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Everything posted by MissKitten

  1. MissKitten

    Newbie Mafia

    I could put my name down as a backup, if the other players don't object. I know I'm a little experienced, but... *shrug*
  2. I feel like I'm intruding on an inside joke...
  3. Nice. Hiding in plain sight. Clever, bellerophon.
  4. MissKitten

    Nah, it was nothing, my brain was just on a different airwave that day. You've stumped me with this one.
  5. MissKitten

    Yeah, there are a couple big mafias signed up that need players. Maybe I'll go join.
  6. MissKitten

    But if you don't approve, you can block the third party, right? Plus, if there are a lot of people in the convo, then it would be a hassle getting them to agree to adding another person. And besides, in a private convo, I don't think anybody would add a third party without both sides' approval anyways.
  7. MissKitten

    We welcome you, Sakura-chan. If you want to join us in the convoluted world of mafia, there's usually a couple of threads on the first page of the games forum.
  8. Needles hurt. *whimpers*
  9. Ah.... *looks around while waiting for someone to come up with a decent cover story* Why don't we just wing it and hope you aren't evil enough to make someone ask us what our cover story is? Hehe....
  10. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    Really? Wow. Um, let's see....How about: I have a personal stalker...
  11. Bumping this. It's been a while and I'm anxiously awaiting developments.
  12. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    Ah. Thanks, fabby.
  13. On my two-year anniversary, I'm thinking of changing my member photo. I'm wondering, should I change it to a pic of L, Light, Ichigo, or Nova?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MissKitten


      I just noticed you didn't comment on Nova. Does that mean anything in particular?

    3. Molly Mae

      Molly Mae

      I thought my "Bleach is ick" covered that....

    4. MissKitten


      Ah. That it does. ALthough I still think Bleach is awesome.

  14. Found through the google gadgets, but it took me a few months to actually create an account. Don't know why it took me so long, since creating an account was the best decision I have ever made! Thanks, rookie!
  15. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    What exactly is a "blue" post? And maybe I'm missing something, but who's Yuli?
  16. MissKitten

    Hola, LJ. Long time, no see!
  17. MissKitten

    One Up Me

    A funny thing happened on the way to the forum... MoMa's posts started making sense!
  18. MissKitten

    I have a feeling there's gonna be a P in there somewhere...
  19. Um, for a disguise, maybe wear a dark hoodie and jeans? But that depends on the temperature, cuz if it's hot, a hoodie'll look out of place. So what's the weather like? Then we can come up with a suitable disguise. For the cover story, I'm at a loss. Any ideas?
  20. But you still have to keep the =, correct? And then you can just memorize the tags and use those, right?
  21. Definitely go to the meeting, but make sure you're in disguise. Have a good cover story ready, and make sure you have your gun and/or taser on you.
  22. MissKitten

    It's probably a bit easier or something though. Because you can eliminate a whole lot of letters, and you don't have to do complicated logicky stuff to score points, so it's easier to get onto the scoreboard. Anyways, my guess: ABUNDANCE?
  23. Hey! Congrats! Moderate fairly!

    1. plainglazed


      thank you MiKi - will be fairly moderate for sure

  24. Weren't we able to not have to use the titles before? Why is it different now?
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