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Posts posted by itachi-san

  1. Great. Now all I can think about is Karl Hungus...

    Donny: Are these the Nazis, Walter?

    Walter: No, Donny. These men are nihilists. There's nothing to be afraid of.

    this post really tied the thread together, man ;)

  2. This is saying that GC will cross to tartarus and then Nestor will send him back to the surface instead of preventing his movement.

    But if he didn't prevent his movement, GC would be in Tartarus with Nestor for the Night, hence the predicament.

  3. k, nvm

    lolz, i think we're right about this anyway. it is confusing and I should probably just say Nestor's secret ability is "to send his target back to where they came from". It would have the same effect and less confusion.

  4. As an expert on the subject of crossing :P I seem to remember the rule being that you must be on the same side of the person that you are trying to prevent from crossing at the end of your movement. For example....

    If I was on the Surface, I could prevent anyone who is on the surface from crossing the river, however, I would be free to move across. All those in Tartarus are free to move to the surface if they have the correct number of moves, I would be unable to stop them.

    If I was in Tartarus, I could prevent anyone who is in tartarus from crossing the river, however, I would be free to move across to the surface. All those on the surface are free to move to Tartarus, I cannot prevent that.

    Those were the rules while I was alive. What you choose to do now is up to you.

    EDIT: Refer to post #401

    Well, I think this is a little mixed up. It's more like: "If you were on the Surface (as your Night's destination). All that matters during the night is the desired final location of each player. I made that clear when the game first started. This would have GC and Nestor both in Tartarus, and therefore Nestor could act. Say Nestor's act fails. Both characters would be in Tartarus this night, so why did it fail?

  5. I always thought it was like Kat's ability to see other people's actions, no matter where she was.

    I think the only time we ran into this problem was last night, and since it didn't matter because of Athena, I didn't care. I think it only makes sense for Nestor to be able to hold the player if Nestor is also on the Surface. So, sorry about that hosting glitch. I'm going to make a public post about it.

    Edit: actually, I still can't tell what's right so nvm...

  6. Nestor has always been able to make people hold their move no matter where he is (We've been doing it all game). Just like last night, Nestor stops his move and GC cannot move downward.

    Yea I agree, it's just difficult to explain because of the rule that they both must be on the Same side of the River for them to interact.

  7. If the same action is tried tonight, I would accept it. Here's my reasoning: Nestor (if in Tartarus) should be able to hold GC on the Surface, since GC would have to be in Tartarus if not for Nestor.

    Let me know if you think this is not cool or if you guys are OK with it.

  8. I'm running into a weird conundrum that I can't explain well to the Baddies. Tonight: if Nestor didn't use his secret on GC, GC would be in Tartarus. So they would both be in Tartarus. Meaning Nestor should be able to act on him. But his act is keeping GC in place, thus keeping him on the Surface... :wacko:

    What do you guys think about it?

    I thought about it last night and didn't really care since Athena was going to block GC in Tartarus anyway, but now tonight it's actually crucial. I think Nestor should be able to hold GC on the Surface, since GC would be in Tartarus if not for Nestor.

  9. but if they were both in tartarus when nestor stopped him would that mean GC is still in tartarus, or else the attack wouldn't have occured....

    like I said, it's a bit of a conundrum in the game

    Nestor holds the player's original position. It worked because they were both in Tararus, but GC's original position was the Surface.

  10. Cerberus: Attack AI

    Move: 1 step down to Sisyphus' lake. -On Surface before Night

    Argus: twiddle his thumbs

    Move: 3 steps to ixion

    Theseus: Attack Bb or Riranor??


    Medusa: Cannot act

    Move: nada

    Oh sorry that I didn't inform you about Nestor last night. I just read through the latest posts and Bb talking about it is indeed accurate. GC was held on the Surface by Nestor last night and is there right now. Nestor has the secret ability to hold someone in place.

    I ran into a bit of a conundrum that I hope you guys don't mind too much. Nestor and GC were both in Tartarus last night since GC wanted to move from the Surface to the Swamp, but Nestor's ability is to prevent movement, meaning GC is stuck on the Surface. :wacko:

  11. Question.

    If Kat2 is attacked on the surface at the same time that I use her as my sacrifice, she just gets sent to Tartarus right?

    Yes, anyone who dies on the Surface (for whatever reason) stays in the game and gets sent to a random spot in Tartarus.

  12. From Hermes:

    "Ok, we have to be very careful tonight, so we're not going to use any of our old codes. Instead we're going to use one of those book codes where you give a series of numbers to refer to a letter in a book. I've been trying to think of a book that we both likely own, and I think it's probable that you own at least one of the harry potter books so we'll use that. So, your code will start with a single number representing which book in the harry potter series you're using. Follow that with a hyphen and use the following system for coding each letter, (Chapter#.Paragraph#.Word#.Letter#). This means that if you put, I will look in chapter 4, paragraph 2, at the 9th word in that paragrpah, and the 3rd letter in that word. Separate these sets of numbers with hyphens, so an example of the code would look like,

    4 - - - etc. (The first 4 means you're using the 4th harry potter book. The rest of the number represents only two letters. The actual code might end up being really long, so try not to ramble. Also, don't bother thanking me at the end. That's just more words to decode.)

    One last thing, try not to use the first harry potter book if you can. I think the canadian and american publications are slightly different. Also, avoid using page numbers in case the publication is different. Stick to chapter.paragraph.word.letter. I need you to tell me who to move and where tonight, and also where to move myself so that I can stay out of danger."

  13. I have a couple more questions

    1) If Charon was inactive (or his movement block was a missed shot in the dark), would he be mentioned in the post?

    2) If Hermes is unsuccessful with taking someone across the river, do they remain where they were? Or do they get dropped off on Ixion's Path?

    1)No. No action warrants no post. If he tries to block someone who stays in Tartarus it would not be mentioned.

    2)They get dropped at Ixion's because that's as far as the 2 could get.

  14. Day 8: Hermes' Dilemma

    Trying to ignore the Human's Plea, the Messenger God stood with his back to Kat2 as she waited for the ferry on the shore of the River Styx.

    Kat2: ...but I will be powerless tonight... and across the River. We need you. Your allegiance would give us all the power we need to beat them! Don't do this alone anymore Olympian. Join us and help eradicate Tartarus as we did Troy before this.

    Hermes stood motionless, arms folded, scowling as he thought of his fate. Intertwined again with these Achaean warriors. Shaking his head slightly in acceptance, he answered the Human.

    Hermes: If I receive another Sacrifice from you or another Achaean, I will finally join you. My independence has never been personal Achaean, so do not take it as such. I'm just doing my best to survive down here and leave in one piece. More powerful Gods than I have already fallen in this forsaken place. ...come see me again. Only then.. will I join you.


    Gazing coldly over at the God and Human conversing, SG2 waited for the ferry further down the shore of dust and bone. The River looked somehow odd to him, but a mental image of normalcy escaped his thoughts. He only thought of how best to bide his time. To wait through the Night, powerless, and vulnerable.


    1) SomeGuy [Monster] -DEAD

    2) Impervious [Olympian] -DEAD

    3) LIS - DEAD

    4) GC [Monster]

    5) Prof. T -DEAD

    6) dawh -DEAD

    7) Kat [Human] -DEAD

    8) Bb

    9) RMZ -DEAD

    10) ST -DEAD

    11) Artificial I

    12) Riranor

    13) Impervious2

    14) SG2 - [Monster]

    15) twin bro

    16) IDNE -DEAD

    17) Kat2 - [Human]

    Night 9 begins now. Since there are so few players now, we can probably speed cycles up as long as everyone feels comfortable and gets a chance to finalize their actions. Congrats to the 8 survivors left ;)

  15. Also curious... If Nestor boosts Diomedes (if Diomedes is powerless after a lynch) will Diomedes' kill ability be returned?

    No. good question and basically a loophole, but the Daily Sacrifice rule would override the Character rule, making Diomedes powerless that night. No character can escape it, except you and Hades, basically.

  16. Hey Itachi. Is there anything out there that can bypass the lynch effects? Specifically "The victim is revealed as (Olympian, Achaean, or Monster) and are made powerless for that Night."

    Emphasis being placed on either/or on the revelation/powerlessness...

    I'm not sure what you're asking about. Could you rephrase it?

  17. Err, I just came up with a small problem...

    If it's guaranteed that Odysseus will be the last Achaean alive in the game, and there's no way to rob him of his votes, unless we recruited every killing role in the game, how can we kill him? He could just guess:

    Three headed dog will attack me

    Theseus/Perseus will attack me

    Siren will attack me

    Since one of those HAS to die over the course of the game (well not has to, but if they hadn't gotten one by the end I'd be sad), how can we ever kill him, I wonder?

    But you will have had the majority in the day and therefore make Odysseus powerless and therefore the game would have ended the preceding night B))

    On another note: if you guys are satisfied with the vote, let me know and I can end the day. Or let me know if you want the full 24 hours. Either way is fine with me.

  18. Who was discovered to be Medusa... good deal. Just wanted to make sure I had the right target :rolleyes: thanks. :)

    Ah yes, I was thinking Medusa was one of the characters you may be unsure of. Still, I like to keep up practicing anonymity. It's not the easiest thing to keep everything secret (for me at least) ;)

  19. When does this day end by the way?

    My guess is as soon as it seems our votes are final or 24hurs for the night post.

    I'd have no problem ending the day early if both BTSC groups want it as well as Hermes. So, everyone, in other words B))

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