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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. I'm not quite sure what happened... I think that I was possessed and told not to do anything but the night post didn't say anything... maybe the GO go target before me... but I swear to god that I sent in my P.M. saying to attack FIF and wear a blindfold. EDIT: You might as well use a blindfold on surge... it won't hurt if you do...
  2. okay, im going to sleep... i will try to get on in the morning but i'm not sure... if no ill see you guys tomorrow afternoon. a few things before i leave 1. due to my general extreme unluckiness if i do not survive or if everyone thinks im a GO or alucard or light... I'm not. 2. To the GO's... You are SOOOOOOO going to die... 3. try not end up with to many innocents while I'm gone...
  3. Mekal

    I read about this in one of those Warrior books...
  4. Mekal

    P.M. a moderator and they will move it for you... a guess
  5. Mekal

    okay... so with Y-Sans master plan in ABR2 it will probably be over by Sunday. so that is when we will start...
  6. Mekal

    you guy's are making me nervous with all the "i need a break" and the "I don't think ill have the time" stuff about hosting... how come i have an odd felling that this is going to be a lot harder than i thought
  7. okay, i just edited my PM to attack FIF... and to were a blindfold... this is right... Correct?
  8. Mekal

    okay, these are the starting options... im estimating that ABR2 will be over by Sunday, so we can start on sunday night... or next weekend... its your decision... So as an addition you might want to check out the deck plans of the "freedom of the seas" before the start so you can understand the layout and order of the story, it is not nessacary but its cool to know where things happened... and then if you ever go on that ship you can see where someone died . Here they are...
  9. Mekal

    ya, i think ill start it after the R.A.B.2... so even if you are in RAB2 you can sign up...
  10. Mekal

    i think i might wait untill saturday... but im not sure... ill see how RAB2 goes... not really... this is more to UR's rules and based off of my Avatar of waves... but ya... im beating him to the punch
  11. Mekal

    that was supposed to be minor theif... i almost posted it with one of the prisoners ability saying "when the tetrabot..." plus it will be intresting to see how the gang beat works...
  12. Mekal

    i personally havent seen this one before... but its probably out there...
  13. Mekal

    oh... i forgot that it wouldn't be over by then... hmm... DOUBLE MAFIA!!! or not... i might have to change its start date to Saturday... EDIT: although i pretty much based it off of your rules... i just changed the names and edited some of the characters ability's...
  14. Mekal

    hmm... i REALLY hate smokers(and yes... I dated one last year for a little while) But i also don't like Ultra Preppy...
  15. Mekal

    Cruise ship mafia Note: the Ship used in this is based off of the royal Caribbean cruise liner “Freedom of the Seas” 14 People The Baddies: The Prisoners: Escaped from custody on a luxury cruise liner. The Framer: Gets the ability that of the person killed by the prisoners the night before. The Threatener: Can send a message every night which will be posted in the night post. When the Threatener is killed, his role is revealed. The Techie: Stole a computer and hacked onto the cruise registry. Any night, but not 2 in a row, can see the faction (Innocent/Terrorist) of a player. The Hitman - Kills anyone that visits him/her at night Terrorist: kills on even nights. Once The S.W.A.T dies, he is out of the game. Invincible for the first night and day. Goal is to kill the S.W.A.T Agent The Innocents: (2)The Nurses: Picks a target to save each night. Cannot pick the same target to save twice in a row. Can save self only once. Have a 50/50 chance of getting BTSC at the begining, other wise must save the same person, or save the other. Stage Magician: A true magician who passes as an entertainer. The SM can make a powerful illusion to save someone each night from the terrorist only. Misson Handler: The person who helps the SA keep updated. As long as the MH is alive, The SA cannot be killed at night. S.W.A.T (SA): A Expert in his field who kills for the Innocents. He kills on prime nights. Can not be killed at night while MH is alive The Minor Hacker: A minor Thief who breaks into staterooms for fun. PMs me the name of a player each day and I PM their role. Room Cleaner: After years of Cleaning rooms and seeing the ongoing of the cruise, he has learned the . The cleaner picks a player and then I tell them what the action is(cleaning, killing, saving, spy, role manipulation, or previous choice) to which they can either decline or carry out the action. Role manipulation is when the janitor chooses a role and chooses his own targets, and the person with the role is unable to use their ability Registry Worker: The RW PMs me the name of a person and that person is removed from voting for the day, The RW also has a ¼ chance of finding out that persons role The Prison Guard: arrests a person for one night (must PM me the player's name before the day post). The Person is stuck and can only 5 messages while in jail. They may not use any day or night power while in prison, but they have a 50/50 chance of safety if they are attacked and saved (or else they get gang beat and stay in the hospital for another day) Rules >Nights and days are based real time in central time. Night one will start Friday 8:00 Central time, and will end when ever P.M.s are in, latest being 8:00 A.M. Days are until 8:00 P.M. every day > If someone didn't participate in lynching(the act of throwing overboard) , they will be asked to be replaced, if no replacement is found, then they will be killed the second lynching that they are not active in. > When you die, you have two 'ghost-post' in gray to make, but it CANNOT reveal any information or hint at anything or relate to the game, it must be entirely off-topic > Nonsense posters will be warned and then punished Don't spam the thread(as much as I hated this rule, it is still in effect) > Rules are rules, so don't complain. Also keep in mind that Mafia is a game of elimination, and dying is part of it. > The roles will be determined completely randomly, so don't bias > There will be no hints or extra clues other than the information given > You may not post anything from outside the thread > Have fun … Or else... Sea God:Mekal 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14)
  16. And i would have gotten away with it if it wernt for pesky little naruto... This has been fun... but watch out... i may come back from hell and your next LIS!!! And also... why did you guys change my vote? it was orginally for LIS... oh well... good bye my poor friends...Well... actually foodYOU CAN NOT STOP THE ALMIGHTY ALUCARD!!!!!hehe my sneaky invisable ink stumps you all...you never would have caught me if it weren't for narato.
  17. okay... im going to be off for another 7hours because i have school(unless i hack on at school) anyway i chose LIS to be lynched
  18. okay... here are my rules... Cruise ship mafia The Baddies: The Prisoners: The Framer: Gets the ability that of the person killed the night before. The Threatener: Can send a message every night which will be posted in the night post. When the Tetrabot is killed, his role is revealed. The Techie: Stole a computer and hacked onto the cruise registry. Any night, but not 2 in a row, can see the faction (Innocent/Terrorist) of a player. The Hitman - Kills anyone that visits him/her at night Terrorist: kills on even nights. Once The S.W.A.T dies, he is out of the game. Invincible for the first night and day. Goal is to kill the SA The Innocents: (2)The Nurses: Picks a target to save each night. Cannot pick the same target to save twice in a row. Can save self only once. Stage Magician: A magician who passes as an entertainer. can make an illusion to save someone each night from the GR only. Misson Handler: The person who helps the SA keep updated. As long as the MH is alive, The SA cannot be killed at night. S.W.A.T (SA): A Expert in his field who kills for the Innocents. He kills on prime nights. The Uber-Hacker: A minor Thief who breaks into staterooms for fun. PMs me the name of a player each day and I PM their role. Room Cleaner: After years of Cleaning rooms and seeing the ongoings of the cruise. The cleaner picks a player and then I tell them what the action is(cleaning, killing, saving or previous choice) to which they can either decline or carry out the action. Registry Worker: The RW PMs me the name of a person and that person is removed from voting for the day The Prison Guard: arrests a person for one night (must PM me the player's name before the day post). The Person is stuck and can only 5 messages while in jail.(or else they get gangbeat and stay in the hospital for anther day)
  19. Mekal

    Mine just got Sent...(for this message say sent like a gangster)
  20. Mekal

    ya... i think Italy has the most unfair advantage... i have no supply depots in neighboring country's(minus Austria)
  21. okay guys... we thet the point alucard wins if EVERYONE is either dead or biten... o if we lynch somone else they die and alucard gets one step closer to winning... if we lynch a bitten person then he gets nowhere... anyways... thats why(boy do i sound defensive )
  22. Mekal

    hey slick, want to ally?
  23. ya... ill need to check back to see what his ability's were... EDIT: he was a summoner who has an increased chance of killing and could send alucard back to hell...
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