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Everything posted by OmegaScales

  1. OmegaScales

    I agree with verymoody and Aaryan.
  2. Not yet. One last hint:
  3. Not yet. I'll give a hint.
  4. Red dives in quick. Green comes out in a second. Orange follows after that. Blue jumps in too. Cyan mixes into I. Yellow finishes me. I want a certain word and how you came up with it. Probably easy if u know this trick, but I did think it up on the spot.
  5. OmegaScales

    For those who don't know:
  6. OmegaScales

    Some I made up on-the-spot.
  7. OmegaScales

    Why did the fowl go across the strip of pavement? And on the topic of "Jokes gone wrong," here's a little bonus. Take caution as exposure to this joke may cause temporary blindness, deafness, vomiting, nausea, and the urge to shoot yourself in the earlobe with a type 14 Nambu semi-automatic pistol . Seriously though , it is rather disturbing .
  8. Good one. I'm not usually a great guesser on tougher riddles, but I find that sharing my thoughts will help lead to the answer. Plus, if I hadn't posted them, it would have bothered me for a long time.
  9. Riddle Me This. I plan on making more RMT's, so I put the 1 on the end.
  10. C'moooooonnnnnnn. Someone guess something......
  11. Treasure waits beyond the reach gold within a hold, remnants of the dead are stitched to keep the living whole. Broken bones among the weeds scattered ‘round and round, where untouched gems wait silently o’er blades upon the ground.
  12. OmegaScales

    I JUST GOT RE:CODED TODAY!!!! Er, yesterday. Tuesday, Jan. 11. Stayed up playing it till I got killed too many times. I preordered it a while ago, and now I get to play it! I just wish ign could have a guide ready for people like me.
  13. OmegaScales

    Best. Game. Ever!!!!!!!!!!!! at least, one of the best. My friend and I started a site where we roleplay as organization members similar to Org.XIII from KHII, and are looking for people to join the almighty Organization Infinity. Check my profile for a link to it. My profile on there is Xenk. I am the Admin cause my friend doesn't really check the site as often as I do. Lately, there has been little to no activity, but more members would probably fix that.
  14. In a lake are fish of many colors and shapes, but all treat each other the same. One day some fish follow a stream and populate another lake. Some descendants of those fish eventually do the same. Over time, lakes, ponds and oceans all over are awash with different colors and shapes of fish. Some of the fish have even become sharks. Each type of fish is different, though some appear to rule over the others in each area of the world. This might be easy, but I still wanted to put it up.
  15. Krystal Waters Blue, green, red, and more. This colored water will flow, I'm sure. In its depths I spy something clear. Why do you leave when there's nothing to fear? I take the crystal from the liquid's hold, and now the water is clear, and not so cold. Looking at this crystal now, I wipe some water from my brow. Not from the water do the colors come, and a realization makes my body numb. For not the colored water holds something clear, but the water holds a colored crystal dear. Staring in the depths of this pool, I found something clear and cool. --- So remember love and pain, the inner you that cannot be slain, and never surrender to the dark, as you are not a minnow but a shark. You may not see yourself so true, though friends and lovers do. Never surrender to any but you, and live your life all the way through. I would just like some thoughts on my poem; emotions, memories, etc., anything you want to say about it. p.s. I don't like how I suddenly changed perspective at the --- mark. Any ideas about that would also be welcome.
  16. OmegaScales

    If a bear walked into a bar holding ten lawyers in his left eye an five gorillas in his mouth, what does he order?
  17. If your wife kills herself thinking that she is still dreaming because you planted the idea in her mind while the two of you were trapped in a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream inside a dream, she is probably right. If the bad guy was originally a good guy, then they were probably corrupted by an idea that the good guy's father gave to the bad guy, and the good guy's father will probably give his life to destroy said bad guy as the bad guy is about to kill the good guy.
  18. Peanut butter and banana sandwich... uh-huh. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.
  19. OmegaScales

    There are two types of people in the world; those who divide people into two groups, and the rest of them.-character on a tv show i watch Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use.-some person i forget It's fun to do the impossible.-Walt Disney And just as a bonus, the age old riddle of why is a raven like a writing desk.
  20. OmegaScales

    Here's what I think. Everyone is born with an infinite amount of possible futures, yet the choices they make narrow down the infinite amount to a less infinite amount, and so on, while other versions of them in different timelines make other choices. It may be confusing at first, so I'll use the die roll example. You go into the future and know the exact result, but when you go back to your time, you get it wrong. Why? You went into ONE POSSIBLE future. Make sense now?
  21. When I start talking about BD because of something I read here comes up in life. When my mom knows all about BD because I keep talking about BD. When you thank BD instead of god. When you start trying to figure out what profile pic would fit every person you know (not just BD profile).
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