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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. MissKitten

    Sholay Mafia

    Hosts: KlueMaster and Auramyna Players: Z. flamebirde - voting for Hirkala 1. MiKi - voting for TheCube 2. TheCube - voting for self 3. Bong - voting for TheCube 4. Akriti - voting for Hirkala 5. Zweefer - voting for Miki 6. Thalia - voting for Miki 7. Nana7 - voting for Bong 8. darth nox - DEAD - Killed by Gabbar 9. Hirkala - voting for Bong X. yoDell - voting for TheCube Voting for Cubie for largely the same reason as yodell: What if the baddies spied their own because they knew we would think that they wouldn't? Which means that the baddies probably are not very experienced, since experianced players would know that at least one player would see through their ploy. But then they're also not noobs, since they probably wouldn't be able to come up with this. So my best guess for players who are baddies is: 1. Nana 2. Bong But then I start to take the possibility of heavy WIFOM into account, which makes me start to think that Hirk is a baddie. But I don't do very good with WIFOM, so I don't think I'll go down that route yet.
  2. MissKitten

    Kudos to fabby, MM, and Thalia for getting those others. I seem to not be able to catch these before you guys!
  3. MissKitten

    Sholay Mafia

    Very nice, Klue. One of the sadder scenes, wouldn't you say?
  4. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    Am I the only person who doesn't get MM's?
  5. @aaryan I can't quote your post, but I loved that scene. It's one of the few I like in the movie because it doesn't deviate from the book much. I loved the book, and the rest of the movie just wasn't up to the standard that the book was at, IMO. However, that could be just me, since everybody else who's seen it loved it.
  6. MissKitten

    Oh. Sorry! I'm sure I can find some way to get the parents to let me on for the posts.
  7. I second that motion! I love that song. It's on my top 5 list.
  8. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    He was so fast, he tied with Chuck Norris in a race. Now he's in the hospital, recovering from a roundhouse kick to the face.
  9. A lot of problems have come up ever since BD changed its look. Anybody know why it changed in the first place?
  10. TREE If 2, then -R-E proven because ---E already proven TAME=1 so, T--- disproven KNEE=1 so --E- disproven
  11. MissKitten

    Actually, could we bump the cycles back about an hour or so? I don't think I'll be availableafter 9-ish CDT.
  12. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    TMM-VII Host: ??? 1.Bong 2.mboon 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. ... Backup/ Mentor 1. MiKi 2. 3. I think I'll try my hand at mentoring.
  13. Whoa, it's like Facebook...... kind of.......

  14. The first thing you do when you get there is open the fridge and see what looks good. [i hope to reach this point with my friend soon...]
  15. Whoa..... I thought the new site was just Google Chrome screwing with my head, but whoa.........

    1. MissKitten


      Yeah, some of the stuff is really messed up, and will take time to get used to. Although the look of it is cool. *drools over epic-ness of skin while completely ignoring all the other faults*

    2. MissKitten


      Yeah, some of the stuff is really messed up, and will take time to get used to. Although the look of it is cool. *drools over epic-ness of skin while completely ignoring all the other faults*

  16. MissKitten

    Yay! Just one more person! Oh, how I've missed mafia.
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