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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Wilson

    Hey hugemonkey. Good to see you back. I'll rush in for No.2.
  2. Been looking at this all morning..jeez it's a toughie!
  3. Wilson

    Hey,hey. Found one peace!
  4. Hey, hey. Think I've got one.
  5. Wilson

    And ahoy matey, I actually know what a plimsoll is. I suspect you meant the shoe and not the hull mark. Yes Sir, meant the shoes. They are more commonly known as gutties over here. A step in another direction now. Seeing as this is Earth Day.....
  6. Wilson

    Was thinking ...sick as a dog. Will have to gnaw some more on this bone.
  7. Wilson

    Wow Chic! Poop, poop, gotta be it!
  8. Wilson

    [spoiler='1Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. Above all, thou shalt not be a bystander. ']Conscience?
  9. Wilson

    "In other words, sans God there is no right or wrong and no good or bad. " Nah, I'm not wearing that! With or without a god , good and bad do exist (ask those on the receiving end). Is it not therefore logical/reasonable that we have morality to help keep the bad in check? As for the Parent/Tot....kids have to learn to be truly bad not vice versa.
  10. Don't laugh, I'm none too sharp at maths...
  11. Wilson

    Help me out here guys, I'm just a simple grunt. Morality and logic/reason... are they not one and the same? True morality surely shapes the society that we live in, gives laws that should punish those who operate outside of that framework, thus providing protection/security. No morals or flawed morals would leave most of us f****d. Seems like logic/reason to me.
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