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Everything posted by MikeD

  1. MikeD

    Sum It Up

    my fault that I didn't say it earlier. So I will accept the 523.778 answer.
  2. Pandas would never run into a wall, they not not as dumb as humans.
  3. MikeD


    THONG If 0, ??I?? because THING was 1 and the only difference between THONG and THING is the whole I-O thing. If 2, ??O?? because THING was 1 and the only difference between THONG and THING is the whole I-O thing.
  4. MikeD

    Sum It Up

    No. Lets say rounded to the nearest 1000th. And I forgot to put in my first post that everybody is allowed only one try per round. (So its a question of timing. Do I put my almost answer there, or do I try to get closer and hope no one in the mean time post the almost answer.)
  5. I have taken curr3nt advice and start a new thread. 'Sum It Up.' So I will continue this game in the normal way.
  6. MikeD

    Sum It Up

    The host posts a random three digit number and 6 other number (four random from 1 to 10 and another two from 25, 50, 75 & 100) Then everyone else would have to use the six number to reach the three digit one using +, -, / and *. The first one to get the number wins, or the one with the closes total, and become the next host. For example 485 with 3, 4, 6, 9, 25, 100. 4*100 = 400 3*25 = 75 400 + 75 = 475 475 + 9 = 484. I will start: Total to reach: 524 Number to use: 2, 3, 7, 9, 50 & 100
  7. MikeD


    ITEMS TOONS = 1 TOOLS = 1 FOOLS = 1 CRAPS = 1 CRAPE = 0 GASES = 1 SLITS = 1 LIVES = 1 ABETS = 2 ATLAS = 2 AEGIS = 1 ANKHS = 1 FLEAS = 2 OBIAS = 1 ITEMS = 5 Panther + 5, curr3nt + 25, MikeD +15 (scores update soon.) Well done curr3nt, you're up?
  8. MikeD


    ????S TOONS = 1 TOOLS = 1 FOOLS = 1 CRAPS = 1 CRAPE = 0 GASES = 1 SLITS = 1 LIVES = 1 ABETS = 2 ATLAS = 2 AEGIS = 1 ANKHS = 1 FLEAS = 2 OBIAS = 1 Panther + 5
  9. MikeD


    ????S TOONS = 1 TOOLS = 1 FOOLS = 1 CRAPS = 1 CRAPE = 0 GASES = 1 SLITS = 1 LIVES = 1 ABETS = 2 ATLAS = 2 AEGIS = 1 ANKHS = 1 FLEAS = 2 Panther + 5 ps (http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Fleas)
  10. MikeD


    ????S TOONS = 1 TOOLS = 1 FOOLS = 1 CRAPS = 1 CRAPE = 0 GASES = 1 SLITS = 1 LIVES = 1 ABETS = 2 ATLAS = 2 AEGIS = 1 ANKHS = 1 Panther + 5
  11. MikeD


    ????S TOONS = 1 TOOLS = 1 FOOLS = 1 CRAPS = 1 CRAPE = 0 GASES = 1 SLITS = 1 LIVES = 1 ABETS = 2 ATLAS = 2 AEGIS = 1 Panther + 5
  12. MikeD


    ????S TOONS = 1 TOOLS = 1 FOOLS = 1 CRAPS = 1 CRAPE = 0 GASES = 1 SLITS = 1 LIVES = 1 ABETS = 2 ATLAS = 2 Panther + 5
  13. MikeD

    Sixy Rollo

    UNDEAD if = 0 then ???O?? because UNDOES = 1 can't be UNDEAD = 0 and SCORES = 0.
  14. MikeD


    ????S TOONS = 1 TOOLS = 1 FOOLS = 1 CRAPS = 1 CRAPE = 0 GASES = 1 SLITS = 1 LIVES = 1 ABETS = 2 Panther + 5
  15. No sign of 'Lawya' since he posted the above. Do you think they "kill(ed) the boer"?
  16. MikeD


    ????S TOONS = 1 TOOLS = 1 FOOLS = 1 CRAPS = 1 CRAPE = 0 GASES = 1 SLITS = 1 Panther + 5
  17. So shall I randomly pick a three digit number. Then randomly pick four number 1-10 and two from 25, 50, 75, 100. and then post them?
  18. Bring it on Panther, I need some more fur coats! :lol: I only 'problem' I felt was at the end of the game when there were only two of us left. (I don't know how Panther feels.) It just took too long, and doing the same thing over and over. (Attack Panther:)) Maybe when it reaches the last two stop all health regeneration. Maybe it will be different this time with the other rule changes.
  19. 1. Panther 2. TheCube!!! YAYZZ!!!! 3. gvg 4. MikeD (First Lord of Combat
  20. MikeD

    Seveny Rollo

    okay let us try OUTRAGE
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