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Everything posted by araver

  1. araver

    This is good. N2 checks out. Let me think about it for a second.
  2. araver

    @Aura - I understand now. Not good with hints. I also understand why you did not understand what vanilla flavor number means. Mine is scattered in all my posts, from D1 up to now. (I was so focused to use it along the way that I forgot adding one up at some point). So, I don't have anything on Peace action-wise. Just the fact that she stayed low enough and contributed mostly nothing in the thread. She could still be an important goodie which is why I'm expecting her to defend. Peace's post that rubbed me the wrong way in particular is this: She is slightly defending Nox, but clearly delimiting herself if Nox flips baddie. So, I'm going with Peace ... all the way, even if she does not respond. @Chaits - hello. If I may say, dropping in exactly after I said: "What's next, Chaits coming on and dropping another vote on Q? Cause this is exactly what happened in D1 on Aaryan. " ... that is a terrible timing. But since your vote is not on Q, but on Peace. So if Peace flips bad, I could count you as a likely Ginny. Of course if there is an apparent tie, yet the day post will not feature a tie, we will have Riddle narrowed down.
  3. araver

    Number of vanilla flavor? And no, separating *all* the vanillas from the action carriers is bad for goodies. We're not there yet though. Now for your vote: REALLY???? You are adding pressure to someone YOU KNOW HE DID NOT HAVE INTERNET ACCESS ... and may still be in that situation??? What's next, Chaits coming on and dropping another vote on Q? Cause this is exactly what happened in D1 on Aaryan.
  4. araver

    That took too long to type, Shadow already answered Thanks. @Peace - in case you do come, the pressure is for you to answer these two questions: 1) Why no vote in D1, especially retreating your vote on Thalia when Aaryan had 4 votes on him? And why not actually pressuring anyone or saying anything in D1? And please don't give me that limited IRL time 2) Why this post: during N2? Why defending Nox during the Night?
  5. araver

    I don't think it's supposed to work if Ginny does not actually work. It would be a weird form of power-playing during the day. Hmm. Better ask the host Question for Shadow: If Ginny does not vote, does Riddle's vote still get doubled? Re:Ron - even Goodies can be inactive / lurking and still submit an action. Not defending Aura here, she has, as everyone voting for Aaryan, put herself in a position of being suspicious. But there is a slight problem with reusing Aaryan's votes in D1: - If Aaryan indeed spied Nox, then Aaryan's vote to Auramyna cannot be attributed to a spy action. - Of course, if he indeed spied Auramyna, then that late vote would make sense, but at the same it would render Harry's kill of Basilisk/Nox as pure luck. I'm kinda more inclined to believe Aaryan indeed spied Nox and his vote on Auramyna was a form of defense (albeit not enough). OP says once Basilisk dies, Baddies choose NK carrier, so not really, we will only see it in the night-post. Pressure is good, otherwise uninformed remain uninformed and informed remain informed. Leaving pressure and going away is bad. Not baddie, just bad for your faction. But since I'm guilty of doing just that (not coming back) in D1, leaving Aaryan open for a bandwagon ... I'm kinda not the right person to speak about that.
  6. araver

    Hmm, what conversation? You mentioned you had a suspicion, then voted randomly? Don't you think there's a slight contradiction in there somewhere? With so little voting, of course there is no conversation. Remaining baddies will just come around silently, place a random vote somewhere and next thing you know someone dies with 2 (max 3) votes on them. @Shadow - thank you. @Thalia - ... or Ron is still alive and blocked Nox.
  7. araver

    Perhaps, though action linking in a night-post is heavily discouraged, so I'd rather think it's just for story purposes. If indeed the statements were linked, this would tell Colin he followed Harry, doubt a host would turn a follow spy in a role spy *shrug* Still, if Colin saw his target's target was Nox, he can safely assume he has found Harry. Which still means it would give the public too much info. So, I don't think so. or is inactive. Inactives are either goodies kept alive by baddies which tend to pick on the active ones OR are baddies lying low. Could be, could be not. Not sure the host would be hinting that blatantly in the night-post. And by the way, you will need to actually vote for him to make him answer that question.
  8. araver

    So, you're kinda saying you got no info to share, right? Any ESP Radar readings on anyone in particular?
  9. araver

    NK Rowling: Shadow7 Random House: Akriti 1. Peace 2. nox - dead; RIDed by Harry N2 and revealed as Basilisk 3. Aaryan - dead; lynched D1 and found to be Hermione 4. Anon26 - killed by Baddies 5. yoDell 6. Thalia 7. Chaits 8. Q-Cumber 9. Slick 10. Araver - voting for Peace 11. EDM 12. Auramyna 13. Segul That was a healthy recovery. Which makes me hug the OOA and the ">>" Starting the day with peace, for no apparent reason other than the fact that I can vote for her and I got a bad vibe from her in Day 1 and her posts so far.
  10. araver

    Ah, now I see what you meant. Right, the difference is semantic. But in Mafia, sometimes, when you're a Goodie, being too subtle gets you killed/lynched if the intended recipients are not reading carefully. *shrug* Sometimes, it's better to be blunt, than sorry. A) Claiming the goodies would lose someone important (i.e. will lose if they lynch you) is hinting at being an important Goodie. In this case, yes, he probably implied he had an (important) action. That is a weak claim though, it can be overseen by others reading ... and it can also be denied later on if people take your word, then comeback with an accusation in subsequent days. It's easier to say "Hey, I never claimed an action" if the formulation is ambiguous. Plausible deniability. "I did not actually say that, you thought that on your own, not my fault. I wasn't lying". B) Claiming you do have an action in a game with 4 vanillas + one unlynchable (which is a passive ability, not an action) is a strong claim that can be demolished in other days by e.g. being blocked in a night where all 4 goodie actions happen and are referenced in the night-post.
  11. araver

    Yes, perfectly warranted.
  12. araver

    We all have a role, only some have actions. Saying you don't want to out your role means claiming you are goodie. Saying you have an action means claiming you are one of 4 goodies with an action out of 9 possible goodies. Goodies have the power to lynch baddies during the day and actions in the night to either get info on baddies or defend against NK or get a NK of their own. Take the actions away, and the Goodie faction is weakened, considerably. Needs at least 2 baddie lynches (or lucky RID Kills) to get back in the game, otherwise it's kinda downhill. I don't know why Aaryan did what he did. If I am alive tomorrow I will pressure you and Aura to get you to at least share some info which you cannot deny later on. *shrug* Unless, as I said, the night-post gives us a suspect who was blocked and a baddie did not act. Regarding the second question ... I would not be speaking that much if I had a lucky action, now, would I? If you wanna re-address that question in D2, I might say more.
  13. araver

    Yeah, everyone has a role. Including vanillas. And that "If I die goodies lose" is the oldest weakest defense in the book. Goodies and Baddies use it a lot, there's no way to tell the difference. In itself, it invites bandwagoning when one says something like that.
  14. araver

    Not more of a target than he already was: - Telling he had an action would not out him as a particular role it's a claim on one of 4 goodie roles which can be verified later on in the game (This is why baddies don't claim having/not having an action early in the game, since it limits their claims later in the game). For Aaryan, this would have dispersed the pressure in D1 - at least one if not more would have voted away from him D1. - He could have managed to sneak in a spy if baddies targeted someone else in N2, as an effect of one of their spies in N1. That single spy could have made a difference. - Claiming to have an action in itself raises WIFOM. Look at that claim from a Baddie PoV ... he could have made the claim to attract the NK to a vanilla instead of a goodie with an action. In any case, he would have escaped the lynch and it would have been a tie or someone else would have been lynched. Looking at the odds from the spy's PoV, there were a lot of vanilla Goodies not to mention 4 baddies that could have been lynched and only three other important goodies with an action.
  15. araver

    Yes and no. Mostly no. See, it would have made much more sense for Aaryan to vote in self-defense on either Segul, Q-Cumber or Chaits who already had a vote on them at that time. Making it 4 vs 2. Then, anyone who would have switched away from Aaryan and to his option in the above three would have made it a tie. Why wouldn't he vote for one of the three to start saving himself? Why vote for another one with no vote on them - Aura? So, no. Nox, and then Aura, are suspicious as targets of Hermione's spy night 1. I do not believe his last words are to be taken serious. In my opinion, there wasn't a clear bandwagon on him. He had 2 pressure votes. All he had to do was say something about himself, like "I had an action last night and it does not help me choose who to vote for". Everyone would have backed off after that claim that can be verified later on.
  16. araver

    Correct. Missed that at first counting. Yeah, this is why I said he was not 100% clear before dying and he could have been more clear. In any case, he did not spy you as goodie, or he would not have voted for you So, you are prime suspect, unless the night-post brings forth other suspect(s).
  17. araver

    Newbie Mafia

    Past signups, which spawned the Trainer's Manual Mafia III which is happening / just happened ---- TMM III 1. Psychosmurf 2. Akriti 3. Kokiri971 4. Auramyna 5. Chaits 6. Yodell 7. --not a newbie-- 8. kristamark1 ---- Signups for a new Trainer's Manual Mafia ... which will be called Trainer's Manual Mafia IV. Anyone who is a newbie to Mafia is encouraged to join and anyone who has played before but still feels he/she wants to play can join as backup first, and will get thrown in after a certain number of newbies (say at least 6) join. Signups: (Newbies) 1. Hidden G - after the 14th of june 2. flamebirde - after the 16th of june 3. JaneDoe23 4. 5. .. .. Backups (people that have played before) 1. KlueMaster 2. Anon26 3. Auramyna 4...
  18. araver

    Correct about the OOA. RID kill >> block >> NK >> redirect >> spy (who will know that they were redirected, but not to whom) But >> is not > >> means left actions happen chronologically before right actions so the right actions cannot interfere with left actions (RID Kill, blocks, NK cannot be redirected, RID kill cannot be blocked, NK can be blocked, etc)
  19. araver

    Yeah, the outcome is bad. Because Hermione spied someone night 1 and Aaryan could have at least mentioned if he voted for Nox after spying on him. Anyway Nox, you are the prime suspect in tomorrow's lynch. Revisiting Aaryan's posts and his focus on you, it does indeed make sense if he had spied you.
  20. araver

    Newbie Mafia

    No game is going to be started, unless there are at least 8, better 10 people signing up for one. I added the date/restriction so that people can warn of inactivity beforehand ... the game is started only after all are available
  21. araver

    Newbie Mafia

    Well, this continuous signup thread just got confusing So, we have past signups, which spawned the Trainer's Manual Mafia III which is happening / just happened ---- TMM III 1. Psychosmurf 2. Akriti 3. Kokiri971 4. Auramyna 5. Chaits 6. Yodell 7. --not a newbie-- 8. kristamark1 ---- And we have new signups for a new Trainer's Manual Mafia ... 1. Hidden G - after the 14th of june 2. flamebirde 3. JaneDoe23 4. .. .. .. EDIT: Which anyone who is a newbie to Mafia is encouraged to join and anyone who still feels he/she wants to play can join as backup first, and will get thrown in after a certain number of newbies (say at least 6) join.
  22. araver

    A redirect is a voluntary action i.e. one submits "Redirect X to Y". I can't answer 100% positively to that other question. Short answer would be yes. Typically >> means some actions already happened when the redirect is played (RID kill>>block>>NK>>redirect) which would mean these actions can affect the redirector role, and the redirector role cannot affect those actions. In which case, this game's OOA means that redirect can only affect spies. This is my interpretation on the OOA and what >> means as opposed to >, but I am making your questions red to get the hosts take.
  23. araver

    JK Rowling: Shadow7 Random House: Akriti 1. Peace - voting for Thalia 2. nox 3. Aaryan - voting for darth nox 4. Anon26 - killed by Baddies 5. yoDell 6. Thalia 7. Chaits 8. Q-Cumber 9. Slick - voting for peace 10. Araver - voting for Aaryan 11. EDM - voting for Segul 12. Auramyna - voting for Aaryan 13. Segul Adding Peace's random (?) vote. She will have some explaining to do when she gets back. @EDM - Sorry, I'll just have to break what Shadow said about me being nice: There is no over-thinking/over-analysing in Mafia. There is however under-thinking. a defense. That is something one should come up on his/her own to prove his/her innocence. That is how it's done in a Mafia game which does not feature only vanillas. That is something you should be able to come up with yourself. Instead of Go Goodies and other non-sensical arguments. You don't really like feedback, yet there it is, plain and simple. The only reason I provided the defense for you is to direct the voting to someone more productive for Day 1. I take your last-line the go-goodies signature) as a proof that you either really can't see right from wrong or are just intrinsically confused about what is happening in a Mafia game during the nights and during the days underneath the obvious layer that everyone can see in the night/day posts and the game thread.
  24. araver

    Not really, I think you're better adding pressure than spreading pressure in D1. Random org between those who have been already voted for. And do you want to address the previous claim that you had an action? Was that a lie? If it was a lie, do you wanna claim a number?
  25. araver

    OK, suspicions on D1 are always founded on little things. But this is not a simple Mafia where Baddies kill and people have to rely on how "baddie" one sounds. We got actions. Lots of them. And an Order of Actions. And our minds to separate the possible for the impossible. Night 1 ----- Hermione spied someone Harry tried an incorrect RID Kill Colin followed someone Ron blocked EDM Basilisk blocked EDM Riddle redirected Yodell to ??? Ginny spied ?? Basilisk killed Anon26 Bottom line: ----- EDM has been double-blocked! All goodies with a role acted. All baddies with an action acted. Order of actions says RID kill>>block>>NK>>redirect>>spy So, EDM is either a vanilla Goodie (4 posibilities), a vanilla Baddie (1 possibility) or Harry (cause RID Kill >> block, at least that's my interpretation of the >>) or Ron (as self-blocks typically still go through even if someone else blocks the blocker). She can't be Basilisk (cause block >> NK and we had a NK) or Ginny or Riddle. The odds of EDM being a baddie are slim. She is not a confirmed goodie as she can still be Malfoy. But the odds are slim. Granted, it does indeed make sense for baddies to block their vanilla (Malfoy) since no action would be lost by that block ... but it's subject to WIFOM. Because if one looks deeper, hypothetically, if baddies block their vanilla in N1 and the goodie blocker gets lucky and blocks one of the other baddies (with an action) in the same night ... this leaves one baddie role with an action not appearing in the night-post. This will get people going for the two blocked persons as possibilities for that baddie role that did not act. This lucky-block scenario would effectively put both baddies on the map D1 ensuring one gets lynched. It's too risky imo. Depends on the experience of the baddie team, but still, too risky to pull off. So, I'm taking EDM to be a very likely Goodie based on night-post and will continue to do so until someone counterclaims that or a night-post provides different info.
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