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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. Kestrel, any relationship takes time. No one goes from meeting their boyfriend/girlfriend to having a strong relationship over night. As for the French, thank God for Google translate. :lol:

    BMAD, I tend to lean towards believing there is no sentient alien life. Wouldn't say that I'm completely sure of that.

  2. Obliged. This is the way most religious people should see things.

    Evolutionists will argue that since the universe is theoretically infinite, an infinite number of circumstances may happen at any given place. This is entirely possible, but I think there is too much out there, unexplained, for there not to be a driving hand. Now, how beneficial and human-loving this hand is, is where most of religion lies. Trust me, if there was something - an instance of God speaking to me - I would love to throw myself wholeheartedly into religion. Unfortunately, no such event has occurred to me; and I also question everything. Faith is not my strong point, but I respect you and Kika for having it. FB, what you have is cool, too, but don't try to argue with a religious person. They have their own beliefs, you have your own. Neither is provable or disprovable, it's simply a matter of our own individuality giving us either the ability to be strong enough to have faith, or the ability to be strong enough to QUESTION faith.

    One of my teachers has suggested that faith/being religious is genetic. Not faith in a specific religion but in general. I don't know that much about genetics so I have no clue whether that's true or not.

    I wouldn't say questioning what you believe is a bad thing. Sometimes, what you find in the end just makes your faith stronger. Having faith doesn't mean you don't question it and never have/will. You may not come to the same conclusion that I did but at least you're thinking. If you never questioned or thought about your beliefs at some point, I'd be a little concerned. . .

  3. Sadly, no such revelation has occurred to me.

    I don't expect you to believe in God just because I do. That's just the reason I believe in God instead of Allah, Zeus, etc. Something to think about though: you were talking about things being explained by science. Maybe you can explain everything by science. But what makes science work together the way it does? There are all these scientific laws/rules/etc. But they all work together just right so that we exist. Let's say you believe the Big Bang Theory (not saying I don't). There's a giant explosion that creates the universe and everything ends up where it is now. Earth isn't too close to the sun that we burn up or so far that we freeze. The atmosphere is just what we need to breathe. Gravity hasn't crushed us. If you believe in evolution, the first organism/cell/whatever found just the right environment it needed to survive. Then you've got all the "random" mutations it takes to get to us. So you could say that we're having this discussion because all these "random" events and mutations happened by chance. But that is a h*** of a lot of random events/mutations that worked out exactly the way they needed to lead to us. That doesn't prove that God exists. However, I find it difficult to believe that there isn't something out there driving all of that. Maybe you still believe there's no god/creator/being behind our existence. Your choice. I won't try to force God/my beliefs down your throat.

  4. what makes you believe that God is real and not, say, Zeus or Allah or whomever?

    Personally, the original reason I believed in God is that an adult told me he existed when I was little and, being little, I took their word. But over time, I've listened to people talk about their experiences with God and seen it with others. I think I've seen Him get me through a lot of stuff the past few years that I don't think I'd have been able to make it through alone. You could say that I got through them because I worked hard, or just because believing in a higher power has some effect psychologically, or that there were coincidences involved, but when I put it all together, those reasons just don't work for me. But if I had to give just one reason that I believe God is real, it would be that He told me so. Audibly.
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