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Everything posted by OmegaScales

  1. Check the times that trains passed by and ask around if anyone saw anything suspicious, such as a car that passed by multiple times lately. Also, try to lift any prints from the window that opens from outside and the one in Sergio's room.
  2. Doors "and stuff" would be made differently so we could get through.
  3. World Pain. All these wars are tearing the world apart politically, emotionally, religiously, and PHYSICALLY!!! All the bombs and other weapons are tearing up landscapes, destroying resources and such, causing major changes to local wildlife. Not just the wars, but expansion as well. Tearing up fields for malls, highways, and all these other moneymaking businesses is HURTING the world, and they claim to want to HELP the world. They relocate animals because they are trying to HELP, but it is because of THEM that the animals are HURTING!!! ... Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, but I'm just expressing my opinions (based on facts).
  4. Giggity GIGGITY!(Family Guy) I always think that when I see/hear Quag-anything. YS makes me think of the word "yes", but I suppose It's better than nothing. I vote for YS. MiKi makes me think of Mickey Mouse.
  5. When you wish you could just sit at the computer all day posting things on BD. When you write notes in the form of riddles. (Actually did that today! )
  6. That is one of the things shifted refers to, the other being the order in which the words appear. Repetitive doesn't necessarily mean they are next to each other.
  7. Is there mud anywhere else in the house, or just Sergio's room? If just in the room, then it is very possible that it is being staged as there would be mud outside his door. Check to see if any shoes in the house may have left the footprints, including what the mother wears/is wearing. If this is the case, either Elena is the prime suspect in the case(A), Sergio ran away(B), or the kidnapper(s) planted the evidence. (A)Confront her and, assuming she caves, arrest her. Interrogate her to find out where he is/what she did with him. If she appears innocent, continue on. (B)He may even have had friends stage it, so ask Elena about his friends. Check his drawers and personal effects as well. (NOTE) Assuming it is a kidnapping, it is imperitive to lay low as police/detective involvement may cause Sergio's death (assuming he's still alive). If there is mud elsewhere or Elena cleaned it up without realizing Sergio was gone, check to see if any shoes in the house may have left the footprints, including what the mother wears/is wearing. Ask if Sergio may have had shoes that match the prints. If there are no matches, take a mold of the footprint and determine what type of shoe it is, and check for anyone who has recently bought some. Also check around the house for anything unusual (a trained eye might find something others miss.
  8. OmegaScales

    Hpw do you get a lawyer in a fridge?
  9. I received an email from someone with the right answer. Someone named Delilah sent it.
  10. First, since I can't get this out of my head, I've played FFVII:Crisis Core, and there are two/three/four people in there who have wings. Well, a wing really but whatever. I just had a thought that different races of the winged humans could have different colored/styled wings. What I originally wanted to say was that our technology would probably have developed differently if we had wings. For example, we would not have invented airplanes since we could already fly. Also, our weapons would probably be different. I can't think of any examples, but you know what I mean. And MissKitten, the point of this is basically to overanalyze what we normally wouldn't.
  11. No. Oh, and one thing I forgot in my last post:
  12. Still no. FYI: Some guesses are close, but either have a flaw, or are not what I'm looking for.
  13. My thoughts, in simple terms: Too much = bad None to not-enough-to-hurt-you = whatever Government = Idiots-who-try-to-stop-people-from-doing-drugs-by-outlawing-them-but-only-cause-more-people-to-get-hooked-on-them-because-people-want-things-that-they-aren't-allowed-to-have
  14. No, Peace. Think more along the lines of people with wings. That would be a wonderous world. One I would surely enjoy seeing.
  15. No. I don't know how to make it any easier than this:
  16. No and no. In form of haiku, a hint you now get.(Yoda) Evolution holds me Though Darwin's theory does not Look in the mirror.
  17. Here's a hint in the form of a haiku: four words ringing clear hints in second paragraph hiding in whole post
  18. The answer is a certain number. Perhaps:
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