The police car pulled up to the house across the street from the murder scene...
PG got up from watching the Press Release on the TV. This is just in... The serial killer know only as "Thunder chicken" was killed days ago
"Hold on, I'll be right back my (Insert any nickname for slick here)" she said to Akaslickster as she walked up to the door. As soon as she opened it S.W.A.T agents burst in and grabbed her.
Pushing her up against the wall, the police man read off her charges and rights. "You are being arrested for the murder of TC, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in court..." He kept going for a good minute before finally finishing. This had been a hard month for all detective agency's since there had been so many murders.
The police man dragged her out of the house and as he was doing so Akaslickster came up and yelled "I will wait for you my (insert any nickname for PG here)!!!"
Across town on the phone...
"Okay... i just sent in the Order for the arrest of PG" Y-San said
"just personal thinking... it's to bad we couldn't charge TC on all those murders, And also stealing money to send 500 posts..."Mekal said thoughtfully
"you are still upset about that? you were the one who left the credit card he used to pay for them on a table" Y-San retorted
"good point... Any way... what new murders are there?"
(Dramatic cliffhanger ending music music goes here)