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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. I've made some assumptions on my spreadsheet but I think they are pretty reasonable ones including assuming that claims that have been made are true since no one has countered. If you think DM is good, I'll go with that. I think if we lynch Molly today, we might be able to win it tonight. Still wondering why he seemed to be offering to out the 3rd baddie. :huh:

  2. 1. @Thalia I believe DM to be extremely good.

    2. It is not important that we lynch Sak. It is important that she reveal her role. She said she's willing to but why hasn't she? What is to be list by doing so?

    She wants roles revealed so she can narrow a claim.

    3. Oh and how are you good again? Serious question, i recall moving off of you, but not why.

    1. OK. Shadow would be my top choice then.

    2. I doubt that she is part of the Mafia. Could be mistaken but doubt it.

    3. You just decided that you were satisfied with my responses. *shrug* I will out if you want but I'd rather not. On the other hand, I figure Molly already knows and I thought you would have figured it out by some of my comments.

  3. HOSTS: Newbie Host and Experienced Host

    1. Sakura-chan


    3. Tralala!

    4. 'Cat'astrophe


    6. Smoth333








    Backup/Mentor/Whatever you need me to be :)

    1. MiKi

    2. Zweefer


    Mentor only

    1. Thalia



  4. Players:

    2. Molly Mae - voting for Darth Nox

    4. Akriti - voting for

    5. tolecnal - voting for

    6. Sakura-chan - voting for Molly Mae

    7. Aura - voting for

    8. maurice - voting for

    9. KlueMaster - voting for

    11. darth nox - voting for

    12. Thalia - voting for Molly Mae

    13.Yodell - voting for

    14. Shadow7- voting for

    15. DarthMask - voting for Darth Nox


    3. EDM - the Grotesquery - Killed N1 by Springheeled Jack

    1. Bong - Lynched D2, found to be Baron Vengeous

    10. curr3nt - Killed N3 by Billy Ray Sanguine

  5. N3: Second Chance

    The Baron's death left Billy Ray Sanguine feeling angry, someone must pay, he had to kill somebody. When he saw curr3nt across the street he smiled, it was not often he was able to kill the same man twice. A moment's work with his razor and curr3nt lay dead. "I love repeat business."


    Skulduggery was very pleased with the previous day and looked forward to finding Vengeous's cohorts. When he saw Thalia he shouted out, "Hey you, I know who you are!" and whipped out his gun. Thalia ran off though and on second thought, he figured she was probably not who he thought anyway. At least he did not waste any bullets.

    . . . Bwahahaha! If only the baddies knew. . .

    @Skulduggery- I thought you were going to stop saying that when you keep missing! :P

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