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Everything posted by MikeD

  1. MikeD

    Sixy Rollo

    REPAST if = 0 then ??C??? because RECAST = 1 and P/C only changed. if = 2 then ??P??? because RECAST = 1 and P/C only changed.
  2. MikeD


    ????? DWELT =0 FINAL = 0 ARROW = 1
  3. MikeD


    Added flames'
  4. MikeD


    ????? DWELT =0
  5. MikeD


    must be one of them slow exploding grenades. Reminds of of an episode of Invader Zim.
  6. the water is the bucket slow the fragment of the grenade, at least that is the theory. Anyone who wants to test it? You should never magic a grenade away, you never know where it will end up.
  7. MikeD

    Sixy Rollo

    RECAST if = 2 then then ????S? because RECAPS = 1 only change are PS > ST and it can't be +1 from the T because of WALNUT = 0.
  8. MikeD

    Sum It Up

    no squares and powers. only +, /, - and *. (maybe we can added others if it get boring?)
  9. @ Panther No. I don't think we need to test my power, maybe you have it this time? @ Brainiac Well if you can't get the pin back in, just throw it in a bucket of water.
  10. MikeD


    Okay everyone add yours. Can't wait to see what it was at first.
  11. MikeD


    If Aaryan doesn't come back, we should warn people not to pull out the pins because you can't put them back in.
  12. MikeD

    One Up Me

    Out of the frying pan and on to the floor. Back into the frying pan, let hope none of the guests saw.
  13. MikeD


    If SHIPS = 0 Then ???N? Because CATER =0 so CHINS and if SHIPS = 0 then CHINS if SHIPS = 1 then ?H??? Because SMILE = 0 so SHIPS, CHINS = 1 so SHIPS, THING = 1 so SHIPS and THONG = 1, so SHIPS if SHIPS = 2 Then ?H?P? because SMILE = 0, so the +1 must be the N/P changed. AND the H as above.
  14. MikeD

    Sum It Up

    No can't use the same number twice.
  15. Oh, i wonder if I will get my reincarnation powers again, if I die.
  16. MikeD

    One Up Me

    At the end of my turn, (which is now) Tiger Lily takes over.
  17. MikeD


    i thank the guy who came up with copy/paste idea.
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