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Everything posted by araver

  1. araver


    friend - nothing advise - xo actual - xooo animal - xo amount - xo angles - xx avatar - xx
  2. araver


    friend - nothing advise - xo actual - xooo animal - xo
  3. araver


    friend - nothing advise - xo actual - xooo
  4. araver


    Seems like none at the moment friend - nothing advise - xo
  5. araver


    (I was a little confused by virtues - xo, but could not make any other word with o, r, k, t without u). Ok, then, 6 letters ...
  6. araver


    GREAT - if 1 then T _ _ _ _; if 2 then _R _ _ _. because WHIRL=0 and WHEAT=1 -> _ _ EAT = 1 and TREAT=2 so TR_ _ _=1
  7. araver

    Yes, I am using these rules, I forgot to mention that I also positioned the holes as Anza Power did 0 (hole 12 which I call HOME for simplicity)...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11 Since there in a circle, it makes no difference on the rules and it makes easier computations modulo 12.
  8. araver

    So, CherryLane or dawh, who wants to start a new game? I'm also thinking of a new algorithm, but I'm far from over. Thanks
  9. araver

    Thanks a lot. It's very useful!
  10. araver

    Nice Easter Egg indeed
  11. araver

    @BSUtutor - Also, I found that choosing Courier New as a font works with aligning dots and letters
  12. araver

    OK, I admit, I had a hard time learning the algorithm also. You don't get 40s the first time, you need training Maybe silly children songs could work: I admit I don't have much talent, but it could be turned into a mnemonic ... It's at least plausible, right?
  13. araver

    Is that right? With hindsight I feel like I should have spotted these sooner but somehow they seem to have eluded all of us. I was beginning to wonder if it all hinged on whether the sum of all the ASCII characters was a prime number, or something like that to all three answers. The algorithm is now completely discovered. <J was the rule in fact for both of my booleans (one of the booleans is in fact the opposite of yours). I can count to 10 using my fingers so I considered the first 10 letters of the alphabet to be friendlier(A..I)
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