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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. That's amazing! and kind of scary at the same time to think about how blind we can be to our surroundings at times. The children notice but we just don't seem to have time to look around. or listen.

    SEVENTY - 1	 GENERAL - 2
    TWELVES - 0	 CATERER - 1
    SEVERED - 2	 REFORGE - 2
    LEVERET - 2	 DELIRIA - 2
    LEVERED - 2	 NUCLEUS - 1
    Score Changes: Cat + 5 and Thalia +40 Hidden G +10

    WombatBreath: 992

    Thalia: 686

    Maquis: 265

    maurice: 227

    TheCube: 204

    JDave: 179

    sks: 58

    fabpig: 57

    'Cat'astrophe: 53

    Aaryan: 37

    Hidden G: 45

    Yodell: 25

    kristmark1: 10

    benjer3: 5

    shakingdavid: 5

    @Fabpig- that's technically the rule but I don't think I've ever seen a host take points for faulty logic here. Your alternative does make more sense though if we decide to give or take points should that happen again.

    New word


  3. Yeah, that would be nice.

    Say our vest is bulletproof. Do we still have our taser? If so, throw the taser at the tiger and shoot felino at the same time, and then shoot the tiger and hope tigrisa doesn't shoot you?

    Felino: You're in my turf now, Detective Dennis. There is no police here. Just you, me, and that lovely woman of mine. (he points to Tigrisa)

    Tigrisa winces, then walks over to Felino. She turns and points her gun at you.

    If we have the bullet proof vest, that sounds like a good plan. Personally, I would rather shoot the tiger and taze Felino. I didn't get an answer to my question about Tigrisa's wincing. Maybe try to talk Tigrisa into turning against Felino. She doesn't seem to be working for him willingly. Maybe use a lot of hand gestures that will give you an excuse to get your hands close to the gun and tazer (if you have it).

  4. 10 Points for finding the word so:

    WombatBreath: 268

    Thalia: 250

    JDave: 77

    fabpig: 66

    shakingdavid: 37

    'Cat'astrophe: 22

    Shadow7: 20

    curr3nt: 15

    Bong: 10

    Nana7: 5

    Maurice: 5

    sks: 5

    4 letters


  5. Okay. This requires some info from other players, since this may get us killed.

    So, I say we gently ask Tigrisa why she's defected to the other side. Like, what are they doing for her that could possibly be better than helping defeat them? And why would she lead us to them in th first place? Does she have some kind of grudge or something?

    Also, I think we should slowly put our hand into our pocket and pull the gun [which is in our pocket, right?] into a position [in the pocket] where we can shoot Felino if need be. Also, are we still wearing our bulletproof armor? [Please let us be wearing our bullet proof armor! *crosses fingers and prays frantically* ] If we are, then we can shoot Felino and if Tigrisa shoots us back, we'll be fine. Again, though, this could get us killed, so I need at least one or two other people's opinions.

    First paragraph sounds good. 2nd one, I think reaching for a gun slowly is dangerous. More time for Felino or Tigrisa to notice. They'll probably be watching you carefully. Don't they also have a tiger?

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