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Everything posted by OmegaScales

  1. OmegaScales

    I used the logic that you can get rid of a box once it's empty and getting rid of a box decreases the toll, so instead of losing half of the coconuts, you would only lose
  2. OmegaScales

    Did you know that the largest star that we know of is known as VY Canis Majoris? Did you also know it is NOT the biggest object that we know of? Nope. It's YO MAMMA!!!
  3. Yo yo yo wut ^ ma peeps? Just kidding, I'm not street. Anyways, I want to hear some jokes about relationships. I'll start it off. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A woman called in that her husband was missing, and a couple cops came to talk to her about him. "Can you give us a description of him?" "He's six foot four, caucasian, has magnificent blond hair, a chiseled six-pack, and a smile that enchants everyone." Following up on her description, they ask a neighbor about him. "Don't believe her. He's five foot two, bald, has a beer belly, and is missing most of his teeth." The cops return to the woman and ask why she lied to them.
  4. OmegaScales

    If I won jack'o'lantern fish-heads, and my girlfriend Bob won ring eggshells, how many pirahna's did my unicorn win?
  5. OmegaScales

    Did you hear about the fish in the desert? EDIT: typo
  6. OmegaScales

    If someone has the fear of long words, do they say, "I have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia"?
  7. OmegaScales

    I've heard hundreds of idiotic things, but this one takes the cake, money, trophy, and every other prize.
  8. OmegaScales

    Tell her that an invisible monster is on her and that you need her to stay still while you shoot it... EDIT: typo
  9. :lol: I wonder if this actually happened somewhere. :lol:
  10. OmegaScales

    I feel sorry for you, but it is funny. On the topic of personal funnies... When I was a little kid, I made an accident and said, "oops." My parents were there, and my mom said, "What do you say?" So I said...
  11. WHAT THE HELL?!?! I don't understand this at all!!!!!
  12. OmegaScales

    "what is a joke?"

    Knock knock! "Hello, doctor. I have a memory problem." "How long have you had this problem?" "What problem?" Doctor kicks him out. "41 times in a-*knock knock*-42..."
  13. OmegaScales

    I used to be a Naruto fanatic, but now I'm a Fairy Tail fanatic. I also love the Soul Eater anime, and keep waiting for the Soul Eater EX that I made up to come out, continuing their adventures. I think I'm more a Soul Eater fanatic than Fairy Tail, because I keep trying to imagine more stories for Soul Eater... Oh. And I like One Peice.
  14. First, I'm too lazy to check all your profile comments to see if anyone already asked this. Second, in the topic My Google Gadgets in Your Language, is the Slovak vs. Czech thing basically like the American English vs. British English thing? Btw, the Chuck Norris Fact Generator is my fav.

  15. Here's some I've thought of: Chuck Norris once had a near Death experience. Death ran away. Chuck Norris vs. an infinite amount of people. That's not a fair fight. For the infinite amount of people. Chuck Norris CAN pee soup. And magma. Once, Chuck Norris got bored and went to the flourishing planet of Mars...
  16. OmegaScales

    Hmmm... *tries doing a little* "This is the government! We have the place surrounded and will arrest you if you try one more digit!" Oops. "Okay boys, he gets the message. Move out!"
  17. OmegaScales

    Okay. Imagine the same joke, but the guys in Texas and his name is George W. Bush... :lol:
  18. OmegaScales

    A parrot is brought on board a cruise ship that has a magician. Now, as the magician performs, the parrot keeps giving away his secrets. "RAA RAA It's up his sleeve, up his sleeve." One night, when everyone is asleep, the ship crashes into an iceberg, and only the parrot and magician survive. The parrot keeps staring at the magician until he wakes up. Then it says...
  19. OmegaScales

    I saw a fake application form with answers similar to these.
  20. ~Call your boss and say, "Sorry, I just had my vocal chords removed and have to stay home for a few weeks." ~Email your boss saying, "Sorry, but I had an accident and now I have bandages over my face and hands, so I can't use my hands or look at anything. I also cannot use my mouth as it is covered as well, so I have an IV drip." ~"Oooohhh, that was today? I thought it was yesterday so I stayed home today... Why aren't there records of me coming in yesterday? Well I had some friends over and didn't want to leave them alone, so I stayed home."
  21. OmegaScales

    My favorites are 2, 4, 12, 14, and especially 20! p.s. I wish I could use this as an emoticon--> :roflmao:
  22. OmegaScales

    Knock Knock Who's there ! Abbott oop! Abbott oop who? Then go to the bathroom!
  23. I've read jokes similar to this. One of them goes a little something like this.
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