would not like the game to come to an end at this stage.

    I am sure AI made that comment to annoy us, but be assured Hermes we are not. :P But really I think he just wants to be in a BTSC group and is thinking that he's missing out on all the action.

    Sure, I'll continue the game since a few people want to keep going. However there are, for whatever reasons, many inactives. That's the cause of the frustration on my part. I'm not blaming anyone, it's just fact and that puts a damper on the whole experience IMO. But as I said, we'll keep playing and I'm sure it will still be fun. :D The 2 team aspect makes powerplaying much less of a problem, so it's all good really. And the way things are right now, there's still plenty of hope for each team, so watching it play out should be interesting. ;)

  16. 1 - Andromeda -

    2 - Voltage-(Confirmed)

    3 - Jarze

    4 - RainThinker-(Confirmed)

    5 - IDoNotExist

    6 - Joe's Student

    7 - Star Tiger-(Confirmed)

    8 - Crazy Painter

    9 - Renan-(Confirmed)

    10 - Rirano

    11 - Randro - (Confirmed)

    12 - Grey Cells - (Confirmed)

    13 - MagicLuver101

    14 - A.I.

    15 - R.M.Z-(Confirmed)

    16 - Reaymanator-(Confirmed)

    17 - SG-(Confirmed)

    18 - Izzy-(Confirmed)

    19 - Zerep-(Confirmed)

    20 - CyberSpace17-(Confirmed)

    21 - itachi - (Confirmed)

    22 -

    Sweet, I just made it!

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