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Everything posted by itachi-san

  1. I was thinking what toddpeak answered, but you refuted it. If you can answer this, is the guy in third place always in third throughout the entire race?
  2. Well done Artificial I! Well, at least close enough. Not bad for your 3rd post. The answer is:
  3. Well done Brandonb! This is not the answer I intended, but you certainly deserve credit for solving the riddle. For those of you who said hospital, doctor, etc... you were all on the right track, but not quite on target.
  4. Writersblock, If you want, I can assume your duties until your ready to take the wheel again. First we have to all agree on a book. By posting your preference, you will be officially part of the first round of books. I would say that posts should be in no later than next Friday (one week). The book we read will be the one with the most votes. If your desired book doesn't win, just give it a go next time and participate in this one anyway. When responding with your choice also give a suggestion as to how long it will take you to read the book and then we'll do like an average or something. Proposed books: This is your brain on music, The Man in the High Castle, Goedel, Esher, Bach To get things going: my pick is The Man in the High Castle - only because that was next on my list anyway. And I propose that after we decide in 1 week. We get 1 week to obtain the book and 2 weeks to read it. So, 3 weeks. Let me know what you all think.
  5. OK, this is obviously too hard so here are some hints: I think I managed to not give this away
  6. itachi-san

    Oh come on, this is a bit too nit-picky, even for me <_<
  7. I've been thinking about this as well, minus the bug up my nose. I was thinking that this would be impossible, but then again, so is Virtual World (at least for quite a few years). It actually may make more sense for the pizza to arrive in Virtual World if you ordered it before you entered the game because the game is an exact replica of the real world, therefore every loose end should get tied up or at least remain in Virtual World. If you set your alarm clock for 5 am, entered virtual world at 4 am, then the alarm should sound at 5 am in virtual thus bringing us back to the drawing board of figuring out where we are. Nice one Neal, tonight I'm gonna dream about dreaming in a virtual world within virtual world.
  8. itachi-san

    Since they're at a bookstore, how about:
  9. itachi-san

    'But I all think I'm right' -is this line correct?
  10. itachi-san

    And that's mentioned where? Not in the OP for sure.
  11. itachi-san

    Maybe I'm missing something here, can you explain each out?
  12. Like you said it's a stretch, but I appreciate the Seinfeld reference: "People would rather be in the coffin than giving the eulogy."
  13. OK, I'll answer that.
  14. itachi-san

    When this got posted
  15. itachi-san

    I hear smoking while having your baby decreases the pain a lot... But yeah, I was referring to different times or different people.
  16. Well, this answer has been given before, but never with the Green Lantern reasoning for the 4th line. I think it would be a little much saying Green Lantern is the strongest man... though I must confess that I know next to nothing about his story. If he really satisfies the 4th line sufficiently, then that's fine, but wood/tree is not my intended answer.
  17. I think you've got something with your first example. Set something up to happen after you enter Virtual World. If it happens, then you never entered. If it doesn't, then you are in. And conversely, if you in Virtual World you can do the same to prove whether or not you got out. This answer is only applicable if attempted before ever starting the game for the first time though. It cannot prove where you are if are already lost trying to go back and forth or deeper and deeper. Excellent answer!
  18. Government only works for lines 1 and 3 Meteor only works for line 4 Feelings only works for 2 and 3, maybe 1 Well, all 4 lines are mentioned at least
  19. This logic only follows suit with the Matrix and dreaming though. In Virtual World you wouldn't be able to fly like Neo because you can't do that in reality. The 'limitations' of Virtual World are identical to reality's limitations.
  20. 1)Mirrored means exact replica in this case, if everything were reversed then this wouldn't require much thought... 2)You can remain seated if you want, but what fun is that? You can experience Virtual World as thoroughly as reality. 3)For your answer of yes, you claim that by saying 'end Virtual World' while seated in the designated spot will safely assume you are out. Maybe you can safely assume this, maybe not, but the OP asks whether or not you can be certain.
  21. itachi-san

    Ah, yes. my bad.
  22. itachi-san

    LOLZ! How about any Windows OS
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