If he knows enough to know how to create the beginnings of life, I'm sure he's close enough.
I agree with Aaryan on this part. I make no claim of intent or knowledge of the creator. I mistakenly created life in my cup one day when i let set the residue of an old soda for about three weeks. If those millions of life forms ever gained sentience what would they think of me? God?, caring god? merciful lord? oh great omniscient being? creator? or a person too busy to remember to wash out his cup?
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe, and the only food she had for her ten children was six potatoes. Her only knife was lost.
How did she make sure that each child had an equal share?
A man died, leaving $10,000,000 for his widow, 5 sons and 4 daughters. Each daughter received an equal amount, each son received twice as much as a daughter, and the widow received three times as much as a son. How much did the widow receive?
Peter picked one pepper more than Paul. Pat picked one pepper more than Pam. Peter and Paul picked 10 more peppers than Pat and Pam. Peter, Paul, Pat and Pam picked 60 peppers. How many peppers did Peter pick?
this is a classic problem so i was surprised that i could not find it in the forum searches but of course that is not to say that it isn't there .
Suppose you have two unit-length boards. What is the widest moat you can cross if you have no means to nail or otherwise attach them together?
Pick any positive integer.
If you pick an odd positive integer then your next picked number is 3n+1
If you pick an even number then your next picked number is n/2
Repeat with your picked numbers until you notice something interesting.
1. What interesting event happens?
2. Why is it happening?
3. Can you prove your hypothesis in number 2?
Sometimes, I find, math students get obsessed with numbers. So an exercise that I often assign the class is a geometric measurement problem. I assign each student in the class an identical solid rectangular prism and a string (that is randomly cut so that no student is guaranteed the same size string but each string is longer than the biggest length of the prism). The students are then challenged to come up with a method without the use of pencil and paper to find the measurement of two opposing corners of the prism like in the picture below. Remember the rectangular prisms are solid so a direct link is impossible. The students may share supplies in order to complete this calculation.
What is the least amount of student supplies needed to complete this calculation?
I like to think of the creator as a curious child playing with a train set. build it, plan what it is going to do, then marvel as the train goes around in circles...eventually boredom hits and it is time to go build another train set.
if the computer correctly predicts your picking style, then whatever money is disclosed in the envelopes is payment to your uncle. If the computer incorrectly guesses your picking style then whatever is disclosed in the envelopes is your payment. So option B
Rob and Mark live in different parts of town but attend the same high school. Mark left for school ten minutes before Jose and they met in the park. Who was closer to school?
I find it perfectly logical to allow evolution and creation. All events need an impetus hence creation but would be boring if nothing ever changed from that point. It may be due to my raising in the eastern block but I am a deistic individual and i see nothing wrong with a hirer being starting things, creating a set of rules (or laws) for those things to operate in then sitting back and enjoying the events and reactions that unfold as they strive to exist within (maybe even bend/break) those rules