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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. thanks for your help :D

  2. Mekal

    First off... you are the only one that physically (well... i guess cyberneticly) can host a game this big. second off... im wondering if i should let the big cat out of the bag...
  3. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    lol... sorry about the last day... did anyone notice the randomness of CL getting hit by a tidal wave? if you Wan't ill post the day post now... it was REALLY epic *cough* 20 S.W.A.T storm the boat *Cough*
  4. Mekal

    one of these days i will relize that i can't sign up for 20 games at once... but that day is not today Dungeon Master: Taliesin tongue.gif 1. GC 2. ClozoBozo 3. Slick 4. JS 5. Ploper 6. Janesia 7. Unreality 8. Mekal
  5. I love doing that -when 5 minutes ago you were avoiding doing your homework... 2 hours ago you were still avoiding your homework... 10 hours ago you were making an exuse WHY you didn't do your homework... this message is really to show off my new signature Merkal
  6. and then a giant tidal wave hits them all -when your principal calls your house because they found a list of who to kill and why as a QA on your science notes... (I was grounded for a week!)
  7. i tried to watch heroes... but i got really confused after the first 2 episodes
  8. Mekal

    as of this post... i am officaly avoiding my calculus homework...
  9. Mekal

    Pirate Mafia Signups

    okay... i'm in... i just got back from a stupid campout... so i can join...
  10. Mekal

    Can we chose? is so... i want to be with
  11. Mekal

    I just got back from my campout (which was the biggest waste of time EVER!) and i now i am swmped with homework... but if i can get it done i would love to join though it may have to be tommarow
  12. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    okay, i have to go very soon so i can't post a day post... so here are the roles...\ Framer JS Threatener kat techie Slick hitman woon terrorist bodhi nurse CrazyPainter nurse Frozen SM Ben_law MH GC SA Itachi RC Janeisa RW Cherry Lane PG Jane MT BrandonB
  13. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    Okay, if we have a no contest... ill post the day post in just a second (BUt after my shower) I LOVE suspense So just to see if i should make CSM2 in the future will you guys rate this game on a 1-10? Make sure you post your true feelings...
  14. Mekal

    1. Clozobozo 2. Slick 3. GC 4. Taliesin 5. Kat 6. Slick #2 7. Alyanna (and Melissa if we're going with the split personalities. ) 8. Slick #3 9. Maelgwn ( Taliesin's Double) 10. Woon 11. Mekal 12. Merkal why not join? though i may not be able to be on all the time...
  15. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    Night 4: Bloody Cherry Cherry lane was in her Stateroom hiding in the closet. A little bit ago she had heard someone walking outside her door. Immediately she hid in the closet. Her room was on the first floor of the cruise, and she didn’t have any windows looking out to the sea. In the pitch-black night Cherry lane reached over to the safe on the other side of the closet. She typed in the code and opened the safe, inside was a gun that she had gotten when the captain put the ship on red alert. Unbeknownst to her, the beeping noise was heard by the person that was outside. Cherry Lane heard the unmistakable sound of the door opening up. One of the prisoners walked into the room. The prisoner had heard a muffled beeping noise from the room he/she was outside, and then, knowing that someone knew the prisoner was there, used the master key card that they had retrieved from the deck. The prisoner walked through the room, looking under the bed, in the bathroom, and behind the chair. He/She was about to leave when she saw a glint coming from behind the slated closet door. Without thinking, The prisoner shot through the wood, and heard the sound of an anguished cry. Opening the door, he/she saw the bloody body of Cherry Lane. Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners] 2)Cherry Lane - Killed by [Prisoners] 3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent] 4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman] 5)Itachi 6)GC 7)Kat 8)Frozen - killed by [Prisoners] 9)Brandonb 10)Woon - dead [prisoner] 11) Ben_Law 12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners] 13) Janesia [Left in Cuba] 14) Bodhi Dead [Terrorist] Night 4 has ended. The voting will end early tommarow, more like 5:30 P.M. because I have to go somewhere.
  16. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    okay, i am going to go ahead and post the night post now.
  17. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    ya, i forgot to edit the roster... he is a prisoner though...
  18. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    The death before the storm: The winds were howling furiously. Everyone was standing in the Grand Promenade, waiting to discuss who they should throw off the boat. Many of them had ideas, but none knew for sure. “Well I think tha woon is a baddie” said Ben Law “Well I think YOU’RE A baddie” said woon. “well… I think your both baddies… so which to pick” said itachi san “WOON!!!” came a chorus of voices. Woon was dragged up to out side. The wind was blowing wildely, as everyone looked out onto the sea everyone saw a tidal wave coming up. Everyone ran back, except for Cherry Lane and Woon. Cherry lane was holding onto the railing with one hand and holding woon with the other. The tidal wave got closer and seconds before it hit CL let go of woon and the wave swept him up. When they looked back on the deck, the only remaining person was a soaked CL. Behind her was a dropped gun, loaded and cocked. Sea God:Mekal 1)Crazypainter- killed by [Prisoners] 2)Cherry Lane 3)Slick - killed by [s.W.A.T Agent] 4)Joe's Student- killed by [Room Cleaner - Role Manipulation of Hitman] 5)Itachi 6)GC 7)Kat 8)Frozen - killed by [Prisoners] 9)Brandonb 10)Woon - dead [prisoner] 11) Ben_Law 12) Jane - killed by [Prisoners] 13) Janesia 14) Bodhi Dead [Terrorist] so can you try to end the night as soon as possible... tomarrow i will have to end the day at 6:00 central time
  19. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    sorry about that guys... i fell asleep on my text book... (they are really comfy!) here is the day post
  20. Mekal

    Cruise Ship Mafia

    Okay, i like how i made an extra long day yet people still haven't voted.. Day coming
  21. *cough* The Theater *cough* (thats what it was made for... so people can use it for chatting and not to spam up BD, though BD is alot better...)
  22. When i don't even have to read the name to see who posted this When I stay up till 2-3 at night reading BD. Then catch up on my sleep in english class (did you know that the textbook pages are really comfy?) When you fake being sick so you can skip school and use BD When you fell happy about a hurricane because the evacuees are coming to stay at your school and you can miss it. (despite all the deaths it caused)
  23. hey! i remember this! My very first post was here! good times... good times...
  24. Mekal

    well, now you know you can always turn to us... well... that is if you want your answer in encrypted riddle form...
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