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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. OK. Didn't go through all of the articles. I see your point.

    Wikipedia: The U.S. Government Accountability Office defines a sweatshop as an employer that violates more than one federal or state labor law governing minimum wage and overtime, child labor, industrial homework, occupational safety and health, worker’s compensation or industry regulation.

    I guess it depends on the violation and the situation. Some people in Bangladesh get free healthcare. That's great. What about everyone else? If money isn't really the issue, are the working conditions acceptable? Is the place they are working in a threat to their health? I'm sure my view is skewed by the media but I'd be interested in actually seeing one and what it is like.

  2. I don't know that much about sweatshops but I think the problem is that they pay such low wages not because it's what the company can afford but because they can get away with it because they know the people are desperate. Lets say that a clothing company decides to employ people in Honduras (just because it happened to be in the link that I clicked). Any numbers at this point are completely made up and may or may not be realistic. The average "employed" person makes $1 a day because that's what their employer can afford (?). This clothing company can pay a lot more than a $1 a day per person but only pays $1.50 because it is higher than the average "income" and the company knows that the people will take what they can get. The people work in terrible conditions because the company can get away with this too. What choice do they have? They can't just demand better conditions because there would be another person willing to take that job with those conditions. Yes. Sweatshops provide income for people who really need it but it seems to me that sweatshop owners are exploiting the desperate.

    EDIT: Like I said, I don't know much about sweatshops so this might all be wrong.

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