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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. You're all getting too hung up on the second line and forgetting about the first line. The answer is a very common word.
  2. itachi-san

  3. [2] I would like to see all the cracked words at once in a spoiler because you have the user's names, but there are like 30 posts for each so it's hard to find the right one.
  4. I have a request: can you post the list with correct answers in a hidden spoiler so it would be easier to try and work on ones that have not been solved yet?
  5. itachi-san

    Just as long as they don't do it on the carpet I'd say gracias.
  6. itachi-san

    I've heard that:
  7. I definitely should have Monty Python represented, my bad.
  8. Wow, these puzzles are like riddle crack. I just saw this and it's got 4 pages already! Just to help out:
  9. itachi-san

  10. Maybe you should have at least taken a couple seconds to read it. What barber are you talking about? I think you're paradoxically mixing paradoxes.
  11. But then at the time he shaves himself, he'd be shaving himself...
  12. itachi-san

    Perhaps I'm misunderstanding this but shouldn't Today and Yesterday be switched?
  13. And here I am always looking for an excuse to say escritoire...
  14. itachi-san

    This is quite the lateral thinking question, but this should suffice:
  15. Same deal as before, let's see what the most popular films are in this forum.
  16. I'm a bit of a self-proclaimed film buff and I was just curious to see if my taste in films is similar to yours. Feel free to add comments about films that I haven't mentioned. There are plenty more great films from each genre, but then the lists would be too cumbersome. I tried to diversify the titles, but they are certainly skewed toward my favorites so if you've got a favorite that's not mentioned in the poll just add it below.
  17. itachi-san

    Yes, this has already been posted here Just use the search tool before posting, in this case a search for 'ives' would have led you to this thread.
  18. itachi-san

    Yeah, I've got my beer goggles on and it looks just fine.
  19. I have a question and it's stated in the Topic name. Here's what I'm thinking: take the riddle of the Sphinx for example. What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening? This is one of the most popular, well know and well accepted riddles of all time. Now imagine that it never existed and that someone came up with it today and posted it on this forum. It would be torn to pieces by us (a lot of us at least). 'Arms aren't legs!' 'A cane isn't a leg!' 'Morning isn't being a baby!', etc... I expect everyone has their own opinions on this. I do think that it is fun to be nit-picky sometimes and find holes in the words of others' riddles. But if there is not a serious logic flaw, should we just accept them and move on? Is every scenario really so different that we can't decide (at least individually) where to draw the line for acceptability? How far should a riddle maker be able to stretch the language and maintain an appropriate standard? Mostly, I'm just curious as to how old and widely accepted riddles would fare if we had a chance to dissect them before they became famous.
  20. The one unquestionable fact happened suddenly because something desired to act intelligently. He...(It)...fainted, despairing. "Why in the bathroom did an umbrella startle me?" Naturally, there must have been somebody hiding behind my toilet. That explains more; odors discombobulated my heat-sink, and freak-dancing showed just what the Martians sprinkled all over the seat. Embarking on an idealistic adventure was advantageous to disenfranchised citizens lavishing praise from inebriated folks. Australian counterparts were alarmed at the vibrant chinchilla hovering over my mother's gnocci, which sparkled
  21. itachi-san

    Very creative and both work well Nice.
  22. OK, I'll start with gym question. When someone is helping you lift weights they are called a 'spot'. 'Can you spot me while I lift these weights?' So, if the spot is a little kid, then he would be a weak spot. And not much help if you're lifting a lot. For the stain question, if only water is sufficient to remove a stain, then it wouldn't be much of a stain, like a grass stain on your pants. Say you spilled some soda on your shirt, which would make a spot, then you put your shirt under a running faucet to remove the spot. That's a pretty weak spot because you didn't need soap or something abrasive to remove it. For the Siren one: Come to me and I bring death come to the mythical siren and thy will try to (and usually, except for Odysseus) kill you Await me and I bring life You wait for an ambulance siren or any life support siren. Just stay where are; don't move and make your injury worse. And you will hear the siren coming closer and closer bringing you (hopefully) the means to keep your life.
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