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Everything posted by MikeD

  1. MikeD


    ????S TOONS = 1 TOOLS = 1 FOOLS = 1 CRAPS = 1 CRAPE = 0 GASES = 1 Panther + 5
  2. I could argue that K was taking the photo because it was his party and therefore is the dentist. He was taking photos of his guests. Civil Engineer wasn't 'getting his photo clicked with L', but was in fact just 'standing next' to L.
  3. I remember a game we would play in school that was sort of similar to this. Someone would give a three digit number and 6 other number (usually four number between 1-9 and two higher number like 50 and 100.) Then everyone else would have to use the six number to reach the three digit one using +, -, / and x. The first one to get the number won, or the one with the closes total. For example 485 with 3, 4, 6, 9, 30, 100. 4*100 = 400 3*30 = 90 400 + 90 = 490 490 - 6 = 484. I don't know how you guys feel about changing this game to that?
  4. MikeD

    Lord of Combat

    I won!!! Now everyone has to call me my lord. thanks everyone that was a fun game. When is the next?
  5. MikeD


    ????? TOONS = 1 TOOLS = 1 FOOLS = 1 CRAPS = 1
  6. @Aaryan Why can't K be the Dentist?
  7. MikeD


    ????? TOONS = 1 TOOLS = 1
  8. Is TheCube still working out the sums, or has this been forgotten about?
  9. MikeD


    ????? TOONS = 1
  10. MikeD

    Lord of Combat

    Well, apparently you are. Booo!
  11. My first answer was totally wrong. I blame my flu meds.
  12. MikeD

    Seveny Rollo

    UPSTAGE if = 0 then ?????T? because UPSTATE =1 and only G/T changed if = 2 then ?????G? because UPSTATE =1 and only G/T changed
  13. MikeD


    Banjo Themed Luaus. Try (the) Olive And Young Lamb Aspic.
  14. MikeD

    Sixy Rollo

    HOSTED if = 0, then P????? because POSTED = 1 and P/H only change if = 2, then H????? because POSTED = 1 and P/H only change ps If POSTER = 2 then ?????R because R/D only change.
  15. MikeD


    Telephone Signups: 1.EDM 2.Slick 3.TheCube 4. Brainiac 5. MiKi 6. Panther 7. Thalia 8. Flamebirde 9. MikeD
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