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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. MissKitten

    Wow, you guys are making me feel so smart today. Thanks, guys!
  2. MissKitten

    I get edit: Stupid spoiler
  3. MissKitten


    Nah, I haven't gotten it yet.
  4. Nah, I would never do the stuff I do here IRL. If I ever got hold of a taser IRL, I'd probably run around screaming like an idiot while holding it at arm's length.
  5. MissKitten

    Yeah, Mercury seems right. OOC: It's amazing how much you two post on each other's accounts...
  6. MissKitten

    Sholay Mafia

    Good game all!
  7. @thalia I know. My reasoning still stands, though. @cavenglok You know, you really should never have introduced the taser.
  8. I know! I'm surprised too! But in order to maximize the use of the taser, we have to wait. Cuz if we use it now, we get absolutely no information, and with no information, we don't have any leads. Without leads, we have no more suspects, and with no more suspects, we can't use the taser. However, if we wait and get information, we can use the taser on Nick, and still use it on other suspects. Planning for the future, see? *mutters to self* Now, if only I could be this good in mafia...
  9. Sympathize with him. The taser is to be used later. Much later.
  10. We women take offense at that!
  11. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    Weird, they're still there for me...
  12. MissKitten

    Music Mania

    THE VOICE IS AWESOME!!!!! Sorry, it's just so amazing to know that other people watch it, too. I was starting to get worried that I was a choir nerd. *shudder*
  13. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    @mo There are little "up arrow, down arrow" type things at the bottom right hand corner before the sig. The "up arrow" is the + option; the "down arrow" is the - option.
  14. MissKitten

    As seen by your name.
  15. MissKitten

    Sholay Mafia

    Ah, well, there's no way I can stay up that late, so I'll probably check back in once or twice, and that's it until tomorrow. So I hope my fellow goodies think about what I said, and realise that my death would be a bad thing.
  16. MissKitten

    Sholay Mafia

    Hosts: KlueMaster and Auramyna Players: Z. flamebirde - voting for Miki 1. MiKi - voting for Anon 2. Anon26 - voting for Miki 3. Bong - voting for Nana7 4. Akriti - DEAD - Killed by Gabbar 5. Zweefer - Miki 6. Thalia - abstaining 7. Nana7 - Miki 8. darth nox - DEAD - Killed by Gabbar 9. Hirkala - voting for flamebirde X. yoDell - voting for flamebirde Sorry anon, I don't have anything against you. I don't think that anybody else is going to vote for you, and I'm not going to vote for flame since there is a slight risk of a tie, and I figure, if I'm going down, there's no need to take another goodie down with me.
  17. MissKitten

    Sholay Mafia

    If Gabbar were to die at night, would he still carry out the NK the next night? I don't quite get why I'm being accused of being a baddie. I only voted for Cube because I thought spying one of their own would be a likely baddie ploy. I have stated that I was not doing any heavy logicking or whatever, and was not taking the possibility of WIFOMing into account. I would also like to point out that many of the votes on me were a result of a random bandwagon. I didn't want to vote for Hirk because I wanted to save him from death, I voted for him to have some chance at saving myself, as I have said previously. I was not able to defend myself because a bunch of stressful stuff came up IRL that I wasn't aware of until the last moment, and so I wasn't abel to come up with a better defense. By my thinking, we've already lost two goodies, and there's a high chance that they're important. I obviously can't claim a role, so I don't have the chance to prove nobody can counter-claim me, but trust me, I have an important goodie role. Also, nana, the last time you tried to accuse somebody of being a baddie because of D1 implications, in TMM-VI, he turned out to be a goodie. I would just like to bring that up. Looking at shoddy defense above, I can tell that I will probably be dead before tomorrow, so I'm just getting this out in case I die: goodies, you need to act! edit: My vote is coming in a minute.
  18. Hmm, let's see... 1. Do you know if Oliver had any enemies? 2. Do you know if your daughter had any enemies? [Oliver could've been killed to emotionally harm Eva...] 3. Do you or your wife have any enemies? 4. What is up with the carpet? Max is Eva's dad, right? If anybody else wants to add something, feel free.
  19. MissKitten

    Should we really let cavenglok help us on this? Nothing against you, cavenglok, but you know the answer and everything already...
  20. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    @canadola *whispers* There's a new one now: Everything is WIFOM...
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