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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. uobhgzigrtvifkglk....you would SG <_<

    sorry I don't have much of a sense of humor today, just found out i'm losing my job in a month so I wont be near as active here.

    my apologies itachi. I'll do my best to keep up with it all.

    Aw man, sorry to hear about that. Don't worry about the game Impervious, it's just a game after all. Good luck finding a new job! :) ~nah, you don't need luck, you've got skillz ;)

  2. I'm leaving this up to you guys:

    what if Odysseus is targeted on the surface and all other Achaeans are in Tartarus, Odysseus gets targeted, so another one has to die. Is it fair for that Achaean to be eliminated from the game or should I (host) move them to the surface so they die as Odysseus would have, or should Odysseus just be killed on the Surface?

  3. Sorry guys, had a fun day with my friends in Queensland, something similar to Disneyland, but not as big. :P So couldn't check back before the day was over.

    Imp how about these guesses:

    1. Odysseus guesses that Charon will not grant access to Bb(Brandon will definitely know that Charon will try to block his path again, so we need to nullify his guess so that Charon blocks his path)

    Itachi: If Odysseus guesses that Charon will not allow Bb to pass and Hades guesses the above, Charon's action will not be nullified, right?

    2. Athena protects CP

    Itachi: If Athena does the above action, and Hades guesses the same, will Athena's save be nullified? That is, she won't be able to save CP, right? Asking this because this action takes place entirely in the opposite camp.

    3. Odysseus attacks GC(Bb will consider every alternative, and will suspect that Cerberus has to be close to the surface to move between the 2 sides for killing)

    4. Odysseus guesses that Cerberus will attack Bb(The same reason)

    1) yes, you nullify exactly what you say.

    2) yes, same deal. you nullify exactly what you say, which is why it must be very precise.

    I think guess #1 should definitely be included because Brandon would look to move down to Tartarus. Guess #2 is optional, but if Theseus targets CP and gets to kill her, Athena wouldn't interfere plus we know Athena's ID. Guess #4 is a better option than #3 because even if I lose one head, I get to attack Odysseus and eliminate a random Achaean.

    Itachi: Another question(sorry but this is an important night, need to make the right moves). Odysseus is on the surface, Cerberus moves up to the surface. Cerberus' attack is successful and Odysseus chooses a random Achaean to die in his place. That random Achaean is in Tartarus, so will that random Achaean definitely die?

    Good call here. I'll get back to you. I don't know how fair that would be yet.

    I also have a question for Itachi:

    Since the minotour is dead does that eliminate that role from being among the random roles chosen for Persephone's secret ability?

    If it does that would be good for us. The random protection would be gone leaving only the killing/ dispruting roles.

    No, since it may come down to you and Hades I wanted you to still be able to kill.

    very true AI is on right now so i'm sure he got my message....i'll edit it out of the post tight before 10 mins is up

    lol, exactly hwy mafia games shouldn't have edit windows :rolleyes:

  4. Tweaked actions list. In light of discovering the ancient forgotten abilities :P

    I think we should take a defensive stance tonight, then hit'em hard tomorrow. I'll say something incriminating... maybe claim a role that they already know, and try to draw out a few votes for myself. Then Kat Sways the vote to GC, and I'll nullify one of the other people that vote for me. ;)

    Kat is safe on the surface, so she will not need to be protected

    Nestor Blocks ST's movement (so she stays below the surface and can save people).

    Nestor boosts Diomedes

    Diomedes attacks Prof T

    Athena1 Protects CP

    Athena2 Protects Riranor

    Odysseus Kills IDNE

    Odysseus guesses:

    1) Cerberus Attacks CP (Block/ID)

    2) Cerberus Attacks ST (Block/ID)

    3) Cerberus Attacks Bb (Block/ID)

    *Everyone moves up 1 (Except Kat who is stuck on the surface, and ST who is blocked by Nestor)

    Ending positions will be...

    1) The Surface - Kat

    ~The River Styx~

    2) Ixion's Path - riranor, ST

    3) Hell Swamp

    4) The Valley of Sisyphus - CP, Bb

    5) Fire Cave

    6) Dungeons

    7) Snakes' Cavern

    8) Prometheus' Mountain

    9) Tantalus' Lake

    10) Volcanic Pits

    11) Hades' Castle

    What are everyone's thoughts?

    It all looks good to me. Thanks! There's still a couple hours to change anything if you want.

  5. As for Peter's ability...yeah, it is stupid :rolleyes: . How did it change? The ppl in charge of the show decided he was too good and needed to be nerfed... <_<

    I think so too, but why didn't they do the same for Sylar? :huh: Right now, Sylar alone could kill every Hero all at once.

    I'm guessing Peter and Hiro both get their powers back together, perhaps by a new character who has the "restore" ability. :lol: ...like Inoue perhaps :)

    I'm not a big fan of the puppeteer guy coming back into the story so soon. I was planning on him never appearing again actually <_<

  6. Plea is in...:3


    roger that! :D

    Day 4 Addendum: Out of Sight

    Kat plead for the hero Perseus to join her plight against the insidious God Hades. She felt his presence as her prayer echoed across her surroundings. Looking up, she could swear she saw the heroic warrior, but he appeared almost translucent and surreal. He spoke softly, so only Kat could possible hear. Only a few words and Perseus' form slowly drifted away and dissolved into the air.

    Kat: Yes. A horrible fate that is ...to die in Tartarus. I'd offer assistance escaping this awful place, but it's all we could do to have freed our Lord Odysseus. Rest in peace warrior. And if not peace, then in knowing that we mean to avenge Odysseus and kill Hades.

    Perseus (voice over): I wish I could join you, but alas, fate would not allow it. Good luck to you.

  7. ...and this is exactly why I instituted the rule of making Pleas before the Day ended... just to be clear, it's Night 5 right now and we'll just wait for a Plea/if any in the meantime. I'm actually starting to be opposed to this since it messes with the other team's strategy time. Only another hour or two to get that Plea in Kat.

  8. Crap, forgot to make the plea during the day <_<

    Oh well, another advantage that goes to the baddies for being the only ones during the entire game that have had to understand the new change in rules.

    :huh: not sure what this means... I feel the opposite actually. I constantly have to repeat rules to this group and not theirs. The only advantage they have is that they remember what I write or ask. As for rules being changed, it's inevitable in games like this (at least my games) and when a change is made, I make a post and then add an Edit: blah blah to the bottom of the OP and leave that there for at least 2 cycles. If you miss all that, then there's really nothing more I can offer.

    The reason for pleas being made early was because Impervious took 24 hours to get back on and make a plea and doubled the day. I'd like to prevent that from happening again.

  9. My suggested actions (and a few questions)

    itachi, kat is now on the surface. Can Nestor's ability block her from being moved to a random place in Tartarus if she is successfully attacked?

    And again, do all players have to move in the same direction the same number of spaces?

    No. If she's killed, she has to go to Tartarus. That's a more critical part of the game than Nestor's secret. It would imply he was speaking to a corpse anyway, so that doesn't make sense.

    Yes, same direction, unless you hit the Surface or the Castle and have to turn around.

  10. Well apparently there are complaints about Kat not getting a plea. I don't mind if she makes one now. It's really not hard to have made one in the 24 hours+ that was available... but I don't feel like arguing about it. If nobody else minds, Kat can make a Plea. Happy?

  11. Day 4: meh

    Sorry for the delay, this will have to be an abridged Day since I'm super-busy right now. Kat has been sent to other side of the Styx and is powerless. I was thinking people were waiting on me, but apparently not. There was no plea. Let the night begin.

    1) SomeGuy [Monster]

    2) Impervious [Olympian]

    3) LIS - DEAD

    4) GC

    5) Prof. T

    6) dawh -DEAD

    7) Kat [Human]

    8) Bb

    9) RMZ -DEAD

    10) ST

    11) Artificial I

    12) Riranor

    13) JS

    14) Randro

    15) twin bro

    16) IDNE

    17) crazypainter

    Night 5 begins now. Let's try to get back on track. Let's shoot for an 18 hour Night. Since it's not regulation, being late will be acceptable and I'll wait, but let's just try to get back on schedule.

  12. 1) SomeGuy [Monster] - voting for Kat

    2) Impervious [Olympian] - voting for Kat

    3) LIS - DEAD

    4) GC - voting for JS

    5) Prof. T - voting for Kat

    6) dawh -DEAD

    7) Kat - voting for GC

    8) Bb - voting for GC

    9) RMZ -DEAD

    10) ST - voting for GC

    11) Artificial I - voting for Prof.T

    12) Riranor - voting for GC

    13) JS - - voting for Kat

    14) Randro

    15) twin bro - voting for Kat

    16) IDNE-- voting for Kat

    17) crazypainter voting for GC

    on second thought..

    So Kat it is unless someone wants to change within 10 minutes... *tick* *tock* *tick* *to...


  13. OK, here's all of your placements then, so we can be on the same page for tomorrow night. (which is 1 or 3 paces)

    Bb: Fire Cave (brought by Hermes)

    Kat: Hell Swamp

    cp: Fire Cave

    ST: Ixion's Path

    Riranor: Hell Swamp

    ...I don't know how much clearer I can make these locations :rolleyes:

    and yes, if Kat dies on the Surface she gets put in a random place in Tartarus just like the rules say

  14. Trigger Finger .... This is an easy one to explain.... 4 Fingers, with One Thumb underneath... Synovium is the name of the tendon sheath and the same structure inside the joints of the fingers

    This is close, I guess these were more difficult than I planned :)

    Also, for all previous guesses, none were what I intended and since none have explanations, I can't dole out .5 Kudos for an unintended answer. B))

    ~please add explanations like XcomVic's answer, and again Xcom... very close. ;)

  15. Bb is free and we lose the Minotaur. Well played RMZ, we will miss your ability.

    So dawh was Perseus(why was he angry now; a good act to make us uncertain) and CP is Diomedes. Well I at least have 2 heads intact, thanks to Imp's guess. Tonight I will be moving up to the surface, is Bb already on the surface? I guess Imp has already told Hermes to deny access to Bb, if that's the case I can target him(Odysseus) tonight and that means a random Achaean dies, right?

    Itachi: If I am attacked on the surface and the kill is successful, will I lose a head? It isn't the same as dying, right?

    Yes, you lose a head on the surface.

    Double post!

    Itachi: If Odysseus is targeted for a kill, he will sacrifice only a fellow Achaean instead, right?


    Sigh. And i am unable to do anything...

    Actually, i might work behind the scenes........

    no. you won't ;) Ghost are ghosts, please don't contribute to the game anymore. No offense, that's just the way things need to be.

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