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Everything posted by Mekal
"help me!" mekal yelled as he banged on the bars of the cage. "Don't worry little buddy! we'll get you out!" replied itachi-san I think that this will go a bit faster than that... probably more like 5-6 rounds...
i'm going to be gone this weekend... but i would like to play... so if it starts after this weekend i can join... if not ill be on the backups...
- When you fall asleep in english class and dream that a mafiso is coming to kill you, (that happened... and then i instictivly tighened up and got all tense so my teacher saw that i was sleeping... and then i got called on for the next problem )ou - When you call a guy a girl or a girl a guy... (That happend to me on BD... but i won't tell the usernames that i did it with) - When you attempt to break in to the computer lab to check if you died in mafia... - when you start drwing a map of content pheonix on your notes. - when you start trying to mimic the smiles
I will announce the MH's death WHENEVER he dies... so you guys already knew he was alive...
not in canada! "the media there is trashing the democrats" and i liked this forum BEFORE all the extreamly long posts...
Night three: Double Kill Not many people knew this but the balconies of the boat have a trapdoor so that if the boat was sinking the people could get to the life boats on deck 8 faster . Ironically, it was these same trapdoors that the Prisoners were climbing up to make there next kill. They had found this out when they had stormed the control room and stole some blueprints. Finally, when they got to the desired deck they Opened the Balcony door. Inside Froze was sleeping soundly. One of the prisoners walked right next to frozen’s ear and shouted “BOO!!!” and in an immediate response Frozen woke up with a scream. “Well, well, well… it looks like sleeping beauty is finally up” “Who are you!” shouted frozen. Now that he completely woken up, he tried to see in through the darkness to see the strange people in his room. “Well frozen… we are your worst nightmare.” Across hall people woke up to an anguished cry. In stateroom 8132, Frozen was dead, with a knife in his stomach Later that night The S.W.A.T agent broke through the door of state room 8132. Inside was the bed was the lump of his targets body. “and you are sure that nobody is coming… right?” the SA said into his earpiece. “you have nobody even on this deck” replied the Mission Handler. “okay, good…” The SA walked up to the body, and in expert speed whipped of the cover and was about to shoot him, but was stopped by the blood stains covering Frozen. Night 3 has ended. Voteing ends 8:00 P.M. TOMMAROW central time. Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners] 2)Cherry Lane 3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent] 4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman] 5)Itachi 6)GC 7)Kat 8)Frozen - killed by [Prisoners] 9)Brandonb 10)Woon 11) Ben_Law 12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners] 13) Janesia 14) Bodhi Dead [Terrorist]
- when i think someone is ling and i say "I think he is the last mafia!" -When i accidentally say lol to a joke - When i am talking to this girl i accidentally called her y-san... ( she is exactly like you) -when i see the word Chemical Property and think CP... -When my excuse book for forgeting to do my homework actually runs out (and that book is REALLY THICK!) Edit: - When i find myself typing in Brainden or mafia on my Google search box when trying to search something different
How could you sleep at a time like this!!! lol, jk... but I blame Brainden for keeping me up till 1:00-3:00 A.M...EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! So this looks like a hard challenge... very interesting...
okay, so i am going to be home soon and then i will post the night post... so anyway... the clue to Janneisa is quite obvious... i think i mentioned the role with it in a previous night post... but i"m not sure...
okay guys... unfortunety i don't have enogh time to edit the night post in the way i need to... so is it okay if this night ends at 4:15P.M. today an dthe voting ends 8:00 tomarrow because i have to go to school and i barly have enogh time to be writing this
Well... if you had gotten back on the cruise the next stop is jamaica... but nope... your stuck in cuba Anyways... what happens if you go down to 0 health?
okay... I'm just going to TRY and finish my calculus homework tonight... so I probably won't be on till morning...
if you fall over 50 feet into the water it is like hitting concrete. I'm just going to guess that when you fall 13 stories onto concrete you will bleed... And i will not official say Janeisa's role but i left a REALLY big hint...
*Sniffle* :( My poor blood stained water :( *Sniffle*
Night one ending: The coin fell slowly… like it was falling through syrup. Both frozen and Bodhi’s life flashed in front of there eyes. The coin hit the deck, bounced, bounced one more time, and fell of of the cruise. “REALLY! You better have another coin” BB yelled “as a matter of fact I do…” The RW replyed. The coin flipped in the air… and bounced… and bounced again… before finally resting on tails. “Well that settles it” BB said, and he and two others picked up Bodhi and threw her over board. 13 stories below the clear blue Caribbean water was stained red. Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners] 2)Cherry Lane 3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent] 4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman] 5)Itachi 6)GC 7)Kat 8)Frozen 9)Brandonb 10)Woon 11) Ben_Law 12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners] 13) Janesia 14) Bodhi Dead [Terrorist]
that is the reason... i don't like what happens at the end of the night post... my poor water... so i am pre-torturing you... EDIT: with loving suspence...
yes but i didn't recive the PM till i got back on... BTW... it takes a long time to flip a coin...
the RW pulled out woon's vote... it says so...
Day 2: Trail by sea “WAIT!” Janeisa cried out to the people raising to bridge. “I’m sorry! But rules are rules!” cried the worker ”you knew we departed at 8:00 p.m.” “I Know… Just take this then!” With expert ability Janeisa threw across a small plastic keycard. However, on the front in black sharpie said the words “Master Key” Later in the day Bodhi Was being escorted by two people. “so do you think we should let him go and have the S.W.A.T agent get him?” said Brandonb. “No, because if the S.W.A.T agent is dead then we can’t do anything” Said GC The two people dragged the sagging body up to the 13th floor again and sat him down. “Well… we are going to have a trial today” said BB “All in favor of killing Bodhi!” Four people yelled out yes. “All in favor of killing Frozen” Three people said yes. “well bodhi, it looks like it’s your lucky day!” Came the voice of the registry worker. “as much as I know everyone wan’t to see you killed, the vote is now tied” “WHAT!” everyone cried “well, does anyone notice that woon is gone?” the RW said. “He had some problems in his account, of course, he thinks that he might get a room upgrade, but that was just a lie to get him down there. So, how about we flip a coin. Heads… Frozen dies. Tails… Bodhi dies” The Registry Worker pulled out a quarter. “well, let chance decide!” TO BE CONTENUIED!
umm... i don't quite know... i'll think about it... Day post comming
okay, i have a tennis lesson right now and i won't be home untill 8:45 my time... so can some one stop the vote for me. thank you
I don't haave any problems with condems, and i don't mind as long as the baby is only a few cells... but almost nobody notices quickly enough... so by the time they do decide to get one the baby is already starting to develop. anyway... it is the peoples choice... i just refuse to believe in it. and if a person isn't willing to have a chance of a baby then they shouldn't risk it.
okay, so what happended to Bodhi was that his PM was late... and there are NO clues... That was just my attempt at a slightly epic night. Itachi IS out of jail. That should have awnsered most of it...
Night 1: Sneaking is Never Sneaky Enough Jane snuck around the corner. She knew something was up but just couldn’t figure it out! Why were people dying? Why was the captain not saying anything? Countless thoughts flowed through her head, none of them good. She planned to break into the bridge and find out what happened. She slowly walked, and stopped when he heard voices around the corner. “They will defiantly find us! We have to get off as soon as possible!” the voice said “But the next place is Cuba! It would be a death trap to try and get off there!” another one replyed “You have a point… but what if we…” the voice stopped in mid-sentence. “go on ahead and post the message” Jane heard footsteps but couldn’t find out how many people there were. Then someone started walking towards her. She should have panicked, she should have ran, but she couldn’t. Somehow she was frozen in fear. The man walked up and calmly, almost like he was made to kill, stabbed her in the stomach. In another section of the ship: Bodhi calmly walked down the corridor in the 2nd floor. She was upset that she already had to use her air missile already. “That S.W.A.T Agent’s Geiger counter would go off as soon as I arm the nuke, so I must kill him before pesky innocents kill me. But I have a good idea of who S.W.A.T agent is…” thought Bodhi 7:00 morning: Inside every state room the intercom blared “Passengers of the Freedom of the Seas, we hope you've been having a pleasant voyage. This is your local threatener speaking, and we'd like to warn you of a slight Ice Storm that will probably end in January. In cruise related news, don't forget to check out the breakfast buffet, there's a fine selection of freshly cut fruits. That is all. Oh and one more thing, the flowrider will be closed...we seemed to have...dirtied it recently *cold laugh*” The Day has begun! Voting closes at 8:00 P.M. Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners] 2)Cherry Lane 3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent] 4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman] 5)Itachi 6)GC 7)Kat 8)Frozen 9)Brandonb 10)Woon 11) Ben_Law 12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners] 13) Janesia 14) Bodhi Found to be [Terrorist]