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Posts posted by Thalia


    SPLENDID - 1

    STRAIGHT - 0

    ASSAULTS - 1

    ARSENICS - 2

    ABSENTEE - 1

    ARROGANT - 0

    UNSEEMLY - 2

    BASEBALL - 1

    DILEMMAS - 2

    TENESMUS - 1

    STRAYERS - 0

    MANEUVER - 1

    STREUSEL - 1

    CAROUSEL - 0

    FAITHFUL - 1

    ENDEMISM - 3

    Molly Mae +5 Cat +10 Thalia +16

    Thalia: 285

    WombatBreath: 268

    JDave: 77

    fabpig: 66

    shakingdavid: 37

    maurice: 35

    'Cat'astrophe: 37

    Shadow7: 20

    curr3nt: 15

    MollyMae: 15

    Bong: 10

    Nana7: 5

    sks: 5

    I find it funny how Maquis gets so close when it comes to the meaning. :D

  2. 1 giant monkey=5 times avg weight of 3 monkeys

    so giant monkey : 4 monkeys = 5:8

    :duh: Oops. Average isn't total weight.

    If the average weight of 4 monkeys in the bag before the giant monkey goes in is x, (4x+y)/5 monkeys=2x if y is the big monkey. Solving for y gives 6x. So wouldn't it be giant:4 small = 6:4 or 3:2?

  3. If I remember this right, there are several different actions that you can do during the day but they have to be supported by a majority. You propose an action:

    Action Target [Your username] [PRO #] Names [CON #] Names

    So if I wanted to spy you and you didn't want that, it would look something like this:

    Spy flamebirde [Thalia] [PRO 1] Thalia [CON 1] flamebirde

    This reads: Thalia wants to spy flamebirde. Supported by Thalia. Opposed by flamebirde. Something like that.

    It's been a little while so that might be a bit off but I think that's what the format was. Does that make sense?

  4. ???E????

    SPLENDID - 1

    STRAIGHT - 0

    ASSAULTS - 1

    ARSENICS - 2

    ABSENTEE - 1

    ARROGANT - 0

    UNSEEMLY - 2

    BASEBALL - 1

    DILEMMAS - 2

    TENESMUS - 1

    STRAYERS - 0

    MANEUVER - 1

    STREUSEL - 1

    CAROUSEL - 0

    FAITHFUL - 1

    ENDEMISM - 3

    Molly Mae +5

  5. I'm having the same issue with spoilers and doing the same thing you are. Anything with a drop down menu is not working. I don't see any options in the reply box unless I click the more reply options button. Well, guess it's time to start learning command codes.

    @Fb- If you clear out the history on your computer, it might log out for you.

    EDIT: It won't let me change the theme either. It just refreshes the page when I click it. Hopefully it's just a short term issue.

  6. hey MM,i'm using mozilla firefox... u think it has to do with a setting on it or something or an update i need?... although i tried accessing with my phone i could use spoilers even on regular ip board mode...

    it's just on my laptop...

    and a big thanks to thalia for her help.. sry for the trouble:)

    and i will try to contact him if things don't work out:D i am compelled to try that, see if he responds:P

    and no i'ld rather NOT learn all the coding :P

    No problem! I know Rookie has been around lately. I guess just not here.

  7. ???E????

    SPLENDID - 1

    STRAIGHT - 0

    ASSAULTS - 1

    ARSENICS - 2

    ABSENTEE - 1

    ARROGANT - 0

    UNSEEMLY - 2

    BASEBALL - 1

    DILEMMAS - 2

    TENESMUS - 1

    STRAYERS - 0

    MANEUVER - 1

    STREUSEL - 1

    CAROUSEL - 0

    FAITHFUL - 1

    Molly Mae +5

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