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Everything posted by araver

  1. araver

    The Evil Mastermind wakes up to find 3 more targets already selected. Oh well, nothing to do but provide the corresponding passwords and OHIO I1I3O4I4 COLORADO L1D4C3L5 INDIANA D0A4N2D5 three more states bite the *radioactive* dust.
  2. araver

    System ignores failed attempt.
  3. araver

    Time to unleash new missiles: NEBRASKA B0K3E3R3 MARYLAND R0N2A3Y2 NEWYORK W0K2E2Y2 The Evil Mastermind nods appreciatively at the progress so far and ponders where do evil masterminds actually congregate. Do they have clubs or something? If they do, they sure must have a sort of membership challenge so one needs to prove his worth before admission. Yeah, definitely.
  4. araver

    The Evil Mastermind awakes to find out someone tried to tamper unsuccessfully with the system. Oh well, that happens, it's all good as long as they don't succeed. Evil Mastermind slaps himself with a trout for not putting a failed-password counter in the system. Nothing can be done now but live with it. One cannot reprogram the system while it's still running... P.S.
  5. araver

    Evil Mastermind strikes the poor inhabitants of North/South*** and then takes a little break. NORTHDAKOTA R0A4O1R5 SOUTHDAKOTA U0A5O1U6 NORTHCAROLINA R0A5O3R6 Edit: Evil Mastermind forgot to use right font, but luckily remembered before getting to bed ---------------------------------------- *** Little did they know while growing up (or moving in) that their states are so prone to attacks
  6. araver

    As requested, the Evil Mastermind strikes again: HAWAII W1I4H1W5 IOWA W0W3O4A3 LOUISIANA U0A6O4U7
  7. araver

    Started - The EvilMastermind Strikes Back Check the link below.
  8. araver

    ... and the game begins: NEVADA V1D3N1V4 MAINE I0E3A0I4 SOUTHCAROLINA U0I6O3U7
  9. araver

    This game thread continues the tradition of the first two games: and One player plays the Evil Mastermind (that's me, replacing the original Evil Mastermind for this game) who nukes the states of the USA 3 at a time, the other players play Hackers who seek to stop the Evil Mastermind. The Evil Mastermind plays by posting commands which activate missile strikes. Each command has a unique password, which is derived from the command by a hashing algorithm. The Evil Mastermind devises a different algorithm at the start of each game, and posts the passwords along with the commands. The Hackers will see the commands and passwords and from this they should try to deduce the hashing algorithm. The Hacker who does this first, and correctly figures out the password to the command "ABORT", stops the Evil Mastermind and wins the game. Anyone can join in at any time as a Hacker. Now hashing algorithms can be exceedingly difficult to crack, but there are restrictions placed on the kind of algorithm that the Evil Mastermind can use: Commands There are 51 commands, these being the names of US states (used by the Evil Mastermind to nuke another state), plus the word "ABORT" (used by hackers to stop the Evil Mastermind). Game Play The Evil Mastermind posts 3 commands at a time, with their passwords. The interval for doing this is undefined, no point in imposing restrictions. The Evil Mastermind chooses the commands, but should generally do requests as soon as possible. Each Hacker may make one guess at the password for "ABORT" each time the Evil Mastermind posts commands. If someone makes multiple guesses in between clues, only the first one counts, but if they make a mistake and correct it, the Evil Mastermind can accept the correction. There is no need for spoilers when guessing the password, although please use spoilers if you reveal the algorithm. The first one to get the password for "ABORT" wins. P.S. Alternatively if you've cracked the algorithm you can just use it to blow up more states if you're that way inclined (**per original Evil Mastermind's rules!)
  10. araver

    Thank you. I'm actually interested in hosting an instance of the game. I'll start pre-processing something right away and get back to you
  11. araver

    Forgot about that clue.
  12. araver

    I know spoilers are not *necessarily* needed, but still want to use them. Awesome game, wouldn't want others to miss the fun.
  13. araver

    Question about something over which a few rules are still unclear: The statement "Then his target marking will be the numbers" is unclear and also examples are not clarifying the following situation: A shooter targets an opponent and shoots him until his opponent dies/flees OR does he change the target according to the target&aim algorithm every time it has a trigger action, even if his target is not down? E.g. team 1: G(1)G(2) team 2: R The Red in team 2 fires on the first G until he dies or does he aim in second 1 at G(1) and second 2 at G(2)?
  14. araver

    Nope, it's not a repeat. As the title says "A mdification to( Hats on death row)". Prisoners can only see the NEXT prisoner in line, not ALL the prisoners.
  15. araver

    Giving up trying to beat 12 Found some nice figures along the way, maybe someone can improve one of the primitives used or reuse smth. :
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