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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. Mekal

    get used to it... well mabey youll comeback from the dead... why dont you go read mafia 4 then while you still in the afterlife... i wonder what kind of internet connection you get...
  2. Mekal


    oh... sorry... i must have put it down as you voting for you instead of me voting for you... and I am voting early because I have a relatively solid case against you...
  3. Mekal


    Most updated roster Roster: 1) Frozen 2) Mekal - voting for Joe's Student 3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???) 4) onetruth - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 5) Ocular-Enso - voting for Joe's Student 6) Kat 7) Crazypainter voting for Joe's Student 8) GC - DEAD [?] (killed by M4F14) 9) Nayana 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty 12) Dawh - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero) 14) taliesin - voting for Joe's Student 15) woon 16) Ben Law 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky 19) Brandonb - DEAD??? [?] (killed by Seven) 20) Joe's Student
  4. Mekal


    just click reply and delete the quote tags... then add you vote...
  5. Mekal


    Ya... that is bad... especially since you blew a hole in your own case... Y-54N wouldn't make you do that since none of them are real baddies... so that would make your role pointless... thats my theory... Roster: 1) Frozen 2) Mekal 3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???) 4) onetruth - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 5) Ocular-Enso 6) Kat 7) Crazypainter voting for Joe's Student 8) GC - DEAD [?] (killed by M4F14) 9) Nayana 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty 12) Dawh - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero) 14) taliesin - voting for Joe's Student 15) woon 16) Ben Law 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky 19) Brandonb - DEAD??? [?] (killed by Seven) 20) Joe's Student - voting for Joe's Student EDIT: grammer
  6. Mekal


    when i said i just got some info i ment i just relized somthing... it sounds more high tech ... sorry if i wasn't clear...
  7. Mekal

    well... people killing people in riddles is EXACTLY what brainden is all about
  8. Mekal

    So do you think ill make it past the application now?
  9. hmmm... was the courtyard identical on all sides?
  10. Mekal


    okay... well i just got information that proves that BB is the Mimic... If he was the mafia... he would know if it was a mafiso if a fellow mafia died or another baddie... He would want to make himself look good... however... BECAUSE he was wrong... thats what proves it... but i may be worng... but i am 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% positve...
  11. Mekal


    Do you remember in mafia VI when i broke the rules and posted my PM's... then you made me feel guilty and i said im sorry... your guilt trips are really annoying... i actually started not likeing seven and liking zero... and i also felt sorry for the QA's... CAN"T YOU MAKE THE INNOCENTS SOUND GOOD FOR ONCE!!!!
  12. Mekal

    OH belive me... i am a master pranker... One of my tricks...
  13. Mekal

    nope... not quite...
  14. Mekal

    you got it... well... technically OT got it but he wasn't very clear... the next part is coming soon...
  15. Mekal

    Really???? how??? and CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GUESS??!!?!?!?!?
  16. Mekal


    i wouldn't get rid of SoKristy... i think she is just having voters crisis... but 2aday will probably have to go...
  17. Mekal

    im going to make the ad bigger on my Sig
  18. Mekal

    hey look, another person... EDIT: never mind... they left...
  19. Mekal

  20. Mekal

  21. Mekal

    lol... but you didn't shoot a rocket propelled banner saying M.I.T on it from the endzone of a Yale-BC football game... but who knows... im a senior now so maybe ill just go apply... ( i am so putting that I took an online debate class on my resume)
  22. Mekal

    I was thinking more of MIT... No... but good times... good times
  23. Mekal

    Nope... ??? define that a bit better... but i don't think so...
  24. Mekal

    Mekal slowly noticed feeling creeping into his body...We need you Mekal... a voice said. Mekal rose in a small space, he turned to to side and saw wood, he turned to the other side and saw more wood... then it occurred to him... HE WAS IN A GRAVE! suddenly his coffin opened... 10 days later Mekal still felt weird sometimes... like he was being followed by something... he was at his desk in his expensive mansion when his phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and saw it was from Y-San. The boss of his small detective agency... "Hello" Mekal said... "Mekal? we have a case... do you accept?" asked Y-San. "Just think what my answer will be... I just returned from the grave somehow, and I still feel like I am being watched... Just think..." he retorted. "Good... The serial killer ThunderChicken was killed, he was in a room with many bicycles, 52 to be exact, and the autopsy says he was killed by a shotgun. however, although we are grateful for his death , there was no motive that we could see and no suspect that we could find." said Y-San "well I know the motive... but I still need the suspect" answered Mekal... WHAT WAS THE MOTIVE??? mind you... this is supposed to be a simple start... the suspect part comes later... so thats why it isn't hard.
  25. First off... WHERE AM I? have i not made enough posts to be included in murder story's? JK no but seroisly... where am i ... at the bottom of the pond? here is my guess
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