Inspired by a couple of puzzles written by Bonanova and I believe TSLF a few months ago:
Three guards stand by three doors in an unknown order. The three doors lead to Hell, Heaven, and Limbo; the three guards follow the standard rituals that these problems tend to follow; that is, one always tells the truth, one always lies, and one responds with a random response. The guards understand English (and other languages for that matter), but will only speak a two-word language in which Ja and Da mean 'yes' and 'no,' but you do not know which means which. The Random's mind can be modeled as a fair coin flip for which, if it lands heads, he will say Ja; if tails, Da. You can ask up to three yes-no questions total. If faced with a question that cannot be answered, the guards will simply ignore your question (and you lose your question). Which three questions should you ask to determine which door leads to Heaven (you do not need to determine any other information).