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Everything posted by Anon26

  1. The tongue sticking smiley died
  2. Molly Mae of BD is Yuli of MM. They have unhealthy interests, where names are concerned (e.g Mozzy Mokala) got it?
  3. Whats borda voting ? Edit: leave it, I got it. At first I thought it was Mafia related thing.
  4. Its to early to say stuff.
  5. Dearest Sir, My comment here is due for concidence the word. is allocated for chosen and few and indeed thats why you havent heard,
  6. SO this was co incidence? Pretty heavy concidence I may call. Of all Looney character you have to put Taz in the sueing spot. well...
  7. Anon26

    I bet that 27 26th person to answer, would be able to reply correctly
  8. Hey Aaryan,

    Your profile says:

    Showing 50 random friends of 50

  9. I just understood the part of Taz sueing now! Stupid of me
  10. have inherited Leslie Young Series from Omega Scales!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Auramyna


      Why tf would Anon care who you agree with? He didn't make up the series; he's just helping the guy. And why tf do you go around asking everyone "what's mafia? what's this, what's that?" Look it up. Google is (ostensibly) your friend.

      Curiosity doesn't just ask qu's but seeks answers.

  11. Leslie looked around at the playground. The same playground, with a hot dog vendor with his stall at a corner. A gift shop, a little far off. The main playground weared a deserted look, "Parents have been reluctant to send their childern, and this yet gives another reason for me to find out Stevens kidnapper" thought Leslie. She made her way to the main playground, Suddenly her walkie talkie beeped. "What is there Maggie?" Leslie questioned "Well I just struck upon one thing and thought it might be of importance to you" Maggie replied. "And whats that?" Leslie asked. "It is that Steven's mom was gonna have her birthday next month" her voice came over. Leslie looked up once again to the Gift shop. A thought came to her. "Did you overheard this from you dad?" asked Leslie "Nopes, I have other means as well, dont I?" Maggie boasted, which sent Leslie thinking what could it be? not wanting to prolong the discussion, Leslie cut it short. "I think I just put two and two together, I will call you back" replied Leslie in her childish serious voice. "Hope it isnt 5. and bye" Maggie switched off.
  12. Anon26

    kristmark, that was some good video,
  13. Anon26

    Some of the Mangamaths freak were hilarious and peace, the chicken one was good
  14. Well FB, as a goodie, Once baddies get lynched. You wont find lynches troublesome.
  15. And Akriti, I just posted the Indian time above
  16. You ought to change your interests now. You have now played one game, and playing another.


  17. @Hidden G: Why dont you try sleeping early...waking early?
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