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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. i do... but you cant blindfold a spike vote and talisin is the one who needs a blindfold. EDIT: and what happened to itchisan? wasn't he posting?
  2. your in a diffrent timezone... and i thought it would be a smart move to keep alucard from winning...
  3. Mekal

    the right letter... but the wrong reason the right letter... but the wrong reason. Close though... Darn the fact I failed second grade spelling
  4. Recruiter: Itachi 1)LIS - voting for CrazyPainter-Unblindfold : Spike- Y-San 2)FIF - voting for - taliesin Blindfolded : Spike - NO ONE YET 3)Kat-voting for Taliesin-Unblindfolded-Spike-NO ONE YET 4)CP- voting for taliesin-Blindfold : Spike-Joe's student 5)Mekal- voting for taliesin-Blindfold :Spike- CrazyPainter 6)Brandonb - voting for taliesin-Blindfolded : Spike-LIS 7)Y-San - voting for taliesin-Blindfolded : Spike-LIS 8)GC - DEAD (killed by the Geass Order) 9)CL - DEAD (killed on L's Command) 10)Joe's Student - voting for taliesin-Bilndfolded : Spike-Y-San 11)Prince Marth - Voting for CrazyPainter-Unblindfolded : Spike-Y-San 12)taliesin okay... first off... THIS HAS BEEN THE WHAT?...SECOND TIME THAT EVERBOY WENT FOR ME! now for some value The reason im voting for CP as a spike vote is because if we lynch her alucard has a less chance of winning...
  5. hey... sorry i wasn't on... i was at school...(i actually broke into the computer lab and got on until i found out this website is blocked there...) let me catch up...
  6. Mekal

    which letter doesn't belong... and Why? Q E C B H U O
  7. Mekal

    ill join in... ill have to reread the rules a couple more times but i am almost always on...
  8. ya... me too... like (if my memory serves me correctly from when i read hellsing) wasn't alucard a good guy?(ill check up on it... i think i still have a copy of one of them in my room) though the clarifications help... can you end the night at 10 a.m. tomorrow or the day at 10 p.m. because if it ends at 2 i cant vote...
  9. this is going to be awesome! lol... the narato character sounds like he is in the show what is the false name though?
  10. ya... it pretty much is... im not really creative enough to add things okay... ill go ahead and just get rid of the QA and add 1 mafia, and i forgot to add the illusionist... though i am not sure about the mayor... also the defender is now the mission handler.
  11. well thats a mouthfull... i think im going to host a cruise type mafia(not based of sinistrals... but based off my picture of waves...) my thoughts are 15 people (4)mafia=people who are getting transfered to another prisoners but escaped and are hidding in the ship(im thinking mabey escapees or stowaways) (2)QA=terrorist, trying to hijack the ship by killing the captain GR=Unknown Innocents/guests: (2)doctor Police man= was originally the one to transfer the mafia mayor=captain spy=minor thief(breaks into peoples staterooms and finds out there iddentitys... however only does it for the thrill and dosn't tak anything TC= registry worker(can remove people from the vote when they see a problem with a guests information) janitor=cleaner ninja= S.W.A.T agent(was called to get on the ship after the prisoners escaped Defender=unknown so thats my plan... im still thinking of adding more...
  12. Mekal

    Okay... i just sent mine in
  13. i meant when humans made teh names and rule for numbers... they used nature to help them decide...
  14. Mekal

    another plausible awnser
  15. Mekal

    that would work but a shadow is not what counts... but good guess nope... but welcome to the den!!! Make sure you use spoilers though...(read earlier post on how to use them)
  16. Mekal

    No... not quite... but welcome to the den! just make sure you use spoilers(go to the quick access box and click spoiler) Yep... well not really because light moves at constant speed it cant go AS slow as a turtle...but other than that it would work
  17. Mekal

    YES! im in the top ten!
  18. The IQ of anyone is actually how much they CAN learn... not how much they know... i got a 168 on the online test but on an actuall one (one i took to get into GT) I got a 134 which is only 6 points beneath the requirements of MENSA... I think... and I took that when I was 11...
  19. technically I'm not really supposed to be a senior member... so if you can get there before i get 550 posts... you win :)

  20. I think that numbers were made after nature... but pie is just a ratio... however the fibinace sequence occurs in nature many times...
  21. Mekal

    And this is... CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And this is also my first post as a Senior Member!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my only regret is that a good 50 of them (if not more) are nonsense posts...
  22. This is for TC only if he is on as a guest... Yet look who is officially banned from BD... (So much for my maturity... twenty bucks i get banned next )
  23. Mekal

    really close... but not quite... your getting closer... those are pretty much the answers... just not absolutely... EDIT:grammer
  24. Mekal

    Mine are in...
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