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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. Mekal

    okay... here is a hint...
  2. Mekal


    Yes but we don't even KNOW if the herbalist or medbot is still alive... if 7 comes out then we don't know if we can protect him...
  3. Mekal


    aren't you just the biggest optimist... Okay... i don't think that 7 should come out because we don't even know if the doctor or healer is still alive... just saying that early on...
  4. Mekal

    it was one person... and just to clear things up... i will say no if you don't have the correct reason... i can't tell you he wuold have a mask...
  5. Mekal

    honestly... i don't even know why we need cussing in todays society... all it does is get people angry... i have gotten along all 17 years of my life with the worse cuss word i have ever said was d***... so honestly... i'm surprised about even having to make a forum about it...
  6. well i have been... and you still havn't answered post 12...
  7. That sounds like alot of fun... I CALL THE NOOB
  8. Mekal

    “Of course… why didn’t I think of that…” Y-San said “Probably because you were thinking what you are going do to the new employees…” Mekal replied “anyway… here are the suspects” Y-San answered OneTruth Lost In Space Sinistral PuzzleGirl Upon being interviewed… the suspects gave these following statements… Onetruth: I own a gun shop… and I saw LIS and Sinistral come in to buy a shotgun… Lost In Space: I was at my shooting range all today… until one of my guns broke and I had to get it fixed, but I passed PG running with a shotgun… Sinistral: I had just signed up to go hunting and I bought myself a brand new shotgun... but when I walked out I saw OT talking to LIS while holding ski masks… PuzzleGirl: I was getting tired of this place, so I just grabbed a shotgun and ran for it… unfortunately I just couldn’t keep away… not with my ”Dearest dreamboat” still here…but before I left I saw sinistral walking into the building with where the murder took place… “So you should probably come down to the crime scene…” Y-San “Actually…” Mekal Interjected “There won’t be much traffic since we stopped the media from finding out…” y-san continued “Well…” Mekal tried again “But then again… you might want to go…” said Y-San oblivious to his interjections “Y-SAN!!! “ Mekal yelled “What?” “I already know who the murderer is.” Who was it????
  9. no... a ninja is a beast... which means you are defiantly not one...
  10. Mekal

    im actually thinking of doing that... why don't you go make the forum...
  11. because i looked into your lemurs eye's and they told me the truth...
  12. Mekal

    i like how in over 5 fourms the posts just go like this: Mekal TC Mekal TC Mekal TC Mekal TC
  13. just saying this again... YOU ARE NOT A NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!(now we should probably stop posting on this forum also...)
  14. but how do you know? you would have to know the answer which you don't...
  15. YOU ARE NOT A NINJA!!!!!! you are just a psychopathic serial killer...
  16. no... not yet... and i am all out of ideas on how dawh died...
  17. no... i came back to life since i was needed to solve more mystery's...
  18. im in... but i think you should just have 12 hour increments... not based off of real time... scince some people are across the world...
  19. good thing you died... and y-san... were my guesses correct? you never answered them...
  20. Mekal

    it never said anything about snow...
  21. stumped by the master...(we should probably stop posting on Y-sans forum though)
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