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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. How does coffee relate to mate? Just wondering...
  2. MissKitten

    TMM VI: Braveheart

    And who might you be mentoring, Aaryan, so we may put our votes on them to indirectly lynch you?
  3. MissKitten


    ????? FAVOR-0 EVERY-0
  4. MissKitten

    TMM VI: Braveheart

    Well, since Aaryan insists, I BLAME SAKURA!
  5. MissKitten

    TMM VI: Braveheart

    Ah, you guys are getting exam results in? Well, good luck, Anon.
  6. MissKitten

    TMM VI: Braveheart

    So how are my fellow goodies this fine night?
  7. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    *ominous voice* I predict Mo wins this round, simply cuz he manipulated the words so cleverly.
  8. MissKitten


    Oh! Wow... Okay, new word: ?????
  9. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    Living chiefly on cheese, I pathetically compared my life to that of a mouse.
  10. MissKitten

    TMM VI: Braveheart

    Suuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrre..... Haha, jk! The baddies were good. Especially zweefer. He had us all believing he was a goodie, and that threw us all.
  11. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    Kudos to quag on figuring out how to tie in the zombie apocalypse with cheese!
  12. Ooh, yay! Case Closed is awesome, too! I really need to start watching that again. Maybe after I get a little farther into Bleach.... Oh, are you putting it on MM? Hmmm, I'll need to resurrect my account there...
  13. MissKitten


    KAZOO? The only word I know that has the ?A?OO pattern....
  14. Yeah. I just don't get around to checking my MM a lot. Maybe it's the lack of amazing brain teasers? Or maybe it's because I never quite figured out how the heck to maneuver around the forum... But that sounds like a pretty sweet mafia idea. If there's gonna be a detective faction, you have to put L in it, and possibly non-Kira-Light. And the anime baddies could have Aizen. But you probably have those already, don't you? You know what, I think I'll just shut up now. On a completely unrelated note: w00t! MY 1000TH POST!!!!!!!!! And it only took me almost two years to get here!!!!!!! Hehe....
  15. MissKitten

    TMM VI: Braveheart

    Uh-huh, zweefer. Whatever makes you happy.
  16. Aah. Thanks. Do you think we could resurrect those two mafias here on BD? I don't really get onto MM much, so if there was a mafia there, I would probably miss it.
  17. MissKitten

    TMM VI: Braveheart

    *maniacal laugh* MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Oops. I'm sorry. I don't usually let her out.
  18. MissKitten

    TMM VI: Braveheart

    Ah, nana, could you be the third baddie trying to get in our good books? It's not unheard of for a baddie to out their fellow baddies in order to appear to not be a baddie, is it now?
  19. MissKitten

    TMM VI: Braveheart

    @Bong Not defensive, just preparing for potential periods of inactivity. [For more info, see below] @Zweefer I wasn't planning to. I just wanted to get it out of the way. @everybody As school is starting soon [very soon! *dies of stupidity*], I will most likely be inactive for the majority of the day. I will probably be able to get on between 5:00 PM CDT and 9:00 PM CDT. So if I am ever accused, I will throw up a relatively last minute defense. This happened to me in Sholay Mafia and ended in a baddie win, so I'm not keen to repeat that experience. Just getting this out of the way beforehand.
  20. Have we ever had a Bleach or Death Note mafia? Because I know there are a lot of anime/manga lovers out there, and these are the only two that I am [currently, there will be others later] obsessed with.
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