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Everything posted by BMAD

  1. What would it take to contradict the axiom?
  2. Yes, but this op actually refers to a different paradox.
  3. BMAD

    I swear:

    ...to only post questions that I know the answer to, unless I don't.
  4. Now what if the friend walks in the bar and he sees the first person drinking but the next person isn't drinking, does this contradict the axiom?
  5. Man goes to see a psychiatrist. Upon sitting on the couch the psychiatrist explains that from his acute observation skills he was able to narrow down the man's issues to one of two issues: You are either inconsistent or conceited. Since the human brain is finite, there are a finite number of propositions p 1 p n that you believe. But unless you are conceited, you know that you sometimes make mistakes, and that not everything you believe is true. Therefore, if you are not conceited, you know that at least some of the p are false. Yet you believe each of the p. individually. So what was the man's diagnoses?
  6. Two men walk by a bar. The man closest to the window says, "I am impressed, everyone is drinking in there". Shocked by his friend's abillity to be so observant, the friend asked how he knew. The first man simply said, I saw the first man. Since he was drinking, all people in there were drinking. "What?" Replied the friend. Smiling the man said, "it is an axiom: if someone in the bar, is drinking, then everyone is drinking". Disbelieving his friend, the friend marched back to the bar to have a look inside. Did he confirm or deny the axiom?
  7. Excellent solution. There is an even easier (and non trivial solution. The trivial being that the image present is the initial. Can anyone find it?
  8. Fractals is a much bigger subject in mathematics than just the chaos game i proposed to brainden recently. There is also a version of self-similar iterated fractals based off rotation, translation, reflection. This is an example of one: Fractals like these are made by repeating taking a "picture of a picture of a picture sort of like looking at a mirror that is directly across of a mirror. Essentially for each image a picture is taken and either left alone or some how modified (rotation, translation, reflection, etc.) For example: Can you determine how the first image was created (the colorful one)?
  9. Can we assume gravity as a free move? If i move locker number 1 out will locker number four safely move with gravity on top of number five?
  10. i don't see the flaw in my solution Nice job rainman
  11. Is this easier than just computing the average directly? this method is very easy with small data sets or data sets with a significant mode subset
  12. clearly i am better at writing questions than answering them
  13. What if player 2 picks their own number and chooses d?
  14. Here's the game: the first player picks an integer n > 1 , then the second player subtracts a proper divisor d < n of that number, telling the first player the difference n - d , then the first player subtracts a proper divisor of that new number, etc. The player who announces a difference of 1 is the winner. Does either player have a winning strategy? If not explain why not; if so, which player is it, does it depend on n, and what's the strategy? note: A positive proper divisor is a positive divisor of a number n, excluding n itself. For example, 1, 2, and 3 are positive proper divisors of 6, but 6 itself is not.
  15. I walked by a holiday display, and noticed there were nine straw baskets, each one having a whole number of apples, at most 9, and possibly none. Then I also noticed the mean number of apples was 4, the median was 4, and the mode was 2. Is this possible, and if so, how many solutions are there? (not counting the positions of the baskets)
  16. Use the image above to accurately compare at least three of the means described in assume E is at the center of the semicircle.
  17. This post will possibly help with "averages part II" given two positive real numbers a and b, there are four ways of computing the "mean": am= arithmetic mean = (a+b)/2 gm = geometric mean = sqrt[a b] hm = harmonic mean = 2 / (1/a + 1/b) rms = root mean square = sqrt[(a^2+b^2)/2] Rank these from smallest to largest proving your ranks. If one type is not always less than another, explain when it is equal or when it is more.
  18. Is there no more precise calculation?
  19. There are many types of strategies for determining 'average'. Which is the best with this dataset?
  20. for B, of pairs of whole numbers, what is the smallest m+n where (m,n) and (p,q) have the same lcd and gcf? Oh, I see. So DeGe pretty much had it. M, n, p, and q are distinct
  21. This one may be too easy for brainden but why not, sometimes it is the obvious that proves most challenging. Find an average height of the bars (you cannot throw out any elements of the data). Use a strategy that best calculates the average which is most representative of the population. Show that your solution is the best. The numbers underneath the bars represent the heights of each bar.
  22. Examine the following two problems: A fellow travels from city A to city B. For the first hour, he drove at the constant speed of 20 miles per hour. Then he (instantaneously) increased his speed and, for the next hour, kept it at 30 miles per hour. Find the average speed of the motion. A fellow travels from city A to city B. The first half of the way, he drove at the constant speed of 20 miles per hour. Then he (instantaneously) increased his speed and traveled the remaining distance at 30 miles per hour. Find the average speed of the motion. These two problems are often confused. Calculate the solutions of the two problems. What is the difference in value between the two questions?
  23. The sum of five real numbers is 7; the sum of their squares is 10. Find the minimum and maximum possible values of any one of the numbers.
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