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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. "Random"=R=Random answerer

    T=Truth teller


    1. To #1: If I ask 2 if he is random, what will he say?

    -Answers- 2 is not random- go to question 4
    -No answer- 2 is random- go to question 2

    2. To #1: If I ask 3 if 2+2=4, what will he say?
    -Answer will be “no”- go to question 3

    3. To #1: Does 2+2=4?
    -Answers same as question 2- 1L, 2R, 3T
    -Answers different from question 2- 1T, 2R, 3L

    4. To #2: If I ask 3 if he is random, what will he say?
    -Answers- 1 is random- go to question 5
    -No answer- 3 is random- go to question 6

    5. To #2: Does 2+2=4?
    -Answers same as question 5- 1R, 2T, 3L
    -Answers different from question 5- 1R, 2L, 3T

    To #2: Does 2+2=4?
    -Answers same as question 1- 1L, 2T, 3R
    -Answers different from question 1- 1T, 2L, 3R
  2. Hope I didn't mix up the questions after rearranging them a billion times. . . :wacko:
    If non yes/no questions are allowed. . .
    1. To #1: What is 2+2?

    -Answer- #1 is random answerer- See question 4.
    -No answer- See question 2.
    2. To #1: If I ask #2 if 2+2=4, what will he say?
    -No answer-#2 is random answerer- See question 3.
    -Answer- The word given in answer means no.- See question 3.
    3. To #1: Does 2+2=4?
    -Answers same as before- #1 is liar- if no answer to question 2, 2 is random answerer, #3 is truth teller. If answer to #2, switch #2 and #3.
    -Answers with different word- #1 is truth teller- if no answer to question 2, #2 is random answerer, #3 is liar. If answer to #2, switch #2 and #3.
    4. To #2: Are you the truth teller?- Given answer means yes. -See question 5.
    5. To #2: Does 2+2=4
    -Answers same as before- #1 is random answerer, #2 is truth teller, #3 is liar.
    -Answers with different word- #1 is random answerer, #2 is liar, #3 is truth teller.
  3. In any set of 3 consecutive numbers:

    One of them will be a multiple of 3. When you cube the number, there will be a factor of 3*3*3. 3*3=9. All multiples of 9 have the property that the sum of their digits is divisible by 9.

    One of them will be 1 less than a multiple of 3 (3x-1). All cubes of (3x-1) have the property that the sum of their digits is 8 (if you keep adding until you get a single digit). 1^3 =1. 9-1=8.
    One of them will be 2 less than a multiple of 3 (3x-2). All cubes of (3x-2) have the property that the sum of their digits is 1 (if you keep adding until you get a single digit). 2^3=8. 9-8=1.

  4. is it essentially a permanent block?

    If by permanent block, you mean they're blocked til the end of the game, no. Just for the one night. Unless they have the misfortune of being killed the same night. Death is rather permanent. . .

    • Upvote 1
  5. hey Thalia - dont know about less focus on definition. The fifth is actually four different definitions of the same word. There are certainly mere discriptive clues. But generally these are two line What-Am-I's. Of course with a little wordplay most of which is a more literal meaning vs the idiomatic meaning/common use of a phrase. Can think of two instances where the wordplay is different. One of them already discovered by Wilson in the first clue - "'tis the sound of" hinting at a homophone. And a different instance in the sixth one. Hope that didn't throw you off...too much.

    Maybe I worded that poorly. I meant the whole line isn't necessarily strictly a definition. More of a description in some cases, as you said.

  6. I'd go with simple mafia, no vanillas. I think it kind of sucks to get stuck with a vanilla role. Maybe others see it differently. *shrug* As for new players, won't know until signups.

  7. can see = can see through veil, or eyes uncovered.

    still on the loose= loose fitting, not figure hugging

    bearing testimony = having to wear something that shows your beliefs, or woman of a certain group/ age.

    Ohh. So less focus on definition. Hmm. .

  8. How did Mr. Kaufman handle the lawsuit? You said he was an old family friend. Did his relationship with your husband change after the lawsuit?

    Who knew about your husbands dreams (armor stabbing him in heart)? Did anyone else know about the fake duels you mentioned?

    Questions about the trophy room. Sorry if you already answered some. Who has been in the trophy room/would have known about the armor? Is it locked?

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