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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. Bumping the roster. Sorry if I missed one in between.


    1. Bong - voting for sakura

    2. Molly Mae - voting for Shadow7, Sakura, Bong, Maurice, and Akriti

    4. Akriti

    5. tolecnal - voting sakura

    6. Sakura-chan - voting for maurice

    7. Aura

    8. maurice - voting for darth nox

    9. KlueMaster - trapped N2 by Mr. Bliss

    10. curr3nt - voting for Yodell

    11. darth nox

    12. Thalia - voting for Molly Mae (see post 194 for reason)

    13.Yodell - voting sakura

    14. Shadow7- voting sakura

    15. DarthMask - voting Bong


    3. EDM - the Grotesquery - Killed N1 by Springheeled Jack

  2. I'm not Scapegrace.>_> maurice hinted at being Scapegrace. People are defending him blindly, as far as I can tell. And people are still blindly voting for me...again. I'm never going to get to actually play, because people keep killing me.

    Maurice has not hinted at Scapegrace. He was being sarcastic in the post where he said he was and I think he made that pretty clear.

  3. Go ahead and have China spy on me. I'm not afraid of her learning my role. But that can't happen if you make the mistake of lynching me. Lynch maurice, who is clearly being suspicious. The evidence makes him the best choice. The odds that we will kill a bad guy when we kill him is very high.

    Do you remember your role name? Are you still sticking with your claim that you did nothing either night?

  4. @Sakura- Maurice has clearly hinted and your vote for him will not be supported by anyone here.

    @All-As tempting as it is, if Sakura is who she has outed herself as, lynching her won't do us any good. It seems to me that she has clearly outed herself as Scapegrace whether she remembers her name or not as Scapegrace is the only living role who didn't act both nights. Of course, if she's messing with us. . .

  5. On odd nights, Sanguine has a follow spy. This means that he chooses a player and he sees who that player targeted. Let's say that last night, he targeted the player who is Bliss. Sanguine would be told that Player X targeted KlueMaster. He would NOT be told that the player was Bliss or that KM was trapped. On even nights, Sanguine has a role spy. This means that as of last night, Sanguine knows who mo is.

  6. If it's a joke, then what about Molly's vote? It's not cool messing with my records like that. I've got her down as voting for a bunch of people, myself included.

    I try to remember my own, but all these complicated names have thrown me. Did I out myself?O_o Who am I? I don't think I outed myself.

    I'm not sure how you are keeping track but take a look at all the actions. In a spreadsheet, list all the roles, their abilities, and their actions (or lack of) each night. You said you haven't acted at all. How many roles have not acted either night?

    Hey, about the players Bliss traps, are they blocked from acting that Night?O_o


  7. I don't know who Sakura is. If we were both baddies, I would already be blowing up at her right now like I'm sure her BTSC was blowing up in the last game and she would not be talking (or at least she would be saying something different). I'm not familiar with all these terms people use these days. What's a patsy?

  8. CLUE

    FOUR - 1

    FOWL - 0

    SCUM - 1

    ODOR - 0

    OVER - 0

    BLUR - 2

    GLUM - 2

    SLU* - 2 =.= Oh well

    PLUG - 2

    PLUM - 2

    * = T

    Cat +20 WbB +5

    I'm not sure what is going on with the scores here but I'll post them both and let you decide.

    TheCube - 368

    WombatBreath - 272

    Molly Mae - 248

    Fabpig - 162

    Dej Mar - 154

    Hidden G - 142

    kristmark1 - 93

    Aaryan - 65

    Bong - 44

    unreality - 37

    smEEster-Michael - 31

    sks - 26

    Shadow7 - 25

    Cat - 20

    curr3nt - 20

    Shakingdavid - 17

    Quag - 10

    MissKitten - 5

    TheCube - 395

    WombatBreath - 271

    Molly Mae - 238

    fabpig - 162

    Hidden G - 147

    Dej Mar - 134

    kristmark1 - 108

    Aaryan - 60

    sks - 41

    unreality - 36

    Bong - 33

    mEEster-Michael - 31

    Shadow7 - 25

    Cat - 20

    curr3nt - 20

    shakingdavid - 17

    Quag - 10

    MissKitten - 5

  9. Yeah, just not feeling you, bro ( I realize you are a girl, but as I have yet to see gender used correctly, I decided to not rock the boat). You say Molly is trying to out China, then wonder why he's not wanting to get outed. Just seems like you thought you found an easy target to get lynched (and why not Sak-C with her votes? mm mmm, maybe she's your partner in crime, but again mehever)

    @Molly I do feel you, bro (even before you sat on my lap ;) ) Let's get them mean baddies.

    . . . HAHAHA!!!! Careful. You might get bitten. ;)

    I believe I just admitted that I was mistaken about Molly Mae trying to out China. My point is that he claims that China can vouch for him but China can't say one way or another without outing herself. It's easy for a baddie that is spied by China to say that China can vouch for him or her without having to worry about China saying otherwise. It seems strange to me for a goodie to worry about being outed by another goodie. As I am convinced that Curr3nt is not China, I don't why he should be worried about being outed.

    By the way, I double checked all the gender related words in this post just for you mo. I hope you're happy.

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