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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. Because:

    1. I have no reason to believe that Bong is a baddie.

    2. I think a large amount of the town is frustrated with you and almost doesn't care what faction you are. They just want you dead to avoid another day like this one.

    3. If Akriti votes for you, there will be a tie and no one will get lynched. If anything, I should vote for you to keep a tie but I think the town really wants to lynch Bong at this point.

  2. I believe this is the most recent one.


    1. Bong - voting for sakura

    2. Molly Mae - voting for Shadow7, Sakura, Bong, Maurice, and Akriti

    4. Akriti

    5. tolecnal - voting for Akriti

    6. Sakura-chan - voting for Akriti

    7. Aura - voting for Akriti

    8. maurice - voting for Bong

    9. KlueMaster - trapped N2 by Mr. Bliss

    10. curr3nt - voting for Bong

    11. darth nox - voting Bong

    12. Thalia - voting for Molly Mae (see post 194 for reason)

    13.Yodell - voting sakura

    14. Shadow7- voting sakura

    15. DarthMask - voting Bong


    3. EDM - the Grotesquery - Killed N1 by Springheeled Jack

  3. See, this is why I'm certain something is up. You and curr3nt keep twisting things around. You're trying to confuse people. Nox is the only one who said he knew for certain that Akriti was innocent. You two never said that, and now you are trying to say you did. I'm pretty sure that Akriti and Nox are Valkyrie and Gordon. I don't get why you are still screaming in large, bold letters that Akriti must be innocent, because this argument means she IS innocent, so stop being rude.

    They're not twisting anything. Nox knows that Akriti is not a baddie. All of us can say that. Akriti was blocked last night. That means she cannot be any of the roles that acted. Who acted? Grouse, Skulduggery, Baron, Jack, Dusk, Bliss, Sanguine, and China. That means that Akriti could be Valkyrie, Gordon, Tanith, Bliss, Finbar, Vaurien, and Torment. Bliss has been claimed and I believe Gordon has too (might be wrong). She could have self blocked but I doubt it. That still leaves multiple possibilities for Aki.

  4. Isn't Jack's kill and RID? I already said I could see people faking that. However, like I said, the only way for both of them to be telling the truth is one way. And that's if they are Valkyrie and Gordon.

    Yes. Jack's kill is a RID Kill. People faking what? Who are "both of them"? Do you mean Nox and Akriti?

  5. What? So Molly is bad? I skipped a few pages so where did this happen? a) bring me up to speed re Molly, and 2) We still have a bit less than a day to vote so let's info gather a bit and then I'll swap to Molly if the situation requires it.

    You won't find it in the thread. I just strongly believe that Molly is bad. It's a matter of trust which I don't really expect from anyone at the moment.

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