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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. :o What happened to WombatBreath? Haven't heard from him in a month. It's only 10 for the word here. ;)

    Thalia: 269

    WombatBreath: 268

    JDave: 77

    fabpig: 66

    shakingdavid: 37

    maurice: 35

    'Cat'astrophe: 27

    Shadow7: 20

    curr3nt: 15

    MollyMae: 10

    Bong: 10

    Nana7: 5

    sks: 5

    8 letters


  2. Not this second. :dry: When I'm brushing my teeth. Or rather trying to brush my teeth. I pick it up and then forget that I picked it up. My mind will space out and I'll just completely miss what's in front of me. Why am I explaining this? You're smart enough to figure this out :P

    @MiKi- You forgot Araver and his long posts. :D Every time I see one his or Curr's long posts, I consider jumping out the window.

  3. Welcome to BrainDen Rose! I have those moments too sometimes. I'll be looking for something and it will be literally right in front of me. Like when I look for the toothpaste and I'm holding it. :duh: Hope you enjoy it here.

  4. I love how that's already a given. :lol:

    Not a given. Just probable. :)

    @Sakura- Another option would be to modify this one or Death Note so there are fewer roles but you can keep most of it the same. Your decision.

  5. Sakura- If you make a Mafia that follows the den style (like this one) and is 10 roles or less that doesn't happen to start on a big exam week, I will sign up. MiKi will probably sign up and the size might encourage others to sign up as well.

  6. Sakura- While it is true that this Mafia is smaller than Death Note, it is still a bit on the large size. As MiKi and Shadow mentioned, a lot of us have school taking up a large part of our day. I have played in a Mafia where I went to bed and woke up to 200+ notifications for the game. By the time I got through those, there were another 60 or 70 waiting. As I'm sure you can imagine, it took quite a while to read through it all (especially when Curr3nt and Araver are making their posts whose lengths sometimes make me want to jump out the window). That was in the summer. Now I have a conveniently located window that is sufficiently high off the ground to jump out of. I think your game sounds interesting and I might put it in my signature but it might help if you made it a smaller game.

  7. I was walking around town today and saw some guy across the street playing the violin (more like faking it to a recording but playing a bit anyway). I doubt he was famous but quite a few people gathered around to watch him/ listen. As mentioned earlier, the results probably would have been different if it hadn't been in the subway where everyone has a quickly approaching deadline.

  8. Yeah. I thought that was pretty funny.


    ENGLISH - 0

    DRIVERS - 0

    GALLANT - 0

    TRIDENT - 0

    ANDROID - 0

    NUCLEUS - 0

    ROOSTER - 0

    EXTINCT - 0

    KITTENS - 0

    BEREAVE - 1

    SEVENTY - 0

    LENDING - 0

    BENDING - 0

    WEEVILS - 0

    SPREADS - 0

    CHRONIC - 0

    IMPASSE - 0

    Cat +40 Thalia +17

    WombatBreath: 992

    Thalia: 703

    Maquis: 265

    maurice: 227

    TheCube: 204

    JDave: 179

    sks: 58

    fabpig: 57

    'Cat'astrophe: 93

    Aaryan: 37

    Hidden G: 45

    Yodell: 25

    kristmark1: 10

    benjer3: 5

    shakingdavid: 5

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