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Everything posted by Kikacat123
Finding a dollar on the sidewalk.
You are currently on Obstacle Number Seven. There are three more obstacles and three more riddles to go. Note: in order to make this more interesting (you have had plenty of obstacles to overcome), I would like at least three people to write a few paragraphs each giving their own description of the giant-squid battle scene. The best-written one will get the glory and credit of getting past the obstacle. A knife is the obvious choice for a weapon, but the more creative, the better. Have fun!
Is it significant that the window is open?
I mean "evolution" as one creature changing into another. There is nothing wrong with simple mutations, for instance, two dogs breeding to produce a whole different type of dog. Natural selection and mutation are proven theories that we can see happening in the world today. Evolution, however, is not.
Welcome back to Brainden!
Q: What did the hungry tiger do when it met the particle physicist? A: It "lepton" him.
"Me?" *raises hand*
"Umm... A pizza in a pizza box topped with mother of pearl?" you guess hesitantly. "Correct!" booms the merman. He hands you a smooth, silvery bag coated in what looks like shiny snakeskin. "This bag will repel water and keep your items dry. But now we must hurry. Jump in!" He beckons you toward the water. With a resounding splash, you leap in and begin following him as he swims deeper and deeper into the water. As you swim, you marvel at the colorful marine life around you. Bright corals, neon-colored fish and swirling weeds make an underwater wonderland. A last, you come up to a murky cave. "You must pass through this cave to reach Atlantis's gate." the merman tells you. "Beware, a horrendous monster lives within. I will help you to navigate your way around the most dangerous areas. But remember to be on you guard. There is no knowing when it may-" Suddenly, a giant mottled tentacle whips out of the cave mouth and wraps itself around the merman, dragging him into the darkness. Speechless, you are forced to make a split-second decision. What do you use from your bag to help the merman, and why. You can only hold one thing while battling the creature. How does one defeat a (presumably) giant squid?
No, I mean (hint) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pearl. Think of toppings for Atlantean pizza.
Yes. It is a pizza in a pizza box that has (this you still have to figure out) a gem in it (technically it's not really a gem) that is somehow related to a parent (or is one). I did not explain that very well. But yes, it has something to do with pizza. (Remember that the answer is wacky)
The tree on the left side has a weird lump of leaves coming from the top of the picture. It does not seem to be connected to the rest of the tree, though it is possible.
Hmm...it seems...impossible. Is that it?
I feel very sorry for you all, having to wait two years. Sign me up! (I just hope my question mark key won't burn out from overuse)
Super close, but again, I am talking about something with "pearl" in the name...it has a parent...what could it be?
1. Sorry about my poor knowledge of clams; I thought only oysters made pearls. 2. Ketchup is a closer guess than wine or corn syrup. 3. Yes, a pearl is right, but what kind? 4. "Things that get better over time" is not right. 5. Since the merman knows English, he has obviously spoken to other "land-dwellers". Perhaps the subject of cheese and mice came up. 6. As to the poison question, you are not dead now, right? And apparently you are thinking clearly enough to be making good headway on this riddle. I guess you'll just have to trust this merman. 7. I hope this answers everything!
You are close with ketchup, and cheese is right...
You got it, plasmid. Clams don't have pearls, oysters do. Kestrelnight also had some good points with why the note wasn't wet, and a merman is not the same thing as a man. Who wrote the note, then? Obviously someone who has had little experience with the sea. Perhaps you are being watched...but maybe by a rival explorer searching for Atlantis, too. Your best bet is to trust the merman and see where he leads you. "Are you coming?" the merman enquires. "Yes," you reply. "But, uh, how will I be able to breathe underwater?" He dives suddenly into the water and comes up with a handful of odd-looking weeds. "Here, eat these," he tells you. "They will coat your mouth with a mucus that will repel water and hold in oxygen, at least for a few hours." You stuff the slimy weeds into your mouth. "Just let me hide my bag somewhere," you say with a mouth full of gunk. But are there some things in your bag you should keep? You can only hold three and keep your normal swimming speed. The merman seems to have read your mind. "I know you are wondering about what to take," he says. "Here is a riddle. If you can solve it, I will give you a special waterproof bag to hold everything." "Alright," you say. He begins the riddle: The only gem to have a parent, Hidden in a prism, a cage Within, there is the C in music Covered in mouse bait Add some fake blood from the grocery store Have fun with this wacky answer!
Again, there is a different answer. Try analyzing what the man said and what the note said to figure out if either of them are lying.
What about our female adventurers? "Do not trust this man" sounds pretty gender-specific.
Well, the note never actually says that the clam is open. Perhaps the merman will open it and show you the pearl. There was a different answer I was looking for.
Correct! You arrive at a shore, where the ground is littered with weeds. A stone, glistening with the saltwater of the sea, lies before you. As you are prying it up to look underneath, you suddenly feel as though you are being watched. "Hello," bubbles a gravely voice. "AHH!" you shout. "I am terribly sorry to startle you," states a withered old man floating on the surface of the water. He is clutching a crudely made trident. In place of legs, his blue-green fish tail sways with the current of the waves. "I understand that you have been searching for our city. We have watched you on your quest, and have deemed that you are worthy to see the splendor of Atlantis. I can take you there, if you like." You are quite startled. As you consider the matter, your gaze drifts to the upturned rock. A slip of paper lies beneath it. It reads: Do not trust this man. He is a traitor to the city of Atlantis. He will lead you to a large undersea cave. There is a terrifying monster inside. It takes the form of a beautiful pearl within a clam. But watch out! If you touch it, you shall be trapped in the creature's mouth forever. It is imperative that you trust us. Beware of this man! - Aguarous, King of Atlantis Now you have a conundrum. Whom do you trust, and why? Remember, a wrong choice could lead to a watery grave. Think carefully!
Let's put it this way. If you are indigenous to the USA, you would be American, right? If you were indigenous to France, you would be French. So someone indigenous to Atlantis would be...?
So the indigenous man would be...
Do you all remember why you are on this adventure in the first place? What are you seeking?