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Everything posted by Anon26

  1. Gotcha peace! there is no save! ha,
  2. the thing to emphasize in peace post is "wasnt needed" molly is Taz then? huh ?
  3. @Peace: When you said you may vote for Cube later, it just gives me another reason to doubt you. @Aaryan: What do you gotta say
  4. Leslie look backed at the Gift shop. her mind was now made. She completed a circle around the shop. Viewing it from all the angles. She cut a leaf from her notebook, scribbled something in her childish scrawl, looked at the paper, frowned, and tossed that paper to a nearby dustbin. She knew what she had to do. The idea was outrageous but that was what only came to her mind. to get kidnapped to find the kidnappers She neared the window at the back wall of the shop. Too high to climb. What does she do?
  5. Cube, I told ya we musnt force Aaryan I suspected Peace just coz Aaryan voted for her. Just her pressure up for now.
  6. Lead Writer: curr3nt Lead Animator: araver 1. Aaryan- voting for peace*out 2. Hirkala 3. Molly Mae - voting for Maurice 4. Anon26 - voting for peace*out 5. KlueMaster - voting for Akriti 6. Peace*out - voting for Akriti 7. Auramyna - voting for TheCube 8. flamebirde - voting for TheCube 9. Medji - voting for TheCube A. Akriti - voting for Maurice B. Thalia - voting for TheCube C. TheCube - voting for flamebirde D. YoDell E. Hidden G - voting for Auramyna F. maurice - voting for flamebirde G. Darth Nox - voting for TheCube For the time being..
  7. As Fb is not here, how about we all pressure peace for now..
  8. We shouldnt force him, (my PoV)
  9. That was the very reason Aaryan, I too had doubts on her, but I coudnt narrow the things as you did, But what I say is that we all group up our votes. Divided votes dont help Goodies. And yes peace. the defence?
  10. Aaryan, I dont susoect you (atleast till now) I was just asking why you were voting forPeace
  11. I will have a hear what Aaryan and Hirk have to say. also day ends at 11pm EDT right?
  12. Lead Writer: curr3nt Lead Animator: araver 1. Aaryan- voting for peace*out 2. Hirkala 3. Molly Mae - voting for Maurice 4. Anon26 - voting for flamebirde 5. KlueMaster - voting for Akriti 6. Peace*out - voting for Akriti 7. Auramyna - voting for TheCube 8. flamebirde - voting for TheCube 9. Medji - voting for TheCube A. Akriti - voting for Maurice B. Thalia - voting for TheCube C. TheCube - voting for Auramyna D. YoDell E. Hidden G - voting for Auramyna F. maurice - voting for flamebirde G. Darth Nox - voting for TheCube Helping mount pressure for mow. May change back to Aura, if votes remained divided
  13. Another thing that strengthen my doubt. I repeatedly have mentioned in my posts that chances for mo are low for being baddy When you just say this thing again, I suspect thing. Also, till now, no one have given a reason to vote for Cube, Medji said he is voting for Molly Mae, thats why. Aura said to mount the pressure. Nox said it is due to insufficient defence. I dont remember FB reason Thalia just bandwagoned.
  14. All goodies. let not are votes remain divided. Mow: should I change to Fb or do you change to AUra, I have a feeling that if not all but that baddies are bandwagoning with voting of Cube.
  15. I mean to say that either Akriti or Aura is a baddy.
  16. Tell you what, the baddies are probably voting for Cube. then there would be a vote manipulation, which would lynch the second most voted person. and Cube would come again under suspicion for the Day 2. @Medji: Why didny you checked the Remember me!?
  17. I think, if Akriti is a baddy, then Aura chances are slim. vice versa
  18. You got a point there KM. I would think over.
  19. ALso, where the hell is peace? I totally forgot about her. I said earliar she too is a potential baddy.
  20. And KM. I am not sure that if we should risk Akriti (is she is a spy) I can go for Medji, nox, Aura and even FB for now.
  21. And hidden G. Dont under estimate KM.
  22. I am waiting for Aura and Aaryan. and Hirk havent been about as well.
  23. Because, I wrote a post when you replied, but didnt voted, almost like: -------------------------------------------------------------- Darth nox, why havent you voted. maybe your baddy freinds have asked you to bandwagon with them hours after they vote. ------------------------------------------------------------- By baddy freind I meant (medji and Aura) When I wrote it, I copied, and refreshed the page. and behold. you had voted for Cube and hence bandwagoning with Aura and Medji. I didnt posted it. But then instead posted that I think you are in cahoots with Aura and medji. Aura, Medji and Nox are my suspicions for now.
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