Writersblock, If you want, I can assume your duties until your ready to take the wheel again. First we have to all agree on a book. By posting your preference, you will be officially part of the first round of books. I would say that posts should be in no later than next Friday (one week). The book we read will be the one with the most votes. If your desired book doesn't win, just give it a go next time and participate in this one anyway. When responding with your choice also give a suggestion as to how long it will take you to read the book and then we'll do like an average or something.
Proposed books: This is your brain on music, The Man in the High Castle, Goedel, Esher, Bach
To get things going: my pick is The Man in the High Castle - only because that was next on my list anyway.
And I propose that after we decide in 1 week. We get 1 week to obtain the book and 2 weeks to read it. So, 3 weeks.
Let me know what you all think.