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Posts posted by Thalia

  1. ?EM??
    BEANS - 1 ROADS - 0 REVEL - 1 MELTS - 1
    REAMS - 1 FEARS - 1 BEAMS - 1 DUSTY - 0
    READS - 1 SENDS - 1 SEAMS - 1 TEMPO - 2
    BOOKS - 0 MEANS - 1 QUOTE - 0
    REEDS - 1 DELVE - 1 MEMES - 2
    curr +5 TheChad +5

  2. ?E???
    BEANS - 1 ROADS - 0 REVEL - 1 MELTS - 1
    REAMS - 1 FEARS - 1 BEAMS - 1
    READS - 1 SENDS - 1 SEAMS - 1
    BOOKS - 0 MEANS - 1 QUOTE - 0
    REEDS - 1 DELVE - 1 MEMES - 2
    curr +5

  3. ?E???
    BEANS - 1 ROADS - 0 REVEL - 1
    REAMS - 1 FEARS - 1 BEAMS - 1
    READS - 1 SENDS - 1 SEAMS - 1
    BOOKS - 0 MEANS - 1 QUOTE - 0
    REEDS - 1 DELVE - 1 MEMES - 2
    curr +5

  4. ?E???
    BEANS - 1 ROADS - 0 REVEL - 1
    REAMS - 1 FEARS - 1 BEAMS - 1
    READS - 1 SENDS - 1 SEAMS - 1
    BOOKS - 0 MEANS - 1 QUOTE - 0
    REEDS - 1 DELVE - 1
    curr +5

    @Brainy- So far, all I can find for "zonds" is the name of a Soviet space mission which I believe is a proper noun. Do you know of another meaning?

  5. Hi katara, welcome to the Den! Hope you enjoy it here. When you get a chance, you should check out the games section (along with the riddles and logic puzzles of course). We're always looking for new players in the various games. Especially Mafia. Again, hope you have fun here.

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